ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but only if you know how to prompt effectively.

This is part one. Click here for more ChatGPT prompts (part two).

Here are 1000+ prompts for entrepreneurs. Copy and paste each one straight into ChatGPT, edit to suit your business, and see what comes out. For each group of prompts, keep the chat window open so your information carries through.

Say “no” assertively (without feeling guilty)

Saying no to someone can feel difficult, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Stop people leaning on you, stop succumbing to guilt, and stop doing things out of obligation. It’s no way to live. Get confident about saying no and empower other people to progress without you.

Assess the opportunity

Help me evaluate a request or invitation to determine if it’s worth my time. The request is [describe the request]. Considering my business goals of [list your business goals], ask me questions to gather more information and conduct an assessment of whether this aligns with them or if it’s a distraction.

Understand the opportunity cost

Given what you know about my business goals, suggest five things that saying ‘yes’ to this request will mean I have to say ‘no’ to. Help me understand the trade-offs involved. Then, ask me questions about what I am prepared to sacrifice in order to say yes to this request.

Practice extreme responses

For the following request: [describe the request], help me draft two email responses. One where I go all in and fully commit, and another where I completely opt out. Include a tone that reflects a [formal/informal/enthusiastic/casual] communication style for each response.

Let go of guilt

Create a motivational pep talk to help me let go of the guilt associated with saying no to a request. The request is [describe the request], and I’m declining because [explain why]. Provide encouraging words and remind me why it’s important to prioritize my own needs and goals.

Be clear on what you want

Help me clarify my goals and priorities to make it easier to say no to requests that don’t align. Here’s what I’m currently focusing on: [list your goals and priorities]. Create a set of 5 “rules for life” that I should stick to, that ensure that my decisions reflect these priorities.

Approach inspiring people with big requests

You want impact and opportunity and whole new levels of success. Bold requests can transform your business, so get good at making them today. Follow these 5 steps to get in contact with audacious business asks that are more likely to be granted.

Dream really big

I’m running a thought experiment to imagine my business ten times its size. My business is [describe your business] and it [describe the result you create] for [describe your dream customer]. At ten times its size, it looks like [give details on your business at this size.] Your task is to find out how this hypothetical 10x growth was achieved. One at a time, ask questions about the people, partnerships and processes I might have put in place to grow. The goal is to unlock areas of growth that I can focus on right now.

Ask the right people

I’m looking for (real and alive) role models and mentors to inspire me on my journey to transforming my business. Given what you know about my company, how it makes an impact and for whom, name 5 role models with a similar journey, who are active today, and tell me something about their success story that will resonate. Conduct research and provide contact email addresses for these people.

See it from their perspective

I want to approach [name the person] with [describe the ask]. Your task is to suggest the information I should include in the message. Give bullet points to outline (a) how I open an email (b) what I include in the message and (c) a call to action, for them to respond. Ensure this sets up an email that will hit the right mark with them and not be ignored.

Follow up the right way

I don’t expect to receive a response from these people the first time I message. Your task is to outline the content for two follow ups to each person. Using what you know about their story and interests, and my synergy with them, suggest the angle for each follow up, and repeat for each person I will email.

Choose yourself first

Your task is to remind me what I bring to the table in a professional capacity, so I approach these bold requests from a place of completeness rather than lack. Using what you know about my professional journey, highlight my key strengths and gifts that I can mention where I deem it suitable. Become my cheerleader so I have the confidence to make these approaches.

Simplify your business (and unlock huge results)

When things are simple, life is happier. These prompts can help you do less but better by reducing your business and life down to the pure essentials. Analyze, subtract, and go from there.

Let go of periphery goals

I have a number of things I want to achieve in my business, each with different levels of difficulty and priority. Help me reduce my long list of goals down to the most important one. Acting as a goal-setting coach, begin by asking me to list my top 10 life goals. Then, ask questions one by one to assess the priority order and define what matters the most. Keep asking questions one by one until we have just one or two main goals. After that, help me happily let go of the others by explaining how pursuing the other goals will cost my main ones.

Delete most of your to-do list

Now you know my top business goals, help me ensure everything I do each day contributes towards them. Acting as a business productivity coach, ask me to describe what I did yesterday, hour by hour. After I answer, ask critical questions about which exercises lead to the achievement of my main goals. Your task is to instruct me, directly and persuasively, to drop the things that don’t contribute, even if I offer resistance.

Double down on growth levers

From the last exercise, we have deleted much of my to-do list by cutting out the daily actions that don’t contribute to my main goals. Now I want to run a thought experiment where we expand the actions that do contribute, to expand the energy I put into those tasks. Growth levers are strategies or tactics that a business can use to drive growth. First, state what the main growth levers for my business could be. When I confirm, suggest 10 things I could add to expand the results of my efforts in those fields. Include experiments to run, metrics to measure, and how I could double output.

Outsource the admin

Boring yet essential tasks in my business include [list them here, for example accounting, HR, payroll, small set up tasks]. Let's go through them one by one. Your task is to create a two-column standard operating procedure (SOP) for each one after hearing me talk through the process. I will describe each step of the process and what the step involves, and you will populate a table so I am able to delegate, automate or eliminate the task. Ask me which of these three options most suitably fits the task. Repeat this exercise for every task I listed.

Eliminate the complex

Use this text from my website homepage and about page to reduce my business down to a simple line, for example “I cut hair” (hairdresser) or “I put out fires” (fireman). Help me boil my actions down to the most concise and simple definition that could possibly exist. Give five options for this line.

Streamline your comms

Help me streamline my business communication channels. Acting as a communication efficiency expert, ask me to list all the current communication tools and platforms my team uses. Then, ask questions to clarify how each is used, then suggest a plan to consolidate these into the most efficient ones, outlining the steps to transition smoothly and the benefits of having fewer, more effective channels.

Apply Steve Jobs’ wisdom to your business

Copy the strategies of the late, great CEO and business leader and apply them to your brand. Pursue excellence in its most simple form to make gains of a Steve Jobs magnitude.

Use the simple stick

Acting as a business coach, your task is to ask me questions, one by one, about my core business offer. As I give you information, process the information and ask further questions, also one by one, about how it could be simpler. Encourage me to question every aspect of my offer, suggesting where I can combine or eliminate tasks or elements in order to boil it down to the very basics. Where you deem I am making something too complicated, remind me of Steve Jobs’ “simple stick” and request that I use it to simplify further.

Build for your customers

My dream customer is [describe the demographics, wants, needs and fears of your dream customer]. Based on the information provided about my core offer, list ten questions that my dream customer might have about my business. Then, require that the user experience of my product or service is intuitive and close to seamless, so my customer feels in control and supported through using and enjoying my product or service.

Have more control

In my business I rely on these suppliers: [list your suppliers here, including people, manufacturers and software platforms.] Starting from the most simple, take these suppliers one by one and suggest ways I could have more control over their operations, to ultimately have more control within my business. Your task is to bring new ideas to my business that I can experiment with.

Apply perfectionism

Let’s reimagine my main product or service at the absolute top of its capability, achieving perfection in every sense. Exploring the look, feel, smell, sound and experience of every product, the wording of every page, email and social post, as well as other elements of my business. First, give me a checklist of its components, ask if the checklist is accurate, make any edits, then run through each item with me, so I can score every element on a scale of 1 (terrible) to 5 (perfect), and identify where to focus to achieve perfection.

Innovate continuously

Knowing what you know about my business, suggest 3 areas I should be innovating constantly. For each area, give me: a) another company I should look to for inspiration, that doesn't need to be in the same industry, b) a prediction about what will be required of this area in the future, and c) a list of weekly tasks for us to carry out within the business to ensure we stay ahead of the curve.

Analyze business metrics for big growth

Analysis is not a department, it’s everyone’s job. For best results, question every decision, every process and those regular tasks in your business that you’ve always done.

Define your main goal

I want to streamline our business focus by setting a singular goal that aligns everyone’s efforts. Some of our business objectives are [describe everything you want to achieve, including primary and secondary objectives in the short and long term]. Acting as a business coach, help me turn these multiple objectives into one clear, concise statement that maximizes clarity and alignment for my team. Begin by asking a question about the priority of these objectives, and take me through questions one by one to create an overarching mission for everyone to work towards.

Identify your growth levers

Now that we’ve identified our main goal, I need to pinpoint the key actions that will drive our growth most effectively (growth levers). According to Pareto’s Law, 20% of our efforts should yield 80% of our results. Acting as a business analyst, ask questions that require me to identify and prioritize these growth levers, based on the results of our existing inputs. Provide actionable insights to focus our efforts on what truly moves the needle, based on this context: [upload relevant context including timesheets, to-do lists, or a screenshot of your calendar, withholding any sensitive information].

Fix the holes in your bucket

We’re experiencing drop-offs in our customer journey. As a business analyst, help me analyze our website, landing pages, signup process, and abandoned cart emails to identify where potential customers are slipping through. Request information about each element of my customer journey in order to suggest the optimizations we can make to plug these holes and improve our conversion rates. Use this context when assessing: [include your conversion rates at each stage, from your website or checkout program, as well as your emails or landing page information at each stage].

Assign names to revenue

Each revenue stream in our profit and loss statement should have a dedicated owner responsible for its growth. Our revenue lines are [list what they are along with whether each one is currently owned by one person.] Ask questions, one by one, to determine who should take ownership of each revenue line, and how we can empower them to drive continuous growth.

Cut some costs

To optimize our financial health, I need to evaluate our expenses rigorously. Using the data I provide, ask clarifying questions, identify unnecessary costs and suggest ways to streamline our spending. Provide insights and recommendations on where we can cut expenses without compromising efficiency or growth. [Include your list of business expenses].

Build credibility as a thought leader

Get intentional about building credibility and engaging as the best, most qualified version of you. Use these prompts to test new approaches and ways of thinking, to engage and share with confidence every single time.  

Reserve your space

I work in the field of [describe your industry/niche] helping people achieve the outcome of [describe how you help your clients or audience]. Your task is to define the word or phrase I should aim to own in the minds of my audience. What singular concept could differentiate me as a thought leader in this field? Give 10 options and ask for my opinion, iterating until we arrive at one.

Include your authority

Here’s some context about my experience and expertise: [describe your experience, credentials, qualifications, awards, accolades and client results.] Write ten sentences that demonstrate specific elements of my credibility, in a way that doesn’t sound like bragging, for me to use in social media posts where I share my knowledge, so my audience knows my advice can be trusted. Ask for my opinion on the list and iterate until we have sentences I’m happy to use.

Share your lessons

Ask questions, one by one, about my experience (including success and failure) in my field. After five questions, extract key lessons and insights from my journey that I can share to benefit others. Suggest 10 short, compelling stories I could share online that would help my audience learn from my lessons.

Network with peers

Now we have identified my area of expertise, suggest complementary experts on the periphery of mine. Identify the thought leaders or influencers in related areas that I should connect with to enhance my network and collaborations. First give a list of hypothetical experts and their specialism, then name specific people after doing research.

Make predictions

I suspect that these things will happen in the next [number] years, in my industry: [describe your current sentiment or prediction]. Use this as a starting point to predict 5 future trends or developments. For each one, write it as a single, concise and hard-hitting compelling line using simple language. I will expand this line into social media posts or thought leadership pieces.

Revolutionize your content

Stop your ego getting in the way of big gains online. Revolutionize your content by iterating your strategy.

Get an honest opinion

Your task is to provide feedback on my social media post against the following rules: (1) Does the hook grab attention in a strong way, with a short opening line that piques interest and isn’t a question? (2) Is the overall message clear, addressing a single point only? (3) Does the post flow in an engaging way that will keep someone reading? (4) Are the sentences short, no more than 12 words each, and is the language simple? (5) Is the call to action clear and compelling? Here’s the post: [Paste post]”

Read between the lines

Review these social media posts and create an assessment of me as a person and professional. Include the following components: What do these posts say about: my business, my character, my professionality, my goals, and my vibe? If you didn’t know who I was, what assumptions would you make? Here are the posts: [paste at least 5 social media posts]

Rework the call to action

Your task is to improve my social media post so it performs better. Rework the closing line to be a single, hard hitting sentence that inspires my desired outcome of [describe this, for example enticing comments, web traffic or something else]. This should match the flow of the rest of the post. Give me 5 examples for what the new closing line could be. Here’s my post: [Paste your post]

Transform the hook

Your task is to improve my social media post so it performs better, by focusing solely on improving the hook. Rework the opening line to be a single, hard hitting sentence that isn’t a question. Make it create an information gap and intrigue my target audience, [describe your audience]. Give me 5 examples for what the new opening line could be, ensuring they each match the rules described and fit with the rest of the post. Here’s my post: [Paste your post]

Repurpose like a pro

I’m sharing a social media post that performed well, resonated with my target audience, and aligns with my core values and business goals. Take this post and repurpose it into the following formats: (1) another post of the same length that shares the same ethos in a different way. (2) 3 shorter posts that sum up the message in a short, impactful way. (3) A longer post that transforms this post into one with a compelling hook, a strong line that sets the scene, followed by 3-5 ways that someone could achieve this outcome, including instructions, and ends with an empowering call to action. Do not use emojis. Use simple language. Here’s the post: [paste post]

Smash through limits (overcome limiting beliefs)

Fear of failure, fear of success and imposter syndrome keep us playing small, subconsciously ignoring the intel that would lead to growth. Be honest with yourself for a short, sharp dose of reality from which you can improve.

Decipher your doodles

I’m uploading an image of some writing I did based on the starter, “What I know for sure is…” Your task is to decipher these doodles into a written document, then make an analysis on the words. Summarize me as a professional based on my doodles. Identify any limiting beliefs my words hint at, pull out any areas of concern, and suggest ways I may be holding myself back. Make 3 suggestions for areas to dig into further, to uncover truths and smash through limits I have subconsciously created.

Read between the lines

This is some feedback I received from [describe the person and their relationship to you] about [describe the task you completed]. Analyze this feedback to find places I can improve. Read between the lines of what they are saying to suggest areas of improvement for me, as well as 3 follow up questions for them. My goal is to reveal their true opinions so I can level up. [Paste the feedback]

Analyze your expression

Analyze this image and provide an assessment of this person based on their facial expression, body language or anything else about their face and disposition from this picture. Make an assessment of their happiness, health and emotional wellbeing. Describe the feelings they are displaying or hiding.

Correct your course

I need to be honest with myself. Your task is to ask me this question, 7 times: “Being completely honest with yourself, what do you need to change?” I will respond each time. After my seventh response, suggest a plan, to cover the next 30 days, where I make small edits each day based on my answers. The goal is to find a sustainable cadence of improving.

Get perspective

Your task is to help me get perspective, so I can stop overthinking and move past unhelpful habits of fear and worry. Ask me questions, one at a time, about where I’m overthinking. When I respond, guide me in a short, sharp, no-nonsense way to zoom out and get some perspective, including one compelling reason why my fears are nonsensical. After doing this for each scenario one at a time, move to the next.

Land your dream job faster

These prompts were created with Jonathan Javier is CEO and co-founder of Wonsulting, whose mission is to “turn underdogs into winners.” Turning Javier’s professional expertise into AI-powered actionable guidance is Alamin Hossain, an AI educator. Unlock a new level of professional and personal growth. Reimagine your professional aspirations and shoot for the stars.

Approach hiring managers on LinkedIn

Create a message to connect with a professional at [describe the company] on LinkedIn, discussing my interest in the [enter job title] position and how my background in [describe your field] makes me a strong candidate. [Add context from your professional experience]. Use simple and direct, assertive yet friendly language.

Understand (and match) the job description

Highlight the 5 most important responsibilities in these job descriptions: [paste job descriptions of roles you want to apply for].” Then "Review my resume to see if my skills match: [paste your resume on a new line]. Provide a mismatch percentage for these jobs against my resume and suggest how I can (a) learn new skills or (b) edit my resume to better demonstrate that I match the job descriptions.”

Craft your covering letter

Write a personalized cover letter for [job title] at [company]. The job description is: [paste job description]. Use information from my resume: [resume]. Match my writing style of [describe your writing style] and don’t use metaphors or words such as [include examples of ChatGPT’s signature words, e.g. landscape, evolving, dynamic, moreover]. The goal is to create a compelling, personalized cover letter that positions me as an ideal candidate for the role.

Test variations of your resume

I want to run an A/B test on my resume. Update my resume for the [title] role at [company] by focusing on relevant skills mentioned in the job description [job description]. Here is my current resume [paste resume on a new line]. Suggest 5 significant edits for testing a new version and explain your reasoning.

Conduct a mock interview / Prepare for the interview

Conduct a technical mock interview for the role of [job title] at [company name] with job description [paste job description] and the resume I submitted [paste your resume]. Ask me a series of 10 likely interview questions, one after the other, gauging my expertise and storytelling ability, as well as how it could be improved, after each one. Incorporate questions including “tell me about the time you…” related to specific information in my resume.

Elevate your PR strategy

These prompts were created with Lucy Werner, PR professional, bestselling author and founder of Hype Yourself. Make headlines with your work, because you deserve to. It doesn’t have to be a black box. With AI at your side, you can simplify the process of brand-boosting coverage and win column inches like never before.

Find submission opportunities

Act as a publicity assistant who is compiling a list of international newspapers and magazines that accept guest articles. I am particularly interested in real-life and opinion desks to pitch a human interest story. I want to talk specifically about [insert what the headline of your topic would be about]. Give me a list of publication names, links and submission guidelines and pull out the takeaway tips I need to hit in my pitch.

