I used to think negotiation was normal.

Expected, even. Each time someone wanted to work with me, I'd flex my prices and adjust my terms. I thought being amenable meant being professional.

I thought successful people were master negotiators.

But I was running on old software.

Negotiation is the opposite of power. It comes from lack. From thinking you need to convince people to work with you. From believing your worth is up for discussion.

That's not the way.

Beyoncé doesn't negotiate. She states her terms and people meet them. People don't try to negotiate with Beyoncé - they want her magic. They know what she brings.

When someone wants to negotiate with you, they're telling you they don't see your full value. And that's a terrible foundation for any relationship.

The moment I stopped letting people negotiate, everything shifted.

I started stating my terms clearly. Best offer first. I showed up differently. Ready to walk away.

I began paying full price and being happy about it. Great people doing great work became my favourite investment.

I focused on building my own house. Making my assets so strong people would do anything to work with me.

Nothing to prove. Happy to stay, ready to go.

You're not here to convince anyone of anything. Your worth isn't up for discussion. Just because they can't see your value doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Remove the word "negotiate" from your vocabulary.

Take your power back.