Describe the life you're living right now. Then describe the life you want to live.

What's in the gap?

Describe the business you have right now. Then describe the business you want to have.

What's in the gap?

Describe the physique you have right now. Then describe the physique you want to have.

What's in the gap?

Keep going with this question. Unpack relationships, friendship, your schedule. House, clothes, car.

Whatever success means to you, describe it. Figure out what's in the gap.

That’s your game plan.

I did this.

In 2014 I was running a business that couldn't operate without me. Team, clients, sales - each couldn't progress independently. I hadn't taken a holiday in three years. I didn't dare.

Describing the business I wanted to own, I knew exactly what had to be done. With full confidence, I booked the flights and figured it out: Processes, people, sales. See you in Australia.

My friend feels like she's outgrown herself. She's solving the same problems. Having the same conversations.

She described the next version of her and the plan became clear: Boundaries, distance, exit plan. Mojo reappears.

You could be a few skipped desserts away from the abs of your dreams.

You could be one to-do list away from a completely different business.

One determined sprint away from change.

But the best thing?

You don't need anyone else.

Not that self-help book, not a podcast, not some shouty bro on the internet.

You have the answers. You know what's in the gap.