Find journalists in your niche

Compile a list of journalists and media outlets that frequently cover topics related to [your industry or niche]. Additionally, draft a personalized pitch that highlights the unique aspects of my niche, including [your specific areas of expertise within your niche] and explains why it would be of interest to [your target audience, related to their writing, and location if relevant].

Get on the radar of reporters

I am the CEO and founder of [your company] and we do [explain what you do]. My expertise is [explain your expertise]. What makes me unique is [explain what makes you unique]. Topics I can speak about as an expert for an article include [list 3-5 topics that relate to your expertise]. What makes me credible is [include any accolades, achievements, awards, education, credentials or previous press you or your business has]. Based on the above information, write a compelling pitch that I can email to [industry type] journalists to introduce myself and offer to be a go-to expert for stories they are working on. The pitch should be succinct with no fluff, easily scannable and no more than 300 words. Also write an intriguing subject line that will pique their interest and compel them to open my email.

Create compelling headlines

[Name of a journalist you'd like to write about you] is a journalist known for their work in [their niche]. They write for [publications] and their articles often explore themes such as [topics they cover]. I want to pitch this person media story ideas related to [your niche or topics]. Suggest media stories I can pitch to [journalist name] for their [publication column]. Format the answers as ready-made title suggestions and give me at least 10. Make them clickbait-worthy and relevant to their column and writing style.

Secure local coverage

Create a broadcast notice for my event, the [event name] at [event date and time], at [event location] and [what the event is marking]. Explain the spokespeople available will be [x name from xx company] and [x name, from xx company] and invite the broadcasters to attend and cover the event.

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Skyrocket your personal brand and digital reach

Everyone wants to be famous online but not everyone knows where to start. Get on track with your personal brand and reach more people than ever.

Know what you stand for

Generate a detailed outline of my personal brand, including my values, the core messages I want to convey, and the 4 distinct content pillars I should focus on. Describe the tone and vibe I should maintain across all platforms. My business is [describe your business] and we help [describe your target audience] achieve [outcome you help them achieve].

Find new audiences

Identify new target audiences for my company and, by extension, my personal brand. Provide a list of potential niches, platforms, and locations where I can expand my reach. Consider my current audience, my business goals of [describe your business goals], and suggest areas where my brand could naturally extend and thrive.

Make an outreach plan

Create a prompt that I can use for engaging with my new audience on social media. First, I should be required to complete square brackets with specific details about my company and audience. When ChatGPT has this information, this prompt will require ChatGPT to draft a series of initial messages to send in direct messages. The message should build rapport and provide value without being salesy, so this should be reflected in the prompt. The prompt should also generate follow-up messages that gradually introduce my business offerings.

Send more emails

Generate ideas for my next three email campaigns to my subscriber list. Focus on adding value with engaging content that will keep my audience interested and lead them to take the action of [describe your main CTA]. The three emails should follow the “problem, agitation, solution” framework, where email one describes a problem I know my target audience has, email two describes how this problem proliferates in their life, and email three introduces the solution which my business provides. Based on what you know about my audience, create three options for the problem to address and I will pick one of them for the first series of three emails.

Dig into the metrics

Analyze the metrics from my recent [social media posts/email campaigns]. Identify the top-performing content and provide insights into why it was successful. Suggest ways to replicate this success in future content. My goal is to increase engagement and reach within my niche. [Paste information from your content, or upload a CSV file of metrics including impressions, email titles, social media hooks, open rate, click rate or engagement rate].

Prompts to sell anything (a $10,000 sales script)

Understanding the psychology of buying is not a deceptive move. It’s essential for knowing your audience, positioning your product, and securing authentic sales when supply meets demand.

Describe the pinnacle of possibility

I’m planning a script for a [describe scenario, e.g. sales call or webinar] and I want to start with a story that describes the ‘pinnacle of possibility’. My audience is [describe your dream customer] and my product helps them [describe the outcomes you help them achieve.] Based on their deepest desires of [describe everything you know about these], create an off-the-cuff, relatable story I could tell at the start of my script, that helps them understand what they could achieve.

Play the effort down 

After describing the pinnacle of possibility, I want to outline how someone starts to achieve that outcome with my offer by bringing them back to the present moment. This is achieved by [describe the steps involved to get there] but I don’t want to overwhelm my potential customers. In a way that flows naturally from the ‘pinnacle of possibility’ section, describe how someone would achieve the outcome, in a way that makes it seem achievable and exciting rather than daunting and overwhelming. This will be the second part of my sales script.

Deploy relatable social proof

The next part of my script should present an example of a customer who put the effort in to get started. This person is [name your actual customer] who [describe what they did with your product or service] to achieve [describe what they achieved]. Rework this information into a compelling story that opens with a line about how they did the work, goes on to address the problems they overcame, then highlights the unexpected benefits they saw after taking these steps. This forms the third part of my script, where I demonstrate clear social proof.

Outline the mission

Start the next sentence of my script with a line similar to, “After I explain all this, they often ask why I created [company name or product name].” Continue with a story that opens with a strong realization I had that a problem existed, and helps my audience understand the mission, why it’s such a problem, what I’m doing to solve it, and why it’s in their best interests to care. For context, the problem I am solving with my company is: [give context for your founder story, including any realizations or moments of despair]. This ‘mission’ forms the fourth part of my script.

Make a money sandwich

After these four sections, I will add more social proof, use case examples or inspirational stories. Then we’ll arrive at the part of my script where I present the offer. I’ll provide context for my product and what it includes for you to create a ‘money sandwich’ where the price is in between two other pieces of information. Your task is to add to my script with: (1) a segue line that leads from the mission to the offer, (2) information about what’s involved, (3) the price, followed by (4) something that closes the sandwich, for example add-ons, items of coinage and a special offer if they act now. Close with a call to action and add a final story or call to arms that leaves the audience inspired. Here’s the information about my offer to use in this section: [describe your offer, the price, what it includes and the special offer you will give if they act now].

Now put these components of my script together. Include parts where I should personalize further and optional stories or pointers for me to include. Suggest how I should deliver each section in my voice, style and tone, and what could be on the screen if I create an accompanying presentation.

Produce content consistently

There are an infinite number of things to write about and an infinite number of ways to write about them. But when you’re hit with writer’s block, it can feel like every topic has been exhausted. Here are the five prompts I personally use to produce every day, resonate with my audience, and keep the ideas flowing.  

Find new titles

Here are [number] titles that performed comparatively well over the last [duration]: [enter titles]. Here are some that didn’t: [enter titles]. Analyze the results and suggest: 10 new titles that will work well, then 10 rewrites of the titles that didn’t do well, to make them more compelling.

Understand audience pains

My target audience, [describe your target audience], has problems including [describe target audience’s biggest problems]. Suggest 5 topics they want to read about to solve their problems, including any underlying or less obvious ones, within my swimlane of [your business or writing area].

Champion their desires

My target audience deeply wants [describe target audience’s deepest desires]. Create 10 punchy phrases that they will agree with, that I could incorporate into social media posts. These should not be questions, but simple statements.

Re-work hooks

Here’s a social media post I’m going to send. Re-work the first line to grab attention. The opening line should not be a question. It should be 5-7 words long, create an information gap and create intrigue. Suggest 10 new opening lines. [Insert social media post].

Ideate wildcards

Given what you know about my target audience’s biggest problems and deepest desires, as well as article titles that have performed well, suggest 5 new article titles that are more left field, that I can create as an experiment. For each one explain what the article should include and why it could perform well.

Thrive on the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship

If you’re running your own business, you will experience a range of emotions every day. Master the entrepreneurial rollercoaster so it doesn’t break you before things get really good.

Remember it’s a choice

I need to remember that I chose my current career path, and that means I chose the ups and downs that come with it. Acting as a motivational coach, open a conversation where you ask me questions, one by one, that encourage me to fall back in love with my business and accept that highs and lows will happen. Start with, ‘What do you love about your business?’ and continue after I respond, focusing on my purpose, the difference I’m making, and what I hope to achieve. Become my biggest cheerleader, offering encouragement after every response and including sentences that remind me I chose this path.

Reframe the lows

Help me reframe negative occurrences into chances to learn or improve. Start a conversation with the question, ‘tell me about something bad that happened recently’ and wait for my response. When I tell you, ask me 3 questions, one by one, that help me to see why this was a good thing. For example, a rejection is a chance to go in a different direction, a customer leaving is the chance to learn, and so on.

Take emotion out

Help me understand where I’m unnecessarily linking emotion to business metrics. One by one, describe a hypothetical business scenario and ask me to rate how personally I take the news on a scale of 1-10, where 1 = not at all, all I see is data and 10 = I take this scenario personally. Share ten scenarios one by one and encourage me to respond with my score quickly. After 10, draw patterns from my responses and suggest ways of me staying objective and unlinking business metrics with emotion.

Consider the alternative

Sometimes I feel like I need a backup plan to running my business, so I remember that I have other options available. Using my skills of [describe your main skills] suggest 3 other career paths I could explore. Under the title of each one, elaborately and persuasively describe the role, to make it sound as attractive as possible. After presenting the three, ask about my current role and provide an equally attractive description that helps me realize that my current path is still a great option for me.

Turn comparison to confidence

Sometimes I compare myself to other people and it makes me feel [describe the feelings, for example unconfident, unworthy or like I’m falling behind.] Open by asking me about the last time this happened and I’ll tell you something that provoked this reaction. When you have the information, explain how it should make me more confident, not less, in line with the ethos of ‘all that is possible is possible for me’. Your guidance should inspire me to see comparison as a motivator, not a detractor.

Outperform your competitors

Comparison is costing your gains. Think big; build a big business. Think small; stay still. Watching others changes your thinking, ambition, and plan of action. It’s not the way. See what you’re capable of when you let go of limits.

Benchmark bigger

Help me identify potential industry giants I could compete against. My business is [what your business does and for whom]. Based on this information, I want you to suggest large, established companies that could serve as aspirational rivals. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses compared to mine. Explain how positioning my company as being against this company could elevate my company's ambition and strategic focus. This exercise should help broaden my competitive outlook and inspire bolder business strategies.

Double down

Acting as a business analyst, help me intensify the most effective aspects of my business. Recently my results, [explain how you measure results, e.g. signups, repeat visitors, or loyal fans] have come from [paste data or explain the range of sources of positive results]. Ask questions to analyze these results and the factors contributing to success. Based on this analysis, run an 80/20 analysis to suggest one channel I experiment with by doubling down. Provide a list of the 10 daily actions I should take in order to double down on this one channel.

Be more specific

Start a conversation where you play a marketer and I play the role of our target audience member, who we will call [choose a name]. This person is [describe your ideal customer avatar in detail]. Your role is to find out more information about this person so my company can be more specific when creating marketing messaging and building products. Ask questions one by one that dig deeper into my preferences, fears, and desires. I will answer, channeling the views and opinions of our ideal customer. When I’m done with the role play I will say STOP, then provide a summary of this person and suggest new insights that enable more specific messaging.

Play your ace cards

Ask me a series of probing questions, delivered one by one in a back and forth dialogue, to identify the unique ace cards of me and my company. Act as a jovial American business guru, saying things like "c'mon man, you have more in there, I know you got it" and other fitting phrases. to encourage me to share my strengths. The goal is to understand the gifts I am not using that I should be using.

Uncover new sources of customers

Create an inspiring written description of me, at my laptop, running my company, with new customers flying at me from all directions. Describe the scene in great detail, including comical, exaggerated descriptions of what is happening. Using what you know about my company so far, suggest where these customers are coming from, and add some new sources in there. Help me discover new sources of leads for my company that seem wacky and out there but may be worth considering. [If you have premium ChatGPT, add: “Create an image of this scene too”].

Manage a narcissist at work

Learn how to manage a narcissist, if you suspect there’s one on your team. Keep the office running smoothly, keep the business growing, without anyone getting offended.

Identify the narcissist

Create a 10 question quiz to determine the level of narcissistic traits in a coworker. Make the questions multiple choice to identify behaviors such as seeking excessive admiration or having a lack of empathy. After I complete all 10 questions, provide an analysis on this person to determine how narcissistic they are. Include the reasons why they may be a typical narcissist and the reasons why they may not be.

Communicate effectively

Generate a list of dos and don'ts for effectively communicating with a narcissist at work, tailored to my business, which [describe your business] and has a team of [describe your team numbers, dynamic and responsibilities]. Focus on strategies that ensure clarity and limit misunderstandings, helping to maintain a smooth workflow and a respectful work environment. This guidance should provide practical steps for engaging with a narcissist without disrupting team dynamics, aiming to enhance overall productivity and workplace harmony.

Set boundaries

Help me create a set of boundaries for dealing with a narcissist at work. I need to define clear rules that will protect my team's productivity and our overall well-being. Guide me through the process of drafting these boundaries, focusing on specific behaviors that should not be tolerated. Additionally, provide advice on how to communicate these boundaries assertively and effectively to ensure they are respected, without causing additional conflict.

Maintain composure

Simulate a conversation with a narcissist at work. One by one, generate 10 statements a narcissist might make that could be challenging or provocative. For each statement, wait for my response. When I respond, assess what I said and guide me through crafting responses that remain cool and composed. Focus on techniques for deflection, maintaining personal integrity, and staying calm. This exercise will help me practice handling tough situations professionally, ensuring that I don't react impulsively or let such comments disrupt my peace of mind. Only deliver the statements one at a time.

Recognise harmful behaviours

Open a coaching session where, acting as an HR professional, you ask a series of 10 questions, one by one, about a suspected narcissist's behaviour at work, specifically around harmful behaviours they may demonstrate. The questions should be asked one by one, each asking me to respond on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is "they never do this" and 10 is "they regularly do this." After I have responded to each question, ask me what the acceptable level is. Provide a checklist summary I can use going forward, to measure their behaviour and know when it's gone too far.

Evaluate the positives

I want to understand the upsides of having a narcissistic person in my team. Open a coaching conversation where you are the coach and I am the client. One by one, share 7 potential positive aspects of a narcissistic personality, and ask me to rate each one on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is “they never do that” and 10 is “they often do that”. When I have answered all 7, provide a succinct report which outlines the positive qualities the person in question brings to my team and company.

Reveal your leadership style

Start by understanding how you lead and use that to create a consistent style that achieves the outcome that will grow your business.

Communicate with clarity

Create a 10 question quiz to understand my leadership style in relation to communication. Ask multiple choice questions, that you deliver one at a time, to establish my preferred approach. When I have answered all 10, provide an analysis. Use this analysis to make 3 suggestions on how I should communicate with my team, and 3 pitfalls to avoid, that will play to my unique strengths and inspire my team. I’m not looking for generic leadership advice, I want specific information tailored to me, based on the quiz.

Make decisive moves

Create a 10 question quiz to uncover my decision-making style under pressure. The test should consist of multiple choice questions, which you deliver one at a time, to determine my approach with regards to making quick decisions or preferring detailed consideration. After I answer all 10 questions, provide an analysis. Use this analysis to suggest 3 dos and 3 don’ts for making decisions that not only resolve immediate issues but also propel my team forward. Give insights that are directly tied to my responses. Avoid general guidance in favor of actionable, personalized strategies.

Resolve conflict pronto

Make a 10 question quiz to figure out my style for resolving conflicts. The questions should be multiple choice, delivered one at a time, to find out my style when it comes to both talking things out and taking action. After I answer all 10, give me an analysis. From this, tell me 3 dos and 3 don'ts for handling team conflicts. These tips should be specific to my style, helping me deal with problems smoothly and keep my team working well together.

Prepare for success

Create a 10 question quiz to discover my motivational leadership style. The questions should be multiple choice, delivered one at a time, to find out if I tend to lead by setting an example, by giving encouragement, or something else. After I finish all 10 questions, analyze my answers. Use this analysis to suggest 3 dos and 3 don'ts for motivating my team that are specific to how I lead. I want advice that really works for me, not just general tips.

Inspire their resilience

Create a 10 question quiz to learn about my resilience leadership style. Make the questions multiple choice, delivered one at a time, to see if I support my team by being positive, by planning ahead, or incorporate other elements of resilience in leadership. After I answer all 10 questions, give me an analysis. Use this to suggest 3 dos and 3 don'ts for helping my team overcome difficulties. These tips should be specific to my style, helping me guide my team through challenges effectively.

Pivot to a subscription model

If you’re stuck in a rut of selling one-offs or constantly launching, monthly recurring revenue can seem like a far-off fantasy. Use the prompts to explain your business and see what you can conjure up.

Identify subscription opportunities

My business is [describe your business], delivering [describe products or services] to help [describe your ideal customer] achieve [describe the outcome you help them achieve.] With that in mind, create 5 options for subscription-based products or services that they may want to buy, related to my business, that we could pivot to offering to make more revenue and delight our customers. Give each opportunity a name, then explain why it might be attractive to my ideal customers.

Develop subscription offers

I want to develop these ideas [choose your favourite ideas from the last section] into subscription offers. For each one, we need to define the title, the components of the offer (what they get) as well as the price. Acting as a business consultant, ask me questions to collect information, then present each idea as a fully-fledged offer, making sure they will be irresistible to my ideal customer.

Test subscription concepts

I'm planning to test [specify which subscription concept you want to test] based on our previous discussions. The idea is to simulate a launch before fully committing, to see how potential subscribers react. Help me create a series of hypothetical customer scenarios and questions that I can use to gauge interest and collect detailed feedback on the subscription offer. Acting as a potential customer, ask questions that uncover what excites my ideal customer about the offer, any concerns they have, and their willingness to subscribe at the proposed price.

