Last month in Thailand, Ann the laundry lady lost 70% of my clothes.
Not misplaced. Not temporarily missing. Lost.
Accidentally given away to another customer who didn't return them.
My favourite pieces, my most-worn items, my gym gear. Gone.
The emotions hit in waves.
First came frustration: how could this happen? Then anger: this is completely unacceptable. Then disappointment: I really loved those clothes.
I was annoyed. I was impatient. I was disgusted.
And then I got over myself.
Because here's the truth: I am not my clothes. Even if they were my favourites.
If I choose not to do my own laundry, I have to accept some risk.
It's the same in business, in life, in everything.
When you outsource, delegate, or depend on other people, you make a trade-off between control and convenience.
Sometimes it works brilliantly. You free up brain space and calendar space to work your magic while other people work theirs.
Sometimes it doesn't work at all.
And your clothes disappear.
This story and others came up during my recent Q&A with members of Ali Abdaal's Productivity Lab.
They grilled me about personal development, digital nomad life, perfectionism and productivity.
The answers are now in this 43 minute video that just went live on my YouTube.
> > > Watch the Q&A
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If you have a question to add, put it in the comments on the video and I'll answer that too.