Everyone was already talking about Mr Beast.

He’s the king of YouTube. He has 315 million subscribers on YouTube alone. He owns various product brands and he's a generous philanthropist. This student of the game has mastered it.

But then he annoyed a member of his team.

So they tried to take him down.

(Allegedly), a disgruntled worker leaked Mr Beast’s internal 36-page team manual on how to do a great job working for the most prolific viral marketer the world has ever seen.

The intention:
Get Mr Beast cancelled

What actually happened:
Mr Beast became a business hero

If you want to see the manual for yourself: read it here.

But why is it so notable?

His strong opinions.

If you asked ChatGPT how to make a viral YouTube video, it would try to tell you.

But it doesn’t know for sure.

ChatGPT has been trained on 300 billion words. All the strong opinions cancel each other out.

If you asked ChatGPT for advice on how to be great at your job, the output would be nothing like Mr Beast's manual.

His employee handbook is over 10,000 words of unfiltered instruction and unwavering assertions.

It includes sentences like:

"I hate excuses and I despise with my entire soul when people just try to save face instead of learn from how they messed up. Mistakes are okay!"

"I have 0 issues throwing away a multi million dollar video if I don't think it's up to my standards and is good for the audience. We must always be improving and innovating."

"If you ever only work on one video during a day, you failed as a MrBeast employee that day."

So why am I telling you this?

Because for Mr Beast, and you, boldness wins.

When working with clients
Creating your content
Training your team
Making your art

No one remembers the fluff. The generic phrases. The filler sentences.

They remember the wild, wacky and out there.

You’re not here to blend in, follow the rules or play below your potential.

Stand out. Show up. And be more you.

Your success depends on it.

💙 Last chance to join me for Superpower Friday.

This week, 3pm BST. Free, live and unfiltered.

See the video and register here.