Automate subscription processes

I want to streamline and automate the subscription management process for my business. This includes everything from billing to customer onboarding and delivery. Outline each process that I need to consider when offering and delivering this subscription. Ask me if I have a process, tool and/or person already in place to look after each one, then populate a table with this information and identify gaps where I need to take action to ensure the process is streamlined and automated where possible.

Understand subscription economics

I need to get a clear picture of the financials involved in my subscription business. Help me calculate the necessary subscription numbers and pricing to meet my financial goals. Ask me about my cost structure, desired profit margins, and current customer base size. Then, guide me through creating a model that estimates how many subscribers I would need at different price points to achieve profitability. This will help me set realistic prices and targets for my subscription service.

Strengthen company culture

A growing business can get out of hand. Without being intentional about your values, mission, and non-negotiables, team members modify processes in different ways and the core message becomes lost. Don’t let that happen.

Get clear on your values

My company is growing and it’s important that our values continue to shine through our work and not get lost or diluted as we add new people, products and processes. By analyzing my website’s about page and other information about our company and who we serve, suggest 4 values pillars. For each one, name the value and explain how we will all work to maintain this value in everything we do at the company. [Paste your about page and other relevant information].

Strengthen as a leader

My company is growing and I want to continue to grow with it. Acting as a leadership coach, open a session where you ask me questions, one by one, to dig into the gaps in my leadership skills. Start with the question, ‘What kind of leader do you aspire to be?’ and continue the conversation to help me make a plan for improving.

Set company non-negotiables

As my company grows I want to make sure my team and I don’t forgo our health and happiness in pursuit of business success. Ask me a series of quiz-type questions, one by one, to ascertain my non-negotiables, for example if I’d skip a gym session to fulfill a last-minute client request. When I have answered 10 questions, suggest a series of 5 statements that outline the company non-negotiables. Ask me which I agree and disagree with until we have a final set of 5 that I will communicate with my team to get their input until we align.

Encourage feedback

As my company grows I want to make sure every team member feels like they can speak up about issues they see or improvements they want to make. Specifically on the topic of [area of your business that is looked after by someone else], suggest 5 conversation starter questions that I can ask the team member responsible, in order to get their opinion. The questions should be inquisitive and open, not confrontational in any way.

Streamline onboarding

Here’s what should happen whenever a team member joins. I’m going to talk through the optimal process and I want you to turn this into a standard operating procedure, making a checklist that anyone in my team can follow to make sure nothing is missed. Create a four-column table for the information. For each item, give it a number, a title, detail the required actions, and explain why it’s important.

Be a better public speaker

If you find yourself on a stage or in the spotlight, you had better take it seriously. People are watching, so don’t let them down. Open with confidence, deliver with passion, and close with a bang.

Get ideas for keynotes

The talk will discuss the importance of [outline the key learning objectives, e.g. self-leadership, building rapport with team members, investing in your professional network]. Create a structure for the talk. Include titles and subtitles that incorporate examples and metaphors from [your signature topic, e.g. sports, business] to [outcome you want to achieve, e.g. inspire, motivate] the audience.

Resonate with your audience

The audience of my next talk consists of [describe your audience including their profession, typical age, and any other characteristics] and the theme of the [event, e.g. conference] is [describe the theme, e.g. marketing]. Based on this information, outline the key interests or concerns my speech should address to be most relevant to them. Based on your recommendations given, review my attached talk to ensure my message is aligned with this audience’s expectations and needs. [Paste speech].

Balance warmth and competence

Review the script for an upcoming keynote I’m delivering. Identify three sections that lack warmth, and suggest the most appropriate way to improve that (for example, with a story, joke, case study, example or warm words) being specific about what to add or remove. Then, identify three sections with the potential to signal more competence, and suggest what to add (for example data, facts, analytics or competent words), being specific. [Paste script].

Breathe more often

Rewrite the following text with the exact same words, but add a line break every 7-10 words. The end product should resemble song lyrics instead of written paragraphs. [Paste your script].

Make a backup plan

This speech is [duration]. I need to shorten it by [number] minutes but maintain [topic of speech, lesson or takeaway] as the main point. Make suggestions as to which parts I can cut while maintaining the powerful message: [Paste script].

Be a more stoic leader (and feel unbreakable)

Becoming a more stoic leader benefits everyone around you. With a happier team, relaxed clients, better aligned suppliers and a lower resting heart rate, everyone can thrive under your cool, calm control.

Find your inner peace

I want to develop inner peace as a foundation for my stoic leadership style. Guide me through a visualization exercise that helps me connect with my breath, slow down, and invite calmness into my day. Start by asking me to describe my current state of mind and environment. Then, lead me through a series of visualizations and breathing exercises designed to help me sit with discomfort and emerge feeling centered and serene.

Get perspective

I need to gain a broader perspective on the challenges I'm facing. Walk me through a process to zoom out and view my current work problems from a wider angle. Start by asking me to list the issues that are consuming most of my attention. Then, guide me to compare these concerns with past challenges I've overcome. Help me assess their likely long-term impact and remind me of the impermanence of most problems. This exercise should help me see the relative insignificance of my current stresses and empower me to move forward with clarity.

Remember you are mortal

Create an inspirational landscape image of a [describe yourself] as shown from behind. They are [describe what you're doing, e.g. doing work they love] while [describe where you are, for example in a high rise apartment in San Diego]. On the wall (or somewhere appropriate for the scene) should be written the words "memento mori" - in an arty style.

Control the controllables

I need help distinguishing between what I can and cannot control in my leadership role. Start by asking me to list the aspects of my work and personal life that I feel are within my control and those that aren't. Then, guide me through an analysis to clarify these distinctions, reinforcing the concept of focusing my efforts only on controllable factors. This exercise should help me allocate my energy more effectively and let go of unnecessary stress.

Reflect often

I want to use reflection to strengthen my stoic leadership qualities. Provide me with powerful journal prompts that encourage me to unpack past experiences where I felt challenged or ruffled. Ask me to describe those situations, how I reacted, and what I learned from them. Then, help me explore what I would do differently now, considering my growth. This practice should help me raise the bar for what I can handle and expand my comfort zone, making me a more effective leader.

Build a high-performance team culture

A high-performance, happy work environment will mean your business soars. Get A-players on board and play to their A-player qualities, or operate below your capability for too long. Figure out what’s missing and cultivate a winning team.

Make everyone a leader

I want to encourage greater ownership and leadership in my team. Help me identify how I can empower [name or description of the team member] who currently holds the role of [specify role]. Begin by asking me detailed questions about their current responsibilities, strengths, and any areas where they could expand their influence. Then, based on this information, suggest specific projects or areas within our business, [describe your business], where they could take on more ownership. Provide ideas for how I can offer them more autonomy and responsibility, ensuring they have a clear purpose and the resources needed to succeed. The goal is to foster a high-performance culture where every team member feels like a leader in their domain.

Play to everyone’s strengths

Help me optimize my team by focusing on each member's unique strengths. Start by analysing [describe one team member, their title and responsibilities] asking what they excel at, their weaknesses, and any tasks they particularly enjoy. Based on this information, suggest adjustments or new responsibilities that could better align with their strengths and increase their job satisfaction and productivity. After that, ask about the next team member. The goal is to ensure that every team member thrives and contributes most effectively to our business objectives, enhancing our overall performance and covering all necessary skills and competencies within the team.

Make everyone feel valued

Help me create personalized strategies to show appreciation and make each of my team members feel valued. Start by asking me to reflect on one team member at a time, including their contributions, personality, and any previous feedback they've given about feeling appreciated. Based on this information, suggest specific ways I can show gratitude that align with their personal preferences and professional needs. The goal is to enhance team morale and foster a culture where every individual feels seen, heard, and appreciated, which will contribute to maintaining a high-performance team environment.

Encourage open communication

Draft an agenda for a team meeting that encourages debate and disagreement in a constructive way. The agenda for the next meeting is [share the current agenda]. Suggest openers and conversation starters that set a positive tone for sharing diverse viewpoints. Advise on how I encourage collaborative problem-solving and explicitly ask for differing opinions. Provide guidelines on how to respectfully challenge each other’s ideas and ensure that everyone feels confident and safe to express their thoughts. The goal is to make sure that the meeting is a dynamic environment where everyone contributes to the team’s success through open and honest communication.

Shut down negativity

Common sources of negativity or complaints within my team are: [describe areas of complaint that often arise]. Help me develop strategies to reframe these challenges as opportunities for improvement and learning and build a positive, solution-focused culture in my team. Suggest exercises or team activities that can shift the team's mindset towards problem-solving and positivity. Provide language and techniques I can use to encourage my team to approach challenges with a 'solution-first' attitude. The goal is to create a work environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute constructively and focus on continuous improvement.

Start your life from scratch (reset in business)

Take control of your life and get intentional about getting back to a happy and healthy place where you look forward to each day. It’s very possible for you.

Decide what to stop

I’m not being honest with myself and I need to make a change. I’m convinced there are people, places, tasks and goals in my life that don’t bring me joy or add value to my world. I want to eliminate them once and for all. Act as a life coach and begin a discussion where you ask questions, one by one, to help me find a way forward. Start with, “when you look ahead at your week, what is in your calendar that you don’t want to do?” and move to asking questions about the people I associate with, the places I live or visit, and the goals I’m working towards that may not be relevant. Keep digging further, as a compassionate coach, to help me find breakthroughs.

Leverage different talents

I know I have the natural and learned talents of [describe your talents]. I currently leverage them by [describe how they relate to your life and work]. However, I’m no longer feeling satisfied with operating this way and I want to leverage my talents in a different way or find new talents to leverage. Help me let go of the guilt that comes with wasted or unleveraged talent and find a way forward that I feel excited to pursue. Ask questions about my current situation, and when I answer, suggest bold ideas that I could take forward. Include a paragraph of wise words that will help me not to feel guilty for changing course.

Rewrite your story

Help me reassess and rewrite the stories I've been telling myself about my past that might be holding me back. Focus on key narratives such as [specify a particular story, like a past failure, a self-identity from school, or a significant business event]. Guide me through a process where we reframe these stories in a way that highlights my strengths and the valuable lessons learned. Within this process, help me identify how these experiences have positively shaped who I am today and how they can propel me forward. The goal is to transform these narratives into empowering beliefs that support my growth and success as an entrepreneur.

Declutter your possessions

Open a conversation to help me create a comprehensive list of essential items that the 'new me' needs, both in my personal life and for my business. Ask me questions one by one to help me list the items, digging into my responses. When I have the list, ask me the same questions about the things that don't belong in my future life. Keep asking me to name more, then give me guidance on how I will remove them from my life (for example donating or discarding) and help me make a plan for doing so.

Choose your A-team

Help me determine who should be part of my A-team as I move forward in reshaping my personal and professional life. Start by asking me to reflect on the qualities and values I’m looking for in my closest allies. Then, one by one, ask me to evaluate my current relationships, including friends, business partners, and acquaintances, to identify who truly aligns with my future goals. After this, assist me in considering potential new connections I might need to seek out. The goal is to form a tight-knit group of individuals who will support, inspire, and challenge me as I progress. Provide guidance on how to cultivate these relationships effectively and how to gracefully distance myself from connections that no longer fit my path.

Cultivate a winner's mindset

Success is inevitable. If you just keep going, you will figure it out. But how do you stay motivated to stay in the game? How do you make sure your mindset doesn’t let you down?

Gain unwavering confidence

I admire [name of the well-known entrepreneur] for their unwavering confidence and successful approach to business, especially [describe a time they showed exceptional confidence]. Describe the key aspects of their mindset and behavior that contribute to their confidence. Then, provide me with practical tips and exercises that I can incorporate into my daily routine to develop a similar level of confidence. These should help me overcome fears and act with the assurance that my efforts will lead to success.

Handle rejection

I recently faced rejection when [describe the rejection scenario]. It felt discouraging. Open a coaching session where you ask questions, one by one, to help me see this rejection as that person’s loss. Starting with, "why might this rejection turn out to be a good thing?" explain why this rejection doesn't define my business or my potential. Offer perspectives and insights that reinforce the idea that better opportunities are coming my way because I persist through setbacks. Help me develop a resilient response strategy so that each 'no' fuels my motivation to find the 'yes' that will make a difference.

See people as allies

I recently felt frustrated by [name the person or role] because [explain why]. It's been challenging to see how they fit into the bigger picture of my business. Open a coaching session where you ask questions, one by one, to help me reframe my perspective about this person as an ally. Starting with, 'What valuable insights or support might this person offer that I haven't fully appreciated yet?' guide me through understanding their role and contributions more clearly. Offer perspectives and insights that remind me of the part everyone plays in my business game, even if it's not immediately obvious.

Visualize success

Create a three-minute, hypnotic visualization session focusing on my biggest business goals, which are [describe your goals]. Guide me through closing my eyes and vividly picturing each goal as already achieved. Describe the scene in detail: what I see, who is around me, what I hear, and how it feels to have succeeded. Include sensory details to enhance the vividness of the experience. Ask me to breathe deeply and absorb the words, helping me feel them resonate in my heart with a calm sense of certainty that these achievements are on their way. Before the visualization, include the instruction that I should enable "text to speech" so the visualization can be played out loud as I close my eyes.

Don’t give up

Help me stay motivated and not give up on my entrepreneurial journey. Sometimes I get impatient when [describe your impatience triggers] and I feel [describe how this impatience manifests in reality]. Start a reflection on the importance of consistent action and focusing on inputs rather than outcomes. Ask questions, one by one, about the consistency of my inputs, starting with "What are you doing to make consistent progress towards your goal?" and more questions, one by one, that guide me to show up without fail, and reinforce the idea that persistence is the key to securing wins. Include how to cultivate patience and resilience, reminding me that it's all going to work out with time.

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Write authoritative content (dominate your niche)

Strong opinions, your relevant experience, and the ethos that makes you unique will give you authority. If you are growing a business and leading a team, translate that into an online presence that contributes to company progress.

Put your slant on the news

I need to create a social media post that reflects my expertise and provides unique insights into recent developments in my industry. First, provide me with a list of the latest news events relevant to [specify your industry]. After I choose one, help me analyze how this news affects my target audience, who are primarily [describe your target audience]. Then, guide me in developing a strong opinion or unique perspective on the chosen news item. Help me articulate this viewpoint in a way that underscores my authority and expertise, making the content compelling and thought-provoking. The goal is to position myself as a thought leader in my niche by informing and engaging my audience with a distinct and authoritative voice.

Share unpopular beliefs

I want to experiment with content by sharing unpopular beliefs related to [specify your industry or a general topic] that I strongly support but might not be widely accepted. The beliefs should align with the core values of my dream customers and represent a stance that they, too, might feel passionate about but are hesitant to express. First, give me a list of potential unpopular beliefs I could share online. After I choose the ones I want to use, help me articulate the beliefs clearly and convincingly. Then, guide me through crafting a social media post that presents this view in a respectful yet assertive way, ensuring it doesn't cause unnecessary offense or damage. The goal is to connect deeply with those who share this belief and establish myself as a courageous and honest leader in my field. Offer tips on handling potential backlash and turning any negative responses into constructive dialogues, ultimately attracting a more engaged and loyal following.

Make predictions

I want to make bold predictions about the future of [specify your industry]. Help me think through potential developments and changes that might occur in the next 1, 5, 10, and 20 years. First, provide a list of key trends and emerging technologies that are shaping my industry. After I review these, formulate insightful predictions based on these trends. After I select which predictions I want to move forward with, create a social media post where I share these predictions in a compelling way, designed to spark discussion and engage my audience. The goal is to position myself as a forward-thinking leader in my field.

Curate information

I want to curate the most relevant and valuable information for my audience in [specify your industry or area of interest]. Help me identify lesser known yet valuable resources—articles, books, videos, products—that they should consider engaging with. First, list potential sources of high-quality information that I can review. After selecting the most relevant ones, assist me in writing [content, e.g. a series of social media posts or an email newsletter] where I explain why I recommend these resources and how they can benefit my followers. The goal is to save my audience time and effort in finding this information themselves, while establishing myself as a trusted authority who adds value to their lives. Additionally, provide tips on how to present the recommendations in an engaging and concise manner to maximize impact and appreciation.

Spread good vibes

Help me create a social media strategy that revolves around spreading good vibes and positive energy in [specify your industry or area of interest]. Guide me in identifying topics and themes that promote positivity and are relevant to my audience. When we have agreed on the topics, create a series of social media posts that showcase the benefits of a positive outlook, celebrate successes (both mine and others'), and inspire my followers. The goal is to establish a presence that is uplifting and aspirational, attracting people who are drawn to positivity.

Make business growth certain

Make progress at all costs. Why? Because there’s no such thing as standing still. Standing still means others overtake you. Luckily, you’re a talented and motivated entrepreneur with energy on your side.

Set the goal

I want to define a clear, compelling, primary goal for my business, which [describe what your business does]. I want to ensure that every aspect of my operation—actions, communications, and strategies—is aligned with this goal. We have a few goals at the moment, including [describe your goals]. Ask questions about which goal is the most important and help me see interdependencies. Then give 5 options for our number one goal, phrased in a concise and catchy way, until I pick one.

Get daily actions

Going forward with this one big goal for my business that I’m determined to achieve: [paste your chosen goal], help me turn this overarching goal into specific, daily actions that I can follow consistently. Start by breaking down the goal into key objectives, asking me clarifying questions to do so, then suggest micro-tasks that correspond to these objectives. Ensure these tasks are clear and manageable so that I can pave my way to success every day without getting sidetracked or overwhelmed.

Find the leapfrog moves

I'm looking to identify leapfrog moves that can propel my business forward much faster. Help me pinpoint actions, meetings, or learnings that could act as ladders on my path to success, as well as unique ace cards or strengths I hold that will allow me to skip steps and accelerate growth. Start by asking me to suggest what my ace cards could be, then suggest 3 potential areas or opportunities in my industry and business where leapfrogging is possible, and ask me to choose one to explore. Then, guide me through brainstorming who I should meet, what conversations I should have, and which ideas could be most beneficial to adopt. Let’s focus on strategic, high-impact moves that align with my overall business objectives.

Define enough

Create a checklist that will help me define what 'enough' means in the context of my daily work. This checklist should include the [number] things I must do each day and week, after which anything else is a bonus. Using what you know about my goals, daily tasks and leapfrog moves so far, suggest the list, then ask me to make edits until we arrive at the final one. Then, assist me in setting boundaries that allow me to feel accomplished at the end of each day and still switch off to rest. The aim is to ensure I remain energized and maintain long-term productivity.

Stop comparing

I recently heard about [describe the achievement] by someone in my industry, and it made me feel [describe your feelings]. They are similar to me because [describe their similarities] and different because [describe your differences]. Their achievement is a dream of mine. Help me understand why this reaction can actually be beneficial. Start by discussing why their success is a sign that similar achievements are possible for me too. Then, guide me in identifying actionable steps I can take based on their success story that align with my own business goals. The aim is to transform my initial reaction from envy to inspiration, helping me leverage this as motivation to propel my own success.

Make business problems vanish

Most of your business problems will go away when you have more sales. Why? Because now you have money to solve them with. Deciding where to spend more cash to take your business to the next level is what your unique entrepreneurial talents were designed to do.

Visualize triple the clients

Imagine my business, a [describe your business] has successfully tripled in size, which means we now [add a metric that marks triple the size]. Describe a day in this expanded business, detailing how the operations look with three times the number of clients. In the style of a dramatic movie voice over, describe the changes I have made to accommodate this growth in terms of team structure, technology, and customer service processes. Also, explain how this scale has affected my role and daily tasks as the business owner. The purpose of this description is to get me inspired and excited to do this.

Measure to manage

Measure to manageI need to establish a system to track the success of my business efforts. Given my goals of [insert specific business goals], which metrics should I prioritize? We currently track [describe metrics you track]. Suggest 5 other metrics we could track and compare the benefits of every metric in relation to my goals. Help me understand how each of these metrics can directly contribute to my sales and overall business growth. Additionally, suggest how I automate the collection of these metrics so that I can consistently monitor performance without constant manual input.

Assign responsibility

I want to assign responsibility for each line of income on my P&L to specific team members. Can you help me match the right person to each product, service line, or one-off deal in my business? Ask for the biggest line item or offer, then ask for the options of the person who could be responsible for this, before helping me assign the single person. Ask me about their skills, experience, and current responsibilities, and therefore their suitability for taking it on. We will repeat this for every line item on my business' income list.

Meet a sales consultant

Act as a sales consultant for my business. Ask me probing questions, one by one, about where my sales are coming from and, more critically, where they aren't. Start with the question "where did your last 5 customers come from?" then continue the discussion, only asking one question at a time. Help me uncover hidden statistics and explore aspects of my sales strategy that I may not have considered. Let's identify areas where I might be putting effort in the wrong places and discuss new options for growth. The goal is to make informed decisions that could potentially double my business.

Make your plan

Create a comprehensive team sales plan. First, summarize all the key components we've discussed: the metrics to track, the team assignments, and the strategies we're implementing from the sales consultant simulation. Next, help me develop an overarching schedule, presented in a table, that aligns with our goals, ensuring everyone on the team understands their responsibilities. Finally, outline the specific action points for each team member. Let’s also include a motivational note for the team as we prepare to execute this plan and drive towards greater client wins and revenue.

Make everything you write more compelling 

Copywriting is not a skill reserved for marketers. It’s everyone’s problem. Every member of your team should learn how to write compelling words and edit them until they sing.

Improve the hook

I’m pasting a message I wrote, a [describe the nature of the message] designed for [describe the audience]. Your task is to help the first line grab the attention of the reader so they keep reading. Understand the copy and create a hook. The hook should be between 6-12 words long and aim to strike a chord, create an information gap or draw someone in. This should not be a question. Give me 5 options for new hooks for this copy so I can choose the best: [Paste copy here].

Make it shorter

I’m pasting a message I wrote, a [describe the nature of the message] designed for [describe the recipients]. Your task is to make it shorter so my audience will read and understand it without needing to skim read. Look to remove waffle and additional words, and change any instances of passive voice to active. Remove repetition. Keep my tone of voice and keep the meaning of the text the same. Remove any information not essential to the main message and add as numbered footnotes at the end: [Paste copy here].

Everyone’s favourite radio station

I’m pasting a message I wrote, a [describe the nature of the message] designed for [describe the audience]. Your task is to make sure it’s clear what’s in it for them. Make sure it’s clear why they should care about this message. Suggest edits, including additional lines or reordering of information, that will have this effect: [Paste copy here].

Remove ambiguity

I’m pasting a message I wrote, a [describe the nature of the message] designed for [describe the audience]. Your task is to remove ambiguity. Without changing the meaning, style, tone or anything that is not ambiguous, produce a new version that simplifies anything potentially confusing and avoids raising objections. Explain what you changed so I can understand: [Paste copy here].

What’s the point?

I’m pasting a message I wrote, a [describe the nature of the message] designed for [describe the audience]. Your task is to ensure there’s a compelling call to action. When someone has read this, I want them to [describe the desired action]. Ensure this is clear in my copy. Provide 3 options for new wording and explain where this new wording should go for best chance of the call to action being followed. [Paste copy here].

Media mastery: reputation is everything

If you’re showing up online, doing podcasts and interviews, or sharing your story, people will ask about your company. Rather than bumbling through the answer, vaguely explaining what your company does and for whom, get prepared in advance.

Know the purpose

In my company we are focused on [describe your main focus] with the goal of [describe your main goal]. When I am asked about my business during an interview, I want to keep this purpose in mind. With the context of my business, that [describe what your business does], suggest 4-5 talking points that I could use in media interviews or casual conversation. They should keep the conversation on track and include any relevant calls to action for the listener or interviewer.

Set your boundaries

Help me define my boundaries when answering questions for media interviews and everyday conversations. Using what you know about my business so far, ask me if I'm comfortable sharing about specific topics, one by one. Start with, 'Are you comfortable sharing revenue figures?' When I say yes or no, ask me what I will say when someone asks about this. Repeat this for other aspects of business such as profit margins, employee count, future projects, personal background, client specifics, and operational challenges until you have covered 7 topics. After that, summarize my boundaries in a two-column table to remind me what I will say in response to a question on that topic.

Know the audience

Help me refine my company’s key messages for different groups such as customers, team members, investors, and partners. Start by asking me, 'Who are the main groups you interact with?' When I answer, ask, 'What are the specific interests and concerns of [name a group] related to your business?' After I respond, guide me to align my messages with the goals and needs of each group.' Repeat this process for each key audience group I mention. Finally, summarize the tailored talking points in a table format to ensure I consistently address the most important issues to each group during public engagements.

Deflect with humour

Set up a role-play scenario where you ask me inappropriate questions that violate my defined boundaries. I will practice responding in a humorous yet firm way. Start by asking, 'Can you disclose your company's earnings for the last quarter?' After I respond, ask another challenging question like, 'Tell us about your worst employee.' Continue this exercise with similar questions until I have practiced with five different scenarios. After each response, provide feedback on the effectiveness of the humor used and suggest adjustments if necessary. This practice will help me learn to maintain control of the conversation with light-hearted deflections.

Stay high energy

Set up a series of media interview simulations where you throw me curveballs with challenging or negative questions based on the context you already have. For each scenario, I'll practice responding with optimism, pragmatism, enthusiasm, or adding a positive spin. Start by asking, 'Some say your industry is struggling; how do you respond to that?' After I answer, continue with more questions, one by one. Keep the scenarios coming until we've covered five different topics. After each response, provide feedback on my energy levels and suggest how I can inject more positivity if needed. This exercise will help me bring the best version of myself to every interview, maintaining high energy and a positive outlook.

Leverage your productivity superpowers

You know what makes the difference in business? Output. Gurus can dress it up, preaching working smart instead of hard, sharing the hacks and promising the quick fixes. But sheer volume of work, over a long enough period of time, will see you lapping those who didn’t put the hours in.

Follow the law of least effort

I want to maximize my productivity by aligning my tasks with my peak energy times using the law of least effort. Help me identify when I'm most effective and the types of tasks that best suit these high-energy periods. Start by asking me to list my activities from the past week and how energized I felt doing each one. Then, guide me through analyzing which tasks were most aligned with my peak times and which ones drained my energy. Ask questions such as, 'Which tasks did you complete most efficiently last week?' and 'During what times of day do you feel most energized to work?' Finally, help me plan a daily schedule that matches my most energy-efficient tasks with my natural productivity peaks, ensuring I perform optimally with minimal effort. This structured approach will help me maximize output while working in the most effortless way possible.

Reprioritize to infinity

My goal is to always do the task that will make the most difference to my business. But after I have done the most important thing, things may have changed, and the rest of the list requires rethinking. Open this conversation with the question, 'What will make the most difference to your business.’ I will tell you when this is done. Then, ask me: 'What will make the most difference to your business now?' Keep responding with this question until I say stop.

Get ahead of your week

It's Sunday and I'm planning the week ahead to be my most productive. I will paste my schedule [or upload an image with ChatGPT+]. Your task is to align my tasks with my overall goals by asking, 'How does this task (name a task) advance your goals for the week?' Follow up by questioning the position of each task in my schedule. Encourage proactive planning by suggesting, 'Is there anything you can start on right now to get ahead for the week?' This process will help me optimize my week and find the necessary blank spaces for unexpected opportunities and creativity.

Systemize everything

My goal is to standardize a task. Your job is to help me create a streamlined process from this description, that I can give to a team member or easily follow in the future. Ask me questions to clarify any steps and suggest ways to simplify or automate the process. Once we have a clear process, add instructions to a team member to set up templates, write the rules, and save the instructions in an easily accessible location.

Automate with AI

My business is [describe your business] and my tasks include [describe the tasks in your role]. For each task, ask how this task is currently being completed and ascertain if this task could be automated. Once we identify tasks that might benefit from automation, create a 3-column table with these column headers: task, process now, process with automation. In column 2, outline these processes in detail and in column 3 create a plan for how each task could be automated. This structured approach will help me automate my business or prepare to work with an AI expert to implement time-saving automations.

Double down on your genius (use your strengths)

No one can compete with you on being you. Try these thought experiments on for size, and identify your genius so you can double down for huge results.

Stop being humble

I want to practice confidently articulating my successes and unique qualities. Start by asking me to describe my most significant achievements and the skills that set me apart from others. Respond enthusiastically to each point I make, encouraging me to delve deeper and expand on my strengths. Encourage me to brag and show off. Keep asking for me to tell you why I'm truly amazing. When I tell you I’m done, reflect it all back to me in a bullet pointed summary.

Imagine everyone was you

I've just reflected on my unique strengths and now I want to explore a hypothetical scenario: if everyone in the world had the exact same skills and qualities as me, how would that shape our society? Start by listing my top strengths, and check I agree. Next, write a three-paragraph story about the world in ten years if everyone was exactly the same as me. What would the world look like, how would everyone's lives be improved? Just how fantastic could it get? Describe this in inspirational detail and don't hold back.

See yourself how others see you

I want to gain a fresh perspective on how my strengths and contributions are viewed by others. Let's stay ten years in the future but conduct a new thought experiment where you take on the roles of three people who are important in my life, specifically [describe person one and their relationship to you], [describe person two and their relationship to you], and [describe person three and their relationship to you]. In a simulated dialogue between them, present their perspectives on how my unique talents and efforts have positively impacted specific groups or communities. As each one, offer insights on my influence and contributions. This will help me understand the value I bring from their viewpoints and see my achievements in a new light.

Imagine you weren’t afraid

I want to explore how my life and decisions would differ if I were completely fearless. Imagine a scenario where I have no fear of failure, rejection, or judgment. Begin by asking me about the specific fears that currently hold me back. Then, guide me through a thought experiment where you help me visualize my actions and decisions if these fears were absent. Ask questions one by one, starting with, 'What projects or initiatives would you pursue if you knew you could not fail?' and followed by 'How would your daily interactions change if you were not afraid of judgment?' This exploration will help me uncover new possibilities and understand the impact of fear on my decision-making process.

Show up in your most authentic way

I want to share my unique talents and insights with the world in the most authentic way possible. Help me explore all the potential platforms and methods for disseminating my genius. Start by listing the unique aspects of my genius (from our chat so far) in relation to the audiences I aim to reach, [describe your target audience]. Then, guide me through evaluating different communication methods, including social media platforms, content formats (like blog posts, videos, live streams), and daily actions that can amplify my presence. Ask questions one by one, starting with, 'Which platform aligns best with where your audience spends their time?' followed by, 'What format allows you to express your ideas most clearly and engagingly?', adding others one by one to further the conversation. My goal is to choose one place to show up, in one format, every day for three months, ensuring consistency and allowing my impact to grow. Continue the conversation for five questions then ask if I’m ready for you to summarize the information into the plan for showing up daily.

Succeed on your terms

Tell someone about a challenge and straight away they’ll tell you how to solve it. But they might be wrong. In fact, they probably are. But within the useless chatter there are some gems.

Know yourself inside out

Help me define myself clearly before I seek out or evaluate advice. Start by asking me questions, one by one, about my hopes, dreams, and deepest desires. The first question should be, 'What's the one big thing you want to achieve?' After that, let’s explore my fears and the obstacles I perceive. Following this, help me outline my goals and assess my strengths and weaknesses in achieving my ambitions. This methodical inquiry will prepare me to discern which advice is worth considering and which to disregard as I pursue my goals.

Figure out any gaps

Assist me in identifying what I don't know I don't know and help me formulate the right questions. Start by asking what I currently understand about [specific area or subject related to my business], then guide me to uncover the gaps in my knowledge. Ask me probing questions that reveal these blind spots and find the problems I’m trying to solve. After this assessment, create a list of the 5 questions I should seek answers to, so I can focus my efforts there.

Double check for alignment

I am considering advice from someone. Here are the details about their lifestyle, values, and what they consider success: [Insert adviser's details here]. Based on this, ask me questions to help determine if their approach and life choices align with my primary life and business goals. Possible questions might include, 'Does this person's lifestyle reflect the work-life balance you aim for?' and 'How do their financial or career achievements align with your definitions of success?' This will help me evaluate if their advice can appropriately guide me towards my desired outcomes.

Understand hidden motives

Before I accept advice, I need to consider any potential biases or hidden motives behind it. Here are the details about the person offering advice and the context of their suggestions: [Insert details about the adviser and the advice]. Based on this information, help me analyze whether the advice might be influenced by personal interests or biases. Ask me questions like, 'How could this person benefit from you taking their advice?' and 'How might they be projecting their own aspirations or limitations onto you?' This process will help me ensure that the guidance I follow is truly in my best interest and aligned with my goals.

Let go of guilt

I need help letting go of guilt when I choose not to take advice given to me, specifically [name a piece of advice you have recently received]. Sometimes I feel pressured to follow recommendations, but I want to affirm my right to make my own decisions. Ask me questions, one by one, that help me explore why I feel guilty. Start with, 'Why do you think you feel obligated to act on this advice?' and 'What are the consequences, if any, of not following the advice?' Guide me through reflecting on the importance of making choices that align with my values and goals, reminding me that all advice is recommendation, not instruction.

Stay in the game (when you’re losing motivation)

No one has a tried-and-tested method for universal success, fame or recognition. We’re all just figuring it out as we go along and some of us help others on their journey.

Find the game

I’m focused on [specific business goals, e.g., increasing monthly sales, enhancing customer satisfaction, expanding product lines]. I want to turn these goals into a game. Devise a fun and engaging way to track these metrics. Include ideas on milestones, rewards, and creative ways to visualize progress. Additionally, suggest playful challenges I can incorporate to keep my team motivated and enthusiastic about achieving these goals.

Vent your frustrations

I need to vent about some recent business challenges. Listen to my issues and respond with probing questions one at a time to help me clarify and unpack each point. Focus on understanding and exploring my frustrations without jumping to solutions immediately. When I have vented, ask if I've fully expressed myself, then ask if I'm ready to move past this frustration and get back to work.

Be intensely grateful

I want to focus on gratitude. Start by asking me to name three things I’m grateful for. After I respond, just ask, 'Now, three more?' Continue to prompt me for three additional items each time until I have told you 12, then act as a gratitude coach and explore them with me, with the purpose of appreciating what I have. This practice helps me to recognize and appreciate the abundance in my life, fostering a positive and resilient mindset.

Rework your routine

I've pasted my current daily schedule below. Please analyze it and suggest some pattern interrupts - unique and interesting activities I can integrate into my routine. I’m looking for new experiences that can refresh my perspective and spark creativity. Help me identify moments in my day where I can insert these new activities to reinvigorate my routine and boost my motivation. [Upload screenshot of calendar or paste schedule].

Rewrite your stories

Assist me in considering the stories I've been telling myself about [key aspects of my career or personal life, e.g., starting my business, my health, losing a deal]. Start with one, and help me figure out if these stories are completely true, or simplified versions that avoid the uncomfortable details. One by one, let's dissect each story I suggest, first understanding how I tell it, then questioning its accuracy, and rewriting it to reflect a more honest and empowering truth. You will lead this exercise, designed to uncover deeper motivations and possibly initiate significant changes in how I approach challenges and opportunities.

Approach business like an elite athlete

Business and sport are similar. To be the best in either field requires talent, skill, hard work and a bit of luck. Setting a goal, making a plan, then putting the hours in. Using the competition as motivation to improve, and not quitting until you reach success, whatever your version looks like.

Embrace hard work like Roger Federer

Help me understand what I can improve. Acting as a business coach, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start by asking about my main business goal then when I respond, ask questions one at a time to help me identify where I can improve my work to better achieve this goal.

Pay the price for your goals like Usain Bolt

What sacrifices am I currently making for my business goals? Adopting the role of a business strategist, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start by understanding my business situation and then analyze my time, effort, sacrifice, and sweat. I know that sacrifices such as these are necessary but I want to understand how I can align them better to efficiently achieve my objectives.

Set clear objectives like Natalie Coughlin

Acting as a business mentor, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start with a question that helps me set clear, measurable, and achievable goals for this quarter that will guide my business strategy and day-to-day operations.

Manifest your vision like Conor McGregor

I have a business idea I believe in. As a motivational coach, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start by aiming to understand my ideas and then help me articulate this vision clearly and create a step-by-step plan to bring it into reality, utilizing the law of attraction to bolster my commitment and actions.

Aim for the best like Cristiano Ronaldo

How can I position my business as the best in its field? Acting as a market analyst, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start by understanding my business and identify key opportunities for differentiation and excellence. Continue the conversation with the goal of encouraging me to aim to be the best.

Adapt and overcome like Mike Tyson

I want to build resilience and adaptability in my business strategy to handle unexpected setbacks. As a crisis management consultant, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start by understanding my business, then identify potential vulnerabilities in my business and develop contingency plans, considering all potential setbacks.

Overcome self-limitations like Jackie Joyner-Kersee

What internal barriers might be holding me back in business? As a personal development coach, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start with a question about my business reality compared to my goals, then assist me in identifying and addressing any negative beliefs or attitudes that could be preventing me from achieving my full potential.

Make persistence pay off like Billie Jean King

What areas of my business require more persistence? Acting as a business mentor, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start by asking about my current levels of motivation to persist, and guide me through a discussion that focuses on continuous improvement and persistence to achieve better outcomes.

Cultivate confidence like Venus Williams

My goal is to foster a stronger belief in my business capabilities. As a confidence coach, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start by understanding my current level of self belief, then move to asking about my confidence in my skills, vision, and the value I bring to customers. Guide me through to making a plan where my self-belief is supercharged.

Train to make your own luck like Simone Biles

My goal is to identify which specific training or knowledge I need in order to excel. As a business trainer, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start with a question to understand my current weaknesses, then throughout the conversation suggest areas for development and strategies to enhance my expertise and readiness for dominating my industry.

Go beyond like Michael Phelps

Help me find the uncommon strategies that could propel my business ahead of the competition. As an innovation strategist, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start by asking me what I currently do that no one else does, and help me find other options for actions I could take. Help me explore unconventional or extreme approaches that could yield substantial benefits.

Control your performance like Michael Phelps

My aim is to maximize my daily business performance. As a performance coach, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start by asking about my normal daily schedule, then help me review and optimize my daily activities and responsibilities to ensure peak productivity and satisfaction.

Make success inevitable with focus and effort like The Rock

How can I improve focus and increase effort in my business operations? As an executive coach, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start by asking me to rate my current level of focus and effort, then ask why I have given this score. Move to asking for examples of my focus and effort within my business, then provide techniques and habits that can help maintain high levels of focus and consistent effort.

Never be denied success like The Rock

I want to move past any obstacles hindering my business and success. As a problem-solving expert, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start by asking for what I think my biggest obstacle to success is, then help me devise practical strategies to overcome it, ensuring a clear path to victory in my field.

Prepare and focus like Eric Cantona

How can I better prepare and focus to enhance my business performance? As a mindset coach, open a discussion where you ask questions one by one. Start by asking how I prepare for a big business opportunity, then guide me through establishing robust preparation practices and maintaining focus, especially under pressure.

Tell your boss what you really think

Something isn’t going right at work and you’re not sure what to do. You know you need to have a chat, you know you need to take action, but which approach to take?

Empathise first

I'm preparing to discuss some workplace issues with my boss, and I want to ensure I understand their perspective first. Here's what I know about my boss [describe your boss’s work style, their role and responsibilities, and any current pressures they might be facing]. Can you help me analyze their situation and outline the possible challenges they are dealing with at work? This will help me approach our conversation with more empathy and understanding.

Let it all out

I need to vent about some ongoing frustrations I have with my boss before I can think about resolving them constructively. Please listen as I detail these problems and help me process my emotions by reflecting back the main points of concern and the emotions involved. This will help me understand my feelings better and prepare for a calm, productive discussion later. Invite me to begin by saying 'Tell me everything' and then I'll start talking.

Find the positives

After expressing my frustrations, I'd like to shift my focus to the positives that can come from this situation. Having heard the challenges I'm dealing with [add more if relevant], can you help me identify the potential positive outcomes and opportunities for personal growth these challenges might offer? I'm looking to understand how I can use this situation to develop my skills and perhaps improve my work environment.

Decide what you want

I want to move from just complaining about my work situation to defining clear outcomes and goals. Act as my career coach and guide me through a discussion where you ask questions, one by one, about what's truly important to me. Start by asking about specific changes I want to make and move through to asking me to list my desired outcomes, non-negotiables, and priorities. This will assist me in understanding exactly what I want to achieve and how I should approach a conversation with my boss. Our discussion should be back and forth and step by step, don't write a long list of questions.

Plan the chat

Now that I have a clear understanding of my boss’s perspective, have vented my frustrations, identified the positives, and defined what I want, I need help planning the actual conversation with my boss. Guide me through setting up the agenda for this discussion, for which I will have a [duration] slot. The agenda should be based on what we have discussed so far and include empathetic opening statements, clearly outline my points, and use concrete examples to support my case where you have them. Ask me for concrete examples where required. Help me structure this talk so I can approach it with confidence and achieve the outcomes I've defined.

Rather than second guess the wants and needs of your dream customers, you could build what you know they will soon desire. Your business would run with effortless flow, you’d never get thrown by global pandemics or changes in behavior.

Run your business in the future

Here’s how I currently run my business: [briefly describe your business model, main products or services, and key technologies]. Based on this, can you provide a detailed paragraph on how you predict my business might operate differently in ten years from now, considering advancements in technology, shifts in consumer behavior, and emerging industry trends.

Remember how things were

Using the information you know about my business, simulate a series of 5 scenarios where something my business relies on is unavailable, a single feature of our product or service changes completely, or our industry evolves or becomes obsolete. For each one, ask what I would do in that circumstance. Assess each response for its resourcefulness and make suggestions on alternative solutions to consider, before moving to the next scenario.

Look at fast-growth industries

I operate within [describe your field and current technologies used]. Study fast-growth industries that might influence my sector in the future. Provide information on how these industries could impact my business and suggest adaptations I might need to consider to stay ahead. Include any emerging technologies and market trends from these industries that are relevant to my field.

Understand human behavior

I want to better understand the deepest desires of my ideal customers. Right now I understand their desires to be [describe their desires]. Based on these insights, predict how their preferences might evolve over time. Provide a detailed analysis of potential changes in consumer behavior and suggest ways I could adapt my products or services to meet their future needs, thereby ensuring my business remains their preferred choice.

Pre-empt solvable problems

Now that you understand my business and who my customers are, can you predict the future problems and fears they might face that my business could alleviate? Additionally, consider other solvable problems outside of our current focus that we might be well-suited to address. Provide a list of potential problems and fears, and I will review them to determine which are most aligned with our capabilities and goals.

Manage underperforming team members

Make a plan for underperforming team members, so they improve or leave without wasting any more energy.

Check your facts

I suspect a team member, who we’ll call [enter fake name] is underperforming. Before I address this with them, help me make sure I have a case. Open a dialogue where you act as an HR consultant and ask me questions, one by one, about why I suspect their performance isn’t where it should be. Require that I draw on specific examples with evidence. Start with asking why their performance has come into question, and progress to understanding every reason.

Define the standards

Help me define the standards I set for my company, so I can be certain when someone isn’t hitting them. I will paste information from my [somewhere that describes your company, for example your about page], as well as my [somewhere that defines your personal ethos, for example your LinkedIn summary]. From the information, come up with 10 company principles that define how we operate, what we stand for, and how we go about our work. Present these 10 and ask me which are accurate and which should be changed, then keep going until we have a final 10. Present the 10 in a three-column table where column A is the name of the principle, column B is how someone adheres to this principle, and column C is the opposite of this principle. [Paste information].

Practice what you preach

Quiz me about my adherence to these 10 principles. Go through each one and ask me to say how I feel my work, results and attitude adheres to each one. After I have answered all 10, highlight my strengths as a leader as well as three possible areas for improvement. The goal is that I run my company in accordance with the high standards I set for the work of everyone in my team.

Prevent issues escalating

I sometimes have trouble calling people out on issues early on, and want to improve. Help me practice. Simulate a series of scenarios, one by one, where a team member messes up, and ask for my actions and what I would say. When I explain what I’d do, assess my answer for assertiveness and make suggestions on phrases I could use to better get people back on track. The goal is to pull people up on subpar behaviour right at the start, so it doesn’t escalate and cause a problem in my business.

Draft the improvement plan

Now you know why I suspect someone is under performing, plus the goals and vision of my company and the standards we set for the work, draft a performance improvement plan for [fake name used earlier.] This should highlight areas for improvement over the next [duration, for example 30 days]. Present the plan in a four-column table, with a title of each area, the standard expected, where I believe they have fallen short and the actions that need to happen to bring this back on track. Before drafting the table, ask questions about the [number] areas to gather information.

Prepare for the chat

Help me prepare for a conversation with [fake name] where I explain their work isn’t at the standard required and introduce the plan. Say I’d like to hear their opinion and get their commitment to improving in line with what is expected of them and what I believe they have the potential to achieve. Outline the structure of a productive discussion, that I can follow in a [number of minutes] meeting. Include time for their questions and pre-empt concerns or questions they might have. The tone should be authoritative but not harsh, to avoid them becoming defensive.

Turn customer feedback into actions for growth

The best businesses understand their customers inside out. They know their likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams. Gather customer feedback and turn it into actions for growth.

Collect feedback

I recognize the importance of gathering customer feedback to better understand their needs and preferences. To ensure we're meeting and exceeding their expectations, I want to create a comprehensive customer survey that captures valuable insights. Start by asking questions about my business, what it achieves and for whom, then draft a short survey that is engaging and easy for customers to complete. The survey should include probing questions aimed at uncovering their likes, dislikes, and expectations related to my business. After providing the survey questions, suggest ways to seamlessly integrate these questions into our everyday interactions with customers. By gathering this data, we can make informed decisions and take actionable steps for growth.

Find the trends

Identify trends in our customer feedback by analyzing our [survey responses, reviews, emails or team insights] and pinpointing recurring themes or patterns. Guide the exploration until we have a clear list of actionable items to prioritize and implement. Here are the survey responses: [Insert survey responses here, removing any identifying customer information].

Understand why customers leave

We need to understand why customers leave to uncover valuable insights for improvement. We must ask those who have left about their reasons for doing so. Can you assist in crafting 3 questions to dig deep into why they chose to go elsewhere or did not continue with our service? The goal is to gather feedback that will help us improve for the future, whether it's by winning them back or providing a better service for others. The questions should relate to my business and be easy for them to complete in under 5 minutes. Also suggest ways of opening and closing this email in a way that helps me secure responses.

Be inspired by potential

Help me visualize a future where we've implemented all customer feedback and improved our business to the point that no customer leaves. In this scenario, we're thriving and growing sustainably. In no more than two paragraphs, describe how my business operates and serves happy customers and where we would be in five years' time, based on our business goals of [describe your business goals]. Add a glowing testimonial from one of these customers.

Make your plan

Let's turn our motivation into action by crafting a solid plan. Start by asking for my preferred timeframe and available resources for implementing feedback-driven actions, including any team members I can delegate tasks to. Once I provide this information, break down the [customer feedback, reviews, insights] I provided into actionable tasks, incorporating any additional actions you deem necessary. Ensure that these tasks fit within the specified timeframe and utilize the available resources. Ask for my feedback on the tasks. When I respond and confirm I’m happy with the tasks, generate a detailed breakdown of the plan, outlining what needs to happen and when. This plan will be our roadmap for making tangible improvements and reaching our goals.

Effective LinkedIn outreach as a thought leader

To get results on LinkedIn, it’s not enough to post and ghost. Making the most of the social network involves being social, and that means outreach.

Respond to connection requests

I often receive LinkedIn connection requests without any accompanying message, leaving their intent unclear. As a thought leader with extensive experience in [describe your experience], I want to engage effectively without compromising my professional image. Could you help me draft a friendly reply that is sophisticated yet approachable? The response should invite the requester to share more about their reasons for connecting, which may be [outline 2 or 3 reasons why someone might get in touch]. The message should be no more than two sentences, the tone should be polished but not overly formal, aligning with my status as an experienced professional. Use simple language. This will help me better understand their intentions before I consider accepting the connection.

Get to know profile viewers

I need assistance drafting a message for LinkedIn. Every week, I want to reach out to individuals who have viewed my profile. As a thought leader with considerable expertise, it's crucial that my message reflects a sophisticated yet inviting tone. The message should thank them for visiting my profile and express curiosity about what drew them to it. Could you help me compose a message that initiates this conversation in a polished and engaging manner, while inviting them to share their interests or goals related to my field? Use simple and friendly language. Make it specific to the context already provided.

Follow up comments in DMs

I recently shared a LinkedIn post on the topic of [describe post] that received comments from people in my target audience. As a thought leader, I want to continue these conversations in direct messages to deepen connections. Write a message that acknowledges their comment, thanks them for their engagement, and invites further discussion. The message should be no longer than two sentences, casual and approachable.

Diffuse irrelevant requests

As my LinkedIn profile gains traction, I'm receiving an increasing number of private messages. Some are from people interested in my expertise, but many are from those seeking to sell their services or pick my brain. Create a polite message to express appreciation for their interest, clarify my current focus of growing my company, [insert company name], and encourage them to stay connected for future opportunities. However, it must also politely decline their initial request, making it clear that I can't fulfill it. The message must be no longer than two sentences, super casual, and be professional while setting boundaries.

Message potential partners

I'm looking to connect with potential partners and customers on LinkedIn. As a thought leader, I understand the importance of maintaining authenticity and professionalism in all communications. Instead of resorting to traditional sales tactics, I want to reach out with a personalized message that resonates with the recipient. Create an outreach message that introduces me, highlights common interests or goals, and expresses genuine interest in getting to know them. The message should be conversational and use simple language, engaging yet professional, with a focus on building rapport and establishing a foundation for future collaboration. Start by asking me to paste my LinkedIn headline, followed by the headline of the person I am reaching out to, then draft the message from this information. The message should be no longer than two sentences. Don't use the word synergy or synergies.

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Uncover your unique strengths (and leverage them)

Finding your hidden strengths can be the catalyst for profound personal and professional growth.

Uncover your core motivators

I want to identify what truly motivates and energizes me at a core level. To start, I'll share my schedule for the day. One by one, suggest reasons why I might be excited for the day and ask me to agree or disagree. After 10 questions, suggest what my core motivators might be. Here is my schedule for today: [share screenshot of calendar or paste your agenda.]

Locate your effortless flow tasks

Following the deep dive into my day’s schedule to find my core motivators, let’s look at my week’s schedule to find what we’ll call my effortless flow tasks. Analyze my calendar and ask questions, one by one, about how effortlessly I flow through specific tasks there, as well as how much they contribute to the growth of my business. After 10 questions, identify the types of tasks I should look to do more of, based on how I have answered questions about my week: [share screenshot of week or paste your agenda].

Find underutilized competitive advantages

I want to evaluate my unique entrepreneurial strengths by creating a scorecard. One by one, ask me to rank my skills and traits from 1 to 10, where 10 indicates a key strength of mine and 1 indicates this area isn’t one of my strongest. Ask 20 questions on various aspects related to being an entrepreneur. After scoring each trait, ask me about the next one sequentially. After 20 questions, suggest what my unique competitive advantage could be, based on which of my strengths are the most rare. Then, ask me about my business goals so you can suggest how I could apply my unique strengths to achieve success.

Identify your productive superpower

I want to discover my productive superpower by understanding how and what I create best. Ask me questions, one by one, about my creative process, output, work style, habits, and the type of work I produce. After each response, guide me to the next question. Ultimately, help me pinpoint the unique aspects of my creativity that allow me to outproduce others. Once we identify these traits, give me advice on how to leverage them effectively to maximize my productivity.

Make a personalized strengths maximization plan

I want to create a personalized strengths maximization plan. Start by helping me list my top five strengths based on our conversation so far, especially hidden ones I may not be using. Once we have those, ask me detailed questions about my current projects and long-term goals. Based on my answers, draft a strategy that leverages these strengths to achieve my objectives. After we outline the plan, provide tips on implementing it effectively in my daily routine to ensure I am maximizing my potential.

Transform your email marketing: 10X results

With every email you send, you have to win it from scratch. Securing opens, reads and clicks is no easy task. Professionals receive so many emails each day, yours has to cut through. 

Level up your title

I'm sending an email to [target audience, e.g. small business owners, marketing professionals, etc.] about [topic of the email, e.g. new product launch, marketing tips, industry insights, etc.]. The working title of the email is "[current title]". Can you suggest some alternative titles that are more attention-grabbing, create curiosity/an information gap, and highlight the value for the reader? The goal is to maximize the email’s open rate.

Supercharge your opening line

I've got my reader's attention with the email title "[your email title]." It’s going to be sent to my target audience. My current opening line is [enter it here]. Can you suggest some powerful opening lines that will grab their interest right away, set up the story/information, and compel them to keep reading?

Rework your call to action

Based on the email I described previously, where I want the reader to [desired action], my current call-to-action is: "[insert your existing CTA]". Can you suggest alternatives to this CTA to make it more compelling and motivating for the reader to take that desired action?

Send emails in series

I'm creating a 3-email sequence to nurture [target audience] toward [ultimate goal/offer]. I'd like the first email to clearly introduce a major problem they face, the second to agitate this problem, and the third to position my [product/service] as the solution. For the whole sequence, can you provide an outline covering:

1. The "Problem" Email
Suggested ways to concisely articulate the core problem to [target audience]. Examples of common pain points/frustrations they feel around this problem

2. The "Agitation" Email
How to highlight the negative impacts/consequences of this unsolved problem. Ideas to agitate the problem and get them wanting a solution

3. The "Solution" Email
Positioning my [product/service] as the best way to solve this problem. Persuasive ways to describe the key benefits/results they'll achieve. Potential CTAs to include to move them towards [ultimate goal].
An outline covering all 3 emails in a logical sequence will help me craft an effective nurture series.

Invite honest feedback

I've written the following email to be sent to [target audience] with the goal of [purpose of the email]. Review the full email draft critically from the perspective of someone in the target audience and provide detailed feedback in a single response. Analyze how well the subject line would grab attention, whether the opening line is good, and if it clearly [edit to reflect the purpose of this email, e.g. articulates a relatable problem/pain point, if the agitation of that problem feels genuine and motivating, or how persuasive the positioning of my [offer] is in terms of highlighting key benefits, if the call-to-action is compelling for taking the desired action, any areas that are confusing or unclear, and a general critique of the writing style, flow, and ability to keep interest. I'm looking for an honest, comprehensive critique so I can improve and ensure this email truly resonates with my audience before sending. [Insert full email draft text here].

Cut your workload in half (work smarter)

Ambitious entrepreneurs are intentional about how they spend their time. They work smart as well as hard. 

Stop micromanaging

I have recently delegated [describe task you have delegated] to [describe the role or person who now looks after it]. I’m concerned about [describe your concerns]. Act as a business coach and ask me questions, one by one, to understand whether I have good reason to be concerned, and therefore what I should do, or if I am simply being controlling and micromanaging, without any need. Ask the questions one by one, help me understand my process of delegating this task to ascertain whether I did sufficient preparation.

Structure your meetings

I want to stop wasting time in meetings, and require every meeting to have a defined agenda that is stuck to by every member. Acting as an assertive productivity consultant, ask me questions about my next meeting, its attendees and purpose. From this information, create a concise agenda that can be shared before. Add a sentence I can use when sharing this agenda, to explain to attendees that going off topic cannot happen in this meeting, and we should work together to make that happen. Before beginning the questioning, require me to type, ‘Let’s end the meeting madness!

Create an email autoresponder

Create an email autoresponder so people who email me can progress their work without waiting for a response from me. Open a dialogue where you ask me what people often email me about, inviting me to paste in a typical message I receive. Next, ask for my typical answer. Keep going with these emails, one by one, until we have covered the most popular topics. Then, collate the information into a concise yet helpful email responder that I can put in place. At the start of the email, explain that I get a lot of enquiries and I put these FAQs together to help people find a way forward. Use my writing style to create the response: [Include an email you wrote for context].

Automate your perfectionism

I am a recovering perfectionist. Perfectionism has held me back in the past, but not any more. Your task is to assess the work I’m about to publish and find any errors that I should fix. After telling me where the errors are, tell me that you’re proud of the effort I put into this work. Help me realize that putting in maximum effort and being prepared to learn and iterate is more important than everything being exactly right the first time. Not everything requires perfection, and shipping the work is often more important.

Organize your priorities

Your task is to organize my day’s work in order of what will make the most difference to my business. I will paste my task list, and you should ask me questions, one by one, first to ascertain my number one business goal and then to work out which tasks contribute to it. All that matters is my one business goal, everything else can wait. Help me stick to that one goal by prioritizing my work and reminding me why it’s important to do it in that order and not get distracted.

Unlock innovative ideas (and scale your business)

Get brand new ideas that will take you to a whole new level. Stay away from the majority and pave your own way.

Get innovation inspiration

I admire companies such as [insert companies you're interested in]. Provide examples of how these companies are doing innovative things in their industry. I'm especially interested in how they approached problem-solving and developed their solutions around the topic of [describe challenge you're facing]. I’d like to understand their thought processes and methodologies to inspire innovation in my own business endeavors. Break down their innovation process and how they implemented their ideas.

Access relentless optimism

In the past, I solved a significant problem in the [insert industry or field] with an innovative solution of [describe what you suggested]. Can you deliver a live update as a news reporter, reporting on my success? Praise the innovation and tout me as a world-leading inventor and a very smart entrepreneur. Highlight how this breakthrough demonstrates an unparalleled ability to generate incredible ideas, access solutions that others can’t find, and connect the dots even in the face of adversity. This speech should give me confidence and optimism that I can do this going forward.

Have more ideas

Let's start a brainstorming session on the topic of [insert your challenge] in my business. Ask me for one idea related to this topic, and after I respond, either ask for another idea based on what I've said or give me a hint or pointer to think in a new direction. Let’s keep this process going, aiming for at least 20 ideas, regardless of their initial quality. Provide guidance or prompts to help expand my thinking when I get stuck, encouraging a continuous flow of ideas.

Involve your team

I'm looking to foster a culture of innovation within my team and want to encourage everyone to share their ideas, no matter how big or small. Create:
(a) A message I can send out on Slack or by email to invite my team members to share their ideas. The message should create an open and welcoming atmosphere for innovation.
(b) A template for recognizing someone's great idea in a way that highlights how it has progressed the company. This template should be adaptable to different achievements and make the person feel valued and seen, in a [casual, formal, etc] tone.
(c) An inspiring mantra or quote that I can use in my email signature to demonstrate that I welcome ideas from everyone and am committed to building a culture of innovative thinking within our organization, which [describe what your business does].

Manifest a new reality

I currently run a [describe your current business - its size, what it does, its mission, and any other relevant details]. On a personal level, I [describe your current lifestyle, achievements, and aspirations]. I'd like to explore what both my business and personal life would look like scaled up by a magnitude of 1000 or more. Dream big for me. Describe an incredibly aspirational and inspiring future where my business impacts the world in significant ways and my personal life is enriched beyond my wildest dreams. Then ask me for ideas of how I can make this a reality.

Radiate confidence with effortless charisma

Deploy all the tactics in the book to transform your persona into the most confident, assertive and charismatic version of you.

Create an alter ego

I'm working on enhancing my confidence and presence, especially in high-stakes business environments. Here's a description of myself: [Describe yourself, current traits, goals, and any specific areas you want to improve, like public speaking, decision-making, or networking]. I admire the transformation Beyoncé undergoes to become Sasha Fierce on stage, embodying absolute confidence and dominance. Craft me an alter ego that embodies these qualities. I want this alter ego to be my 'Sasha Fierce', a persona that I can tap into when I need to feel unstoppable and assertive. Suggest a name for this persona, along with key characteristics, behaviors, and a mindset that align with a confident, successful entrepreneur.

Recite confidence mantras

Develop a set of powerful mantras for me to boost self-confidence and maintain focus on my entrepreneurial goals. Influential figures use personal mantras to stay motivated. Given the challenges and goals ahead, such as [briefly describe a current challenge or goal], I need a set of 5 mantras. These should act as reminders of my capabilities and the success that awaits with dedication and confidence. Craft a personalized mantra that embodies enduring confidence and relentless pursuit of success, something I can repeat in moments of doubt to reaffirm my path.

Prepare for conversations

I have a meeting coming up with [name], who [describe their relationship to you, such as a potential investor, a key client, or a mentor]. Help me prepare for this meeting by suggesting ways I can open strongly and keep that tone throughout. Potential challenging questions might relate to [enter contentious scenario], so help me prepare to respond to these in a confident way. Add some curveballs too. The purpose of this preparation is to help me approach the meeting with confidence, ready to make a strong impression.

Focus on being relaxed 

Provide a checklist for relaxing my physical body to appear more confident before important meetings or presentations. Include reminders to breathe deeply, relax my shoulders, unclench my jaw, smooth my brow, and adopt a loose, casual stance. This checklist will help me prepare to make others feel at ease by appearing more relaxed and confident.

Never be lost for words

In a recent conversation, I felt unconfident and lost for words when the topic of [mention topic] was brought up. Help me handle these conversations better in the future by suggesting short questions I should have asked people in the group about their experience of this topic. Find one question for each of: Who, what, why, when, how. I will use this method in future conversations so I’m never lost for words.

Send hours of email in seconds: master your inbox

Email is getting out of hand. It’s probably not your job to send emails. But when you do, it’s costing deep work and leaving you with less time to make a difference.

Politely decline invitations

Create a response for this email where, in a few polite sentences, you decline the invitation. Make a plausible reason based on [why you’re not accepting] and suggest that you would accept if [altered conditions of invitation, if applicable]. Here’s the email: [paste email].

Respond based on principles

Analyze this text from my bio, company about page, and recent email sent to a [friend/colleague]. From the text please suggest 5 work principles, which are rules I stand by in my role and dealings with colleagues. After giving the principles, ask if they match my personality, and suggest new ones until we agree on a final 5.
Then use the principles to respond to emails with the second prompt.
Using these 5 principles, create a short response to the following email that [agrees/disagrees/accepts/etc with the message]. Respond in the way someone who stands by those principles would respond: [Paste email].

Appease the sender

I have received this email from [relationship to you] and I’m not sure how to respond. Suggest a response of 3 sentences or fewer that satisfies the sender and ensures no follow up response. Use your analysis of their email to me to gauge what they want. [Paste email or email thread].

Yes but not yet

Create a response to this email that tells the sender, ‘yes, but not yet’ in an appropriate way. I can’t fulfill their request now because [reason, e.g. I’m busy] but I may be able to [in/on date/timeframe] because [why it might be possible then]. Ask them to return with their request at this time. [Paste email].

Throw it back to them

Create a response to this email that passes the work back to my [relationship to you]. From their request, request further information, request to see their work first, or ask what they think instead. Use words that give the best chance of throwing the ball back in their court, delivered in a polite email of no more than 3 sentences. [Paste email].

Create a 3-day week: do less and earn more

Assess what you’re doing in your business right now and get insights and ideas to reshuffle your schedule. Everyone can be a lifestyle entrepreneur if they so wish. Why not see what’s possible?

Reimagine your calendar

Review the attached calendar for my upcoming schedule. Ask me clarifying questions to identify meetings or tasks that are less critical or low-priority, and suggest alternative times when these could be rescheduled or delegated, so I can prioritize maintaining blocks of time for high-value work and strategic planning. Additionally, flag any commitments that may no longer be necessary or beneficial. Every time I send an updated calendar, ensure I consistently focus on the most impactful tasks and responsibilities: [Attach your calendar, removing any identifying or sensitive information].

Analyze sales data

Act as an expert business consultant and analyze this sales data. Your goal is to identify my higher value, lower energy revenue streams. Ask me clarifying questions to gather more information about how much time and effort each aspect of our income requires. Afterwards, present your findings and make suggestions of how I could make more money while working 60% less: [Upload sales data spreadsheet, removing any identifying or sensitive information].

Upgrade your documentation

Act as a customer service expert and create a list of FAQs to address my customers’ common questions and provide answers that will prevent them from getting in touch via email or phone call. Assess my existing FAQs, the content of my homepage and services page, and questions I have received via email to create the list: [Insert context, including existing FAQs, text from your website and questions from customers in emails or social media messages].

Better understand customers

I’m testing a theory that I can make more revenue in less time by solving fewer of my customer’s problems, but better. I believe my ideal customer has these challenges: [describe your ideal customer’s challenges in detail], and my [product/service] aims to alleviate them by [describe how you help your customers]. Comparing the problem and solution, suggest a priority order of the problems I should address, and mention any I should discard and not focus on within my marketing or solutions offered.

Plan your content

Acting as a social media manager, create a social media plan for my content. Make it cover [number] days on [platforms, for example LinkedIn and Instagram] and suggest a theme or post format for each time I post, based on the challenges of my target audience and my [product/service]. For each theme, outline 5 post ideas I could share within that theme.

Optimize your routine (and maximize productivity)

Your day-to-day is one of the biggest indicators of future success. Practice excellence, stick to your word, and work on your dreams, and you’ll keep making progress in the right direction.

Reinvent your mornings

Assess my morning routine to create a structure that I can stick to every day. At the moment, in the morning I [describe everything you do each morning] and it takes [number of hours]. I want to do only the things that will progress me to my goal of [describe your ultimate goal] in a routine of [number of hours]. Suggest this routine and ask for my edits, iterating until we have a plan I know I can stick to. Ask clarifying questions to assess what should be removed and added.

Make mealtimes matter

Act as a nutritionist with knowledge of foods that bring energy and foods that are highly processed or contain additives that are harmful to brainpower and focus. Ask questions about my energy levels throughout the day, including when it’s highest and lowest, and then ask me to describe the meals I have eaten before or after these times. Make links between certain foods and energy levels and suggest simple swaps I could make to feel more alert and focused on my work.

Move your body

Close to where I work there are [outline every potential for exercise, including gyms, home equipment, road runs, local classes]. Incorporating your guidance for my morning routine and mealtimes, suggest five exercise experiments I could run to test out different ways of moving my body in my daily routine. Design a week where I try out one different exercise each day, with the goal of narrowing this down to two that I can alternate going forward. After that, create a comparison table by which I should assess each activity, including preparation time and the effect on my happiness and energy throughout the remainder of the day.

Batch your work

Help me understand that I should not let myself get sidetracked while I’m doing deep work by describing the stark reality of not getting my real work done. Given what you know about my goals, including the morning and movement routines we just planned, tell me about how I won’t achieve them if I continue to let myself get distracted by [describe the platforms and activities that distract you.] I should leave this exercise motivated to batch my work going forward.

Leave space for the unknown

I’m going to set aside [number] minutes of my schedule every [time period such as day or week] to welcome in the unknown. Given my business goal, suggest five off-the-wall activities I could undertake that will spark new ideas, inspire a novel way of thinking, or lead to a connection that opens opportunities. Create a schedule that starts with less crazy ones and builds up to things I would never normally do.

Unlock financial wisdom and 10X your income

You have the talent to be a multimillionaire, so if revenue isn’t rolling in and your checkout page is gathering dust, something is going wrong. Use these prompts to dig into your money beliefs and unlock the financial insights that will transform your bank account.

Go where the money is

I currently sell [describe your product or service] to [describe your ideal customer]. If they don’t buy, it’s because [describe the reasons they give for not buying]. Acting as a business analyst, conduct a review on how I could make my offer a no brainer decision for them. Include switches I could make to make this happen, including a different audience, an amended offer or a new way of operating entirely. My goal is to make the sale more simple by going where the money is, rather than making it difficult by coercing people without the resources or inclination to spend.

Revisit money beliefs

I might be holding subconscious money beliefs that are preventing me from earning more money. I'd like you to present a series of statements about money, one by one, and ask me to rate each one on a scale of 1 to 10. Use 1 to indicate 'strongly do not believe' and 10 to indicate 'strongly believe.' For example, 'Money doesn’t grow on trees' and 'rich people are greedy.' Please keep sharing statements one by one until you have shared 10. Once I've rated all statements, provide an assessment of my money mindset and suggest ways I can reframe my beliefs. For example, 'if something is expensive it doesn’t mean it’s overpriced, it could be the better option.' Only deliver the statements one by one, and reiterate the mark scheme each time you share a statement.

Hold an abundant mindset

I want to hold a more abundant mindset around money. Describe a scene where money is comically flowing from all directions towards me (for example raining from the sky, growing on trees, and being thrusted into hands by everyone who passes me.) To provide context for the story, I live in [name your town or city] and I sell [describe what your business sells] for [price] per [unit, for example month, week or item]. Within this scene I should be wading through cash, with more of it arriving, to really emphasize the message that I am more than capable of generating income.

Visualize enough

The task is to create a two column table that presents the cost of my dream life. First, ask me about activities and experiences I want to have in the following increments: every day, every week, every month, every quarter and every year. Do not suggest them for me, ask me for them. Encourage me to dream big. When I have given responses for every time period stated, create the two-column table that assigns a cost to every item and present the table with an itemized breakdown and a final number which represents the total cost of my dream year. Ask me if that sounds accurate and invite me to revise the estimates up and down. If I want to continue the discussion, offer to brainstorm ways that I could earn that number with my existing resources.

Address your worthiness

Act as a financial psychologist and assume that I have confidence and worthiness issues when it comes to money. Come up with three options for positive and empowering money mantras and ask me to rank them in order of which resonate the most. If I say that any don't resonate, provide me with an alternative mantra, that I can assess. Repeat this until there’s a final three. Next, create a series of exercises for me to undertake, for example, speaking these mantras out loud or writing them down and placing them where I can always see them, such as on a mirror or as my phone lock screen. Suggest a total of 3 exercises. When we are done, then ask how I feel about money. The goal is that I feel inspired to go and make money, and open to opportunities to do so.

Build your personal brand from zero

Where personal brands are concerned, the business benefits far outweigh the cons and it’s never too late to start. Get help in setting yours up for strength as you foray into the world of building in public, sharing your personality and showing up online.

Define what to be known for

I work in the field of [describe your industry], specializing in [go into more detail about your work.] The goal of my work is to [describe what you aim to achieve] for [describe your dream customer]. Use this information to summarize what I should aim to be known for, to act as the basis for how I should show up online. Include a catchy title that can describe my online persona, followed by a description of the topics I should talk about and the ethos I should convey. This summary should be a full comprehensive description from which to build.

Don’t alienate people

Give my target audience’s hopes and dreams of [describe what your target audience want to achieve] and their fears of [describe their fears], provide a not-to-do list of ten things I should absolutely not do or say online. Base this on actions or beliefs that would not resonate with them and may even alienate them and prevent me building trust. When you have created ten, ask for feedback and edit any as required before we have the final list.

Get offline support and feedback

Compose a casual invitation message to my dream customer, [their name] where I invite them for a 1-to-1 meeting. Using information from their LinkedIn profile, suggest 3 points of interest that I want to ask them about, and mention that I want to get to know them better and see if we can support each other’s work and help each other grow online. Make this message casual, offhand and informal, as if you were writing to a close friend. Here’s the context: [paste their LinkedIn profile URL or copy and paste their headline and summary].

Analyze your role models

Three people who inspire me, whose personal brands I want to learn from, are [name those three people]. I will paste examples of their content below. Analyze the posts and summarize the approach they have taken and how they share their message. Using what you know about my audience and topics, suggest ways I can emulate these methods to create social media posts that will resonate with my dream customers, in a way that is relevant to my work and industry.

Make your production plan

Based on what you know about my content topics, my not-to-do list, my target audience and my outreach message, create a weekly plan that I can follow consistently to build my personal brand on [name your social media platform of choice.] Base this on me spending no more than [number] hours a week on this, split over [number] days. Create a four-column table to include (1) the name of the action, (2) a description of what I should do, (3) how long I should spend on this action each time, as well as (4) which day I should do this. After presenting the table, ask for feedback so we can amend it together until we have a final version.

Transform any weakness to reframe flaws

What if everything you thought was letting you down could actually build you up? What if your personality quirks could work in your favour? What if your weaknesses could be transformed? If you could reframe every flaw into a unique and in-demand characteristic, what would be possible for you? This article features the wisdom of Chris Do and prompts by Dr Jeremy Nguyen, an AI educator and researcher.

Find your vulnerabilities 

For this prompt, you’ll talk out loud to ChatGPT, using ChatGPT's Voice Messages,” explained Nguyen. Open the mobile app, hit the headphones icon, then hold down the round button as you read in this prompt: "You are one of the world's great biographers, Walter Isaacson. Your job is to interview me, to find sides of myself I don’t often share with the public: my vulnerabilities. Ask me about difficult times I've been through. Ask only one question at a time, then wait for my response. Try many approaches, for example, ask me about when I judge other people—sometimes we judge what we feel vulnerable about. Try many possibilities. Create a space where I feel comfortable and safe to share, because I know you'll bring out the strengths I’ve gained as a result of dealing with these vulnerabilities. Every three to five questions, recap a running summary of the vulnerabilities and the way you frame them as strengths. But don't talk for too long. The primary job is to interview me. If you're ready, introduce yourself and set the scene, and ask your first question.

Go in the opposite direction

You are an expert in [your industry/niche, eg "social media"]. Your job is to be my brainstorming partner to come up with unconventional moves that are congruent with what works for me. Here are 3 trends I see everyone doing right now in my industry: (1) [describe trend, eg "shortform video on Twitter" (2) [trend] (3) [trend]. Please fill out the list of 10, with 7 conventional approaches in my industry. Then ask which numbers I suspect or know are not great. Interview me, one question at a time, pausing for my answers, to find and distill how I differ from everyone in my industry. Be a brainstorming partner, using "yes-and" to generate many ideas (in bullet points) on how I could "zag" where everyone else "zigs". They should be compatible with my advantages, methods and demonstrated results. Keep the conversation flowing so that we cover many different ways I could try outlier moves. Don't worry about getting the right answer, we're brainstorming, go for many different ideas.

Stop hiding your intentions

You're a world-class press and social media writer, known for clear and impactful messages. Your job is to make sure my message comes from a sincere and genuine place. For context: some people share stories of vulnerability on social media just to grow their audience. In contrast, the reason I want more people to know about this is [your reasons]. Of course I want to grow my audience, but also, I have sincere reasons. Three steps follow, use bullet points and markdown for steps 1 and 2. (1) Look at the story and try to find the "story behind the story"—what are some reasons I may not be aware of that I'm sharing this story? (2) Critical eye: imagine you are a very unsympathetic reader. Make suggestions of where I may be misstepping or could be misinterpreted badly. (3) make suggestions of how I could rewrite to make my true intention resonate. My story: [insert your story].

Don’t commoditize yourself

You are Chris Do, a world class designer and strategist and business educator, and a team of his branding experts. Your job is to help me brainstorm and choose my "two word brand". The two words should explain who I help and what I help with. To give you some info, one way of explaining my business is:“I help X to Y.” In addition, what makes me different from the typical provider in my industry is that: (1) I bring [experience]. (2) I believe [viewpoint]. Please brainstorm a numbered list of 5-7 two-word brands. This process will be iterative—I can't expect you to find the right words on the first try, so I'll tell you which of the numbered list resonate with me, give you feedback on what's working, and ask you to generate more and we’ll keep going like that.

Transform personality quirks

Below is a list of “shadow words,” representing traits that I don’t like about myself. Please brainstorm positives or acceptance terminology about them, in a markdown table. Use a wide range of approaches for each word. 1. [thing you don't like] 2. [thing you don't like] 3. etc.

Become infinitely more persuasive (win more deals)

Master the art of persuasion and apply it to everything you do. Write in a more compelling way, speak with enhanced conviction, and become effortlessly irresistible to prospects. Watch your revenue soar as a result.

Believe in your offer

I’m responsible for selling [describe your product or service] and I want to make sure I fully believe in the offer, so I can stand the best chance of customers buying. Play the role of a skeptical and abrasive potential customer, with the goal of [describe the problem your customers are trying to solve with your offer] and raise your concerns, including [describe your niggles about your offer] by sparking a back-and-forth conversational dialogue. During the chat, ask me what I’m doing to address every concern and wait for me to respond. Keep digging with probing questions. At the end of the digging, summarize with a list of the changes I should make in order to genuinely believe in my product.

Understand the potential

When a customer buys our [product/service] and it brings them the maximum benefit, it’s really amazing. The results include [describe the results your offer can bring people.] Turn what you know about my company and customers into a two-paragraph description of how this can transform their lives. Start with, “I’ve witnessed firsthand what happens when people sign up…” and continue to describe this scene. Be visionary, play to the human need for approval, safety, belonging and money when creating this narrative.

Do your research

I need to better understand my customer to understand how they see themselves, and therefore the role my product plays in their life. Given that my ideal customer has the job title of [add this here if you’re B2B] and the demographics of [describe your dream customer], with additional life or business information of [add more information about who they are], act as them and tell me about yourself. Introduce yourself, describe your biggest problems, describe your biggest goals. These should be facts about decisions that people like you also make. As well as this, give me 5 statistics (quoting the sources) that would entice this customer to buy my product.

Be happy to walk away

I’m feeling under pressure to sign a customer because of [describe your reasons here] but I don’t want to bring desperate or needy energy to the conversation. Using what you know about my business, give me a motivational pep talk in the style of [the name of your favourite motivational speaker] to remind me that there are plenty more opportunities to make sales and the right people will find my company regardless of this specific person. After reading the talk I should feel calm, confident and reassured.

Restrict supply

My [product/service] is restricted in supply by [describe the genuine bottlenecks to your supply] but I want to incorporate more compelling scarcity and urgency in my offer without being dishonest or acting in an unscrupulous way. Give me five alternative ways of creating scarcity that I can use in my meetings and sales messaging, so my customers are persuaded to act right now.

Master the art of delegation (save hours of work)

Understanding and mastering delegation will mean you can open up space in your calendar for more. More potential, opportunity and magic. When you give those everyday tasks to someone else for safekeeping, you allow in the unknown, and that means business growth like you never imagined.

Feel the pain of not delegating

Given my business, [describe your business], and my current role as [describe your role], I'm aiming towards [describe a big goal] as my ultimate business goal. Currently, I'm handling tasks such as [tasks you suspect are below your potential] on my own, without delegating. Could you illustrate a bleak and discouraging future scenario for both my business and personal life if I continue this way? I'm looking for a 2-3 paragraph narrative that starkly outlines the consequences of failing to delegate, including the impact on my business growth, personal well-being, and overall life satisfaction. This narrative should serve as a wake-up call, compelling me to start delegating effectively.

Understand your superpowers

Significant wins in my entrepreneurial journey include: [describe a recent win], [describe another win], and [describe a third win]. These achievements have shaped the trajectory of my business and my personal development. Based on these successes, could you suggest what my top 3 superpowers might be? These superpowers are skills or attributes I possess that have consistently contributed to my wins and set me apart from others. After your initial suggestions, I'll agree or disagree with each, and we can refine the list until we identify my definitive top 3 superpowers. This understanding will help me leverage these strengths in every aspect of my work, aiming to maximize my impact and outpace competition.

Decide what to delegate

I've identified my superpowers with your help, and now I need to focus on the flip side: tasks that don't play to my strengths, things I find tedious, or tasks that consume too much of my time without adding significant value. Some of these tasks include [a task you don't enjoy], [a task that takes too long], and [a task you're not great at]. Based on these, and including the reverse of my strengths mentioned earlier, could you suggest 10 tasks that I should consider delegating to others? Organize these tasks into a three-column table, with the first column being the number of each process, the second containing the title of the process to delegate, and the third suggesting an action plan for each delegation. The list should be ordered by priority, allowing me to address the most critical or time-consuming tasks first and proceed in a way that methodically frees up my schedule.

Create your boundaries

I'm refining my delegation process to empower my team more effectively. To guide this, I need to create 'if this, then that' rules for training people and setting boundaries to avoid micromanagement. Key scenarios include feeling a lack of control and how to hand over tasks properly. Help me establish 7 succinct, actionable guidelines, such as: 'If [I feel a lack of control], then [I will assess its validity before acting],' and 'Before [I delegate a task], I will [ensure training and require an SOP].' These rules will be based on my business [type/description], my role as [your role], and aiming towards [your ultimate goal].

Incorporate feedback loops

I've recently handed off [specific task/project] to [team member/department]. While I believe in the capabilities of my team, I'm concerned about [describe specific concerns, such as maintaining quality, adhering to timelines, or ensuring the task aligns with broader business objectives]. To address these concerns, keep improving, and elevate our standards, I'm seeking your guidance on creating effective feedback loops for this particular delegation. Can you help me design a detailed, step-by-step guide on what to measure, when and how to communicate feedback, and strategies for ongoing improvement of the process? This guide should not only help in addressing my current concerns but also set a foundation for continuous elevation of performance standards across my team.

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Supercharge your content marketing

Smart entrepreneurs are making the most of AI tools to attract attention over those that aren’t, even without technical knowledge. Use AI, don’t let it use you. Get to grips with advanced strategies for the benefit of your business.

Understand your audience

I’d like to understand my audience better so my content resonates deeply with them. Adopt the role of an experienced marketing consultant and highlight the challenges, fears and ambitions of my target audience based on the following information:

Here’s a summary of my business and what it does: [give details of your business, its products or services]

My target audience is: [explain your target audience including details such as their pain points and desires]

I’d like you to ask 5 questions, one at a time, that seek to challenge my beliefs about my target audience and potentially uncover hidden details or characteristics about them. After this, please offer insights into what kind of content or messaging would resonate powerfully with them.

Write blog content that ranks

Now you know all about my target audience, I’d like you to adopt the role of an expert SEO consultant. Suggest 20 keywords or phrases my audience is likely to search that would indicate commercial intent towards my business.

Expand this blog title, [insert title] into a blog outline. Provide an overview including subheadings and paragraph summaries. Create this outline according to the requirements of my target audience detailed earlier.

Upgrade your website copy

Based on what you know about my business and target audience, act as a copywriter and appraise the following web copy from my [describe page] page. The goal of the copy is to [describe the reaction the page should provoke or action it should inspire]. Suggest at least 5 improvements I could make to the page including specific words or sentences I should change for better results. [Insert copy here].

Build your next email series

Assume the role of an email marketing strategist with world class copywriting skills. Compose a three-part email series to promote [a product or service or deal you’re offering]. The email series must be compelling to the reader with the overall goal of maximizing click-throughs and conversions.

My business is [provide your business name and details of what it does and who it serves]. [Explain why it offers value to its audience].

My audience consists mainly of [insert audience characteristics] and their biggest challenges are [list challenges]. The biggest appeal of [the specific product, service or deal] to them is likely to be [list features or benefit]. My writing style is [describe your writing style] and I aim to come across as [describe how you position yourself, e.g an expert, trustworthy, etc].

The campaign structure should be designed to tap into different aspects of the reader’s psyche: creating initial curiosity, building trust through value, and finally, leveraging urgency and FOMO to encourage action. For the first email, focus on building curiosity and interest, identifying with the reader’s challenges, without directly selling. Start with a relatable anecdote or question that taps into the common challenges or aspirations of my audience.

Create an AI version of you

I want to take my wisdom in the industry of [describe your industry and niche] and turn it into an AI version of me. Given what you know about my audience and their challenges, problems and deepest desires, suggest 5 things they might ask my AI clone, along with the nature of the conversation they would expect to have with it.

Stop comparing yourself to other people

This prompt will help you figure out what you truly want in life and business. Through questions that dig deep you’ll be encouraged to explore your aspirations across five key areas, putting the focus firmly on you. 

Your personal happiness coach

Initiate a coaching dialogue to help me achieve clarity and purpose, steering me away from the habit of comparing myself to others. Start by asking me a question to uncover one aspect of what I truly want in my personal and professional life. After I respond, follow up with one more question based on my answer, aiming to delve deeper into my desires and goals. Move to another topic until we have explored five separate areas of my personal and professional aspirations. Then, shift the focus to understanding my tendency to compare myself to others by asking targeted questions that reveal the reasons behind this habit and its impact on me. Limit to one question at a time, ensuring a thoughtful and reflective back-and-forth exchange. After discussing both topics, analyze my answers to define what success means to me in two sentences, aligning with my core values and aspirations. Conclude with three specific actions I can take to shift my perspective on others' achievements from being a source of comparison to serving as inspiration. This guided conversation should help me to construct a more positive and personalized framework for measuring success and achieving my goals.

Achieve your unique version of success

You’re working hard to achieve goals that you might not even want. The business and life you aspire to own could be someone else’s dream. Define your own success, and achieve it too.

Find meaning in past wins

Start a coaching session. I'd like to understand what truly matters to me as an entrepreneur. Let's begin by examining my past wins. For each win I describe, ask me three follow-up questions to dig deeper into why it was meaningful to me. After discussing four wins, provide an assessment of what these reveal about my values and motivations. Let's start with my first win: [Describe first win here].

Reflect on current you

Using what you know about me so far, conduct a self-reflection exercise with me. Present a series of 'I am' statements, one at a time. For each statement, I will either agree, meaning the statement aligns with my current perception of myself, or disagree and provide an alternative statement that better reflects who I am. After discussing 10 statements, compile the agreed-upon and alternative statements to help me visualize my current version. Let's start with the first 'I am' statement.

Learn from anti role models

Help me understand my values and fears by analyzing an anti-role model. I'll give you the name of someone whose choices or lifestyle I don't aspire to emulate, and I need you to ask me a series of questions to help me articulate why. This process will help me clarify what I'm avoiding and what I fear might infiltrate my day-to-day life if I'm not careful. Only ask the questions one by one. Let's start with [Name of the person].

Create your true bio

Assist me in crafting my aspirational bio. Based on my reflections from previous exercises, including the meanings behind my past wins, my current self-perception, and the characteristics of who I aim not to become, generate a series 5 of short bio summaries, one at a time. For each summary, I will rate it on a scale of 1-10 based on how closely it aligns with my aspirations, and I'll explain why. This process will help me articulate and create the bio that represents the success I truly seek. Let's begin with the first bio summary.

Remove the ceiling

Open a coaching session focused on identifying and overcoming my limiting beliefs. Start by asking me, 'What has held you back so far?' Then, gently guide me through a series of questions aimed at uncovering beliefs from the past, unconscious habits, and thought patterns that don't serve me. For each point I raise, probe deeper with follow-up questions to help me understand and address these barriers. Let's begin with your first question.

Become a confident leader (build unshakeable confidence)

Confident leaders run strong companies. Assured of their plan and with trust in their leadership, their team members rally together to deliver the vision. They believe in the ability and the motivations of the person behind the wheel. 

Lean into your strengths

Analyze my LinkedIn profile or resume to identify my top 5 leadership skills. For each skill, provide an inspiring explanation of why it's unique and how the combination of these skills forms a powerful leadership profile. After you list the skills and their descriptions, I'll review and let you know if I'd like to adjust any of them before finalizing. Here's my LinkedIn profile/resume: [Paste LinkedIn profile or resume text here].

Transform your doubts

Act as my AI confession box. Start by asking me to share my doubts and insecurities about my leadership and decisions, starting with the most prominent. After each doubt, provide two reasons why I don't need to worry, offering reassurance and a positive perspective on my capabilities and situation before moving to the next.

Get perspective

Provide me with perspective. At my company we have [number] of employees, [number] of customers, and our biggest challenges right now are [describe challenges]. Contrast these figures and problems with astonishing stats about the size of the world, the number of people who have ever lived, or other mind-blowing facts to help me see how my company's challenges are manageable in the grand scheme of things. Help me remember the importance of staying calm and enjoying the journey of leadership despite these challenges.

Learn from leaders of the past

Based on what you know about me so far, suggest a relatable business role model who exemplifies leadership and resilience. If I'm interested, I'll ask for a fact or an inspiring anecdote about this person, as well as a mantra of theirs. If not, suggest another historical or contemporary figure. Continue offering suggestions until I say 'stop'. Let's start with the first role model recommendation.

Communicate more powerfully

Rework this [script/email] to emulate the powerful communication style of great leaders from history. Make it concise, clear, and compelling, ensuring it captures attention and conveys my message with authority and conviction. Tell me what you changed and why, and suggest 5 rules for me to follow when writing further messaging. Here's the original text: [Paste your script or email here].

Create compelling content (captivate your audience)

It’s not enough to just write what you feel like writing. You have to make people care. Unless they care, they won’t take action. Persuade your audience to your way of thinking, so they take action right away.

Become a cheerleader

My dream customer has the following characteristics: [describe them in detail including demographics, what you know about their tastes, actions, feelings, hopes, dreams, etc]. Using this information your task is to distill their 5 beliefs or deepest desires into a list and ask if I agree or would like to change any. When we have a final list of 5, suggest ways of demonstrating in my content that I champion and support their views. Each of the 5 beliefs or desires should have 3 separate angles to take.

Make it simpler

Edit the following text to be simpler without changing the meaning. Change long sentences for short ones, use simpler language, and only use words and sentence structures that would sound natural in a conversation. The goal is to be clear, concise and punchy with my language, conveying my powerful message in fewer words. [Paste your text].

Grab attention better

Edit the following text to grab the attention of my reader. They are: [describe your ideal reader]. After considering the article as a whole, and its purpose of [purpose of text], make the following improvements. Suggest ways I could change the opening line. Suggest words or sentences I could remove, and create a better headline for the [article, newsletter, email, etc]. Finally, suggest any lines that I should add to better attract and maintain attention, whilst delivering on the promise of the headline, hook and first few lines. [Paste your text]

Rework the call to action

Suggest 3 options for call-to-action wording for the following text, which aims to get my target audience member to [action you want them to take], because [reason they should do it], by [how they should do it]. Here’s the main text to add this to: [Paste your text]

Check the purpose

Read the following copy and provide an assessment on the following things from the perspective of my target audience, who [describe their deepest desires]: 1) What someone might be compelled to do upon reading. 2) Who it will appeal to. 3) What feelings someone might have once they get to the end. 4) A score of how compelled my audience is likely to feel to take action 5) Pointers for how you improve the chance of them taking action. [Paste your text]

Unlock disruptive thinking in your business

Do what everyone else is doing and get what everyone has got. Unless you want more. If you have more in mind for your life than the average person: more success, more opportunities, more eye-opening experiences, find a way to think differently. Interrupt your patterns, rearrange your routines, and shock your system. 

Challenge assumptions

Identify and challenge my assumptions. Acting as a business coach, ask me to agree or disagree with 10 beliefs that you outline about my business, that creates AI coaches based on thought leaders, and wait for a response after each one. When I say I agree with one, ask why, then ask "What if the opposite is true?" Provide alternative perspectives and ask me probing questions that could potentially lead to greater growth and innovation. Introduce each belief one by one.

Reverse your perspective

Assume the role of my closest competitor. Given an outline of my business [describe your business and current situation], describe how you would leverage my circumstances if you were me. Detail the strategies and actions you'd take, aiming to exploit the opportunities I might be overlooking.

Embrace constraints

Act as my success coach and help me navigate my constraints: I work [number] hours a week, have [list of resources including cash, people, knowledge, energy] at my disposal, and the demand for my offer is [describe demand]. Guide me through turning these limitations into advantages, pushing me to think differently and find innovative solutions to achieve more with what I have. Ask probing questions, one by one, that aim to maximize these constraints and challenge me to do more within them.

Find usual connections

Consider the unique aspects of my business [briefly describe your business], and take into account what I have already told you. First ask me to list 5 work things I have planned this week. Using this information, create a list of 5 unexpected people to ask for fresh perspectives on my challenges. These should be people I wouldn't typically consult for business advice. Next to each person, suggest a question to ask them related to an aspect of my business that would benefit from disruptive thinking.

Question success metrics

I've been measuring success through metrics including [describe the metrics you currently track to gauge success]. Help me identify and establish new, personally meaningful success metrics that align with my core values and vision. Acting as a success coach, ask questions one by one to unpack my metrics and suggest alternative indicators of progress and achievement that resonate with what truly matters to me and my business's unique path.

10x your business by thinking 10 times bigger

Most of us would love to 10x our business. But unless you can visualize that future, you might never get there. Without taking the time to describe it, you’ll carry on doing your work without a map or a finish line, and the journey will feel like a slog. 

10x your business

I want to shift my mindset to think on a much larger scale about my business. My current business is [describe your current business, its scale, customer base, and what you do]. Now, help me imagine this business scaled up to 10 times its current size in terms of customers or clients. Write a news article about my business, but at 10 times the size. Help me envisage how it could be, include the difference me [your full name] and key team members [name them] make for our clients and the achievements we have accomplished throughout this journey. The goal of this thought experiment is to get me comfortable with the idea of significant growth.

Attract your dream customers with your content

When your ideal customer scrolls any platform, there’s a whole host of content they could consume. With all that on offer, there’s only one reason they would stick with yours: they feel like it gets them. Unless you learn how to create that effect, your content will continue to go unread by the people you know it could help. Use these prompts to resonate with your ideal customer.

Alleviate their fears

My company provides [describe your offering] for a target audience of [describe your target audience]. Your task is to define my target customer’s biggest worries. Ask me three clarifying questions about this audience, one by one, then provide a succinct list of their 5 biggest fears. Ask if those fears sound accurate, and suggest others to replace any that don’t. We will iterate together until this list is final.

After the first prompt, assign content ideas to each fear. Use this next prompt to tell ChatGPT how to do that.

“I’m creating content for [platform] to alleviate my target audience’s biggest fears. For each of the five fears we just defined, suggest 2 ideas for a piece of social media content that would serve to alleviate this fear, linked to my product or to an outcome my product provides. I don’t want the content to be self-promotional. Instead, it should tell a story or introduce an idea that speaks to this concern and reassures my customer that they don’t need to have it.

Solve their problems 

Based on what you know about my business, my target audience and their fears, define what you think are their top 3 problems. For each problem, suggest 3 how-to pieces of [platform] content I could create, that help them to solve it while subtly associating me with the solution.

Tell relatable stories

Your task is to create story-based content for [platform] that relates to my target audience, using what you know about their fears and problems. Begin by asking me about my journey to date, my transformations, and the realizations I have encountered while working with clients. After 5 questions, delivered one by one, create 3 options for stories I could tell as pieces of content. For each one include a compelling opening line, suggest how the story should progress within the post, and provide a strong closing line that delivers a moral or imperative for my target customer, and puts the focus back on them.

Speak in their language

Assess the following content, written by a member of my target audience, for style, tone, sentence structure and choice of words. Provide an analysis that lists the key components of their voice and name this style [assign a name to this style]. When I ask for content ideas I want them to follow these rules, which I will request by using the name of the style.

Answer their questions

Based on what you know about my target audience, suggest 10 objections that they might have about my product and how it solves their problems. List these objections, ask me if they look accurate, and iterate until we have a final list of 10. Then, for each one, suggest how I open a social media post on [platform] where I will provide the answer to this problem in a compelling and engaging way. Give the opening line and bullet points of what the post should include.

Raise your energy (and attract big opportunities)

If you hang out with normal people you’ll start to become one of them. They’ll dampen your sparkle, they’ll steal your dreams. Even without big thinkers around you, use these prompts to have a personal success coach, to get your head in gear and attract opportunities in abundance.

Define the best version of you

Your task is to create a paragraph to help me visualize the highest version of myself. It should include how I look and feel, where I am, how I serve, how I show up in the world with my work and the impact I am making. Begin by asking me 6 clarifying questions, one by one, to get this definition, then give me a paragraph summary to describe this person so I can visualize them.

Avoid drama

Your task is to help me avoid drama in my life by responding to news in a calm way instead of reacting with a strong emotion. Related to my business, a [describe your business], create three dramatic fictional scenarios, one by one, where something has gone terribly wrong. After each one, invite me to calmly respond with my plan of action. Assess my response for calmness before moving onto the next scenario. After 3, give me feedback on how I can better diffuse the drama.

Maintain focus

In my business I’m trying to achieve one big goal of [describe your one big goal]. I’m including a screenshot of my calendar. Use this screenshot to assess my weekly commitments and ask clarifying questions about which do and don’t contribute towards this goal. Keep probing and grilling me for reasons why I am doing things that don’t relate to this goal. [Upload calendar screenshot, removing any sensitive information].

Stick to your values

I want to come up with a set of personal rules that work for me, to give me confidence in declining requests that don’t fit. Acting as a success coach, ask me questions, one by one, about my business, goals and routine, to enable you to create my 5 rules for success that I will stick to and share. After 3 questions, suggest the rules, then ask which I want to keep before asking more questions and going again. We will iterate together until we have the final set.

Be self-sufficient

I want to maintain a consistent cadence of creation so I continue to produce, grow my brand, and become self-sufficient with my work. Acting as my coach, your task is to help me establish this pace. Begin by asking me on which platforms I show up, and ask questions, one by one, to establish what my weekly activities should be to create success and progress. Finally, ask me about any reasons why I wouldn’t be able to stick to this plan so I can prepare for them coming up. The final outcome should be a weekly plan with one key action each day that will ensure I become self-sufficient in my work and brand.

Unlock your full potential, achieve peak performance

Achieve everything you’re capable of and win at life. But most people don’t. Most people operate at a fraction of their capability. Unlock your full potential with these prompts that will dig deep.

Maximize your time

In a typical week, I engage in [describe your main tasks and responsibilities at work, such as projects, meetings, and administrative duties]. Occasionally, I find myself handling [describe smaller, ad hoc tasks or responsibilities]. Outside work, my time is filled with [list any recurring personal activities, hobbies, and commitments]. My core goals include [briefly outline your core goals or desired achievements], and I aim to focus more on these areas. Please ask me five probing and clarifying questions, one after the other, to gain a deeper understanding of how I allocate my time. Based on my responses, provide direct and straightforward recommendations on which activities I should consider stopping, minimizing, or delegating. The goal is to optimize my schedule for more impactful work and personal growth.

Let new ideas arrive

My business specializes in [describe the nature of your business and the primary products or services offered]. Our target audience primarily consists of [describe your target audience, including any demographic, psychographic, or behavioral traits]. I'm seeking out-of-the-box, futuristic ideas for growth, potentially borrowing innovative concepts from industries like [mention any specific industries you're interested in, such as technology, health, entertainment, etc.]. Please suggest bold, creative strategies that could set us apart or enhance our offerings. Feel free to draw on cutting-edge trends, technologies, or practices from other sectors. Which unique ideas could we experiment with to captivate our audience and expand our market presence?

Be a better leader

I'm pasting a selection of my recent communications with my team and contractors below, including emails, Slack messages, and text messages, related to [context of communications, e.g., project updates, feedback sessions]. Please analyze the tone, clarity, and effectiveness of my messaging to assess my leadership communication. Focus on how well I convey objectives and expectations, provide support and guidance, motivate and engage the team, maintain an inclusive style open to feedback, and identify areas for improvement. Your task is to provide me with constructive feedback and actionable recommendations to enhance my leadership communication, highlighting patterns or specific adjustments needed to improve clarity, motivation, and leadership effectiveness. [Paste your information here].

Handle any pressure

I'm preparing to tackle high-pressure business scenarios to sharpen my decision-making skills under stress. Initiate the discussion by presenting my first challenge: a complicated business scenario that requires quick thinking and strategic problem-solving, based on what you know about my business. I'll respond with my solution or course of action. After I provide my solution, give me feedback on my approach and a score out of 10 based on creativity, practicality, and strategic insight. Then proceed to present 5 more challenges one at a time, each of which requires my response before being graded by you.

Dream even bigger

I'm ready to set audacious goals that push the boundaries of what I believe is possible for my business. I want to dream bigger than I ever have, aiming for achievements that not only scare me but also require me to grow exponentially as a leader and innovator. Present me with a series of thought-provoking questions or exercises, one-by-one, that challenge my current thinking, inspire creativity, and unlock new levels of ambition. In this coaching style, help me identify untapped opportunities and envision groundbreaking initiatives that could redefine my industry. Encourage me to think in ways that might seem outlandish to the cautious and conventional, but are exactly the kind of transformative thinking my business needs to achieve unparalleled success. Deliver questions one at a time.

Reduce your costs and make more profit

Implement cost-reduction strategies without sacrificing quality and make more money with the same amount of effort. Use these prompts to assess your business activities and implement cost-reduction strategies that really work.

Assess the ROI

Act as a business analyst and simulate a discovery session where you help me cut costs. Open by asking me to share where my business spends money. Ask probing questions until you have a complete picture. Then, ask me how my customers find us, with follow up questions that ask for data, either from marketing metrics or anecdotal. Finally, help me analyze these areas to identify where I can reduce costs without lowering quality, focusing on understanding the return on investment for each expense and customer source. Keep asking questions, one at a time, to pinpoint where I can save money and still keep my customers happy and engaged.

Identify the simple tasks

Draft an email to [name] in my team, who [describe their role], encouraging their exploration and adoption of AI tools. Emphasize the importance of identifying tasks that can be automated or streamlined through AI, allowing us to focus on more strategic and impactful work. Highlight that this initiative aims to enhance productivity and is not about replacing them. Encourage them to think innovatively about applying AI in specific areas such as [specify areas, e.g. customer service, data analysis, content creation], and to share their ideas on integrating these technologies into our daily operations. The email should be no more than two paragraphs and convey an informal, optimistic and inclusive tone, emphasizing the benefits of AI in expanding their capabilities and ensuring we remain industry leaders.

Make business simpler

Initiate a coaching session to simplify business operations: Begin by using what you know about my business to define its purpose using first principles and understand what my customers truly want. Help me delve deep into customer needs, preferences, and pain points to gain clarity on the core value we provide. Once we've identified these essentials, assist me in evaluating our current business processes and expenses to pinpoint areas of complexity and unnecessary costs. The goal is to streamline operations and focus on delivering value in the most straightforward and efficient manner possible, potentially making dramatic cuts in our offering. Provide guidance on simplifying our approach to revenue generation and results delivery, emphasizing the importance of cutting out fluff and complexity to achieve greater effectiveness. Ask questions one by one.

Cut unnecessary expenses

I'm uploading a [pie chart analysis/list] of expenditure categories in my business. Use this information to begin asking me about our expenses, with questions posed one-by-one, to encourage me to think critically about what is absolutely necessary. Encourage me to assess whether each expense aligns with our core business objectives and contributes significantly to our success. Based on best practice of the most efficient modern companies, guide me in identifying areas where we can potentially reduce or eliminate expenses without compromising essential operations. The goal is to foster a proactive mindset towards cost management and ensure that every expenditure serves a clear purpose in advancing our business goals.

Optimize supplier contracts

Review this service level agreement with a supplier to help me optimize our supplier contract. Begin by analyzing the agreement to understand the services promised and the terms outlined. Then, quiz me on the details of the agreement to ensure alignment with our expectations and the supplier's performance. Ask me questions to compare the agreed-upon service levels with the actual delivery and identify any discrepancies or areas for improvement. Based on this evaluation, provide guidance on renegotiating the contract to better align with our needs and objectives, or addressing any issues with the supplier to ensure we receive the value we expect. The goal is to optimize our supplier relationships and maximize the value we receive from each partnership.

Apply Taylor Swift’s rules for success

A business person, a creative genius and an entertainer that resonates with millions of die-hard fans, every entrepreneur could do with being a little more Taylor Swift. Use these prompts to take Taylor Swift’s seven key lessons for career success and apply them to your work and life.

Maintain your self awareness

When I achieve success in my work, specifically [describe kind of success] I sometimes feel [describe the emotional response to success.] I want to ensure that this doesn't undermine my ability to be successful in the long term. Adopt the role of a personal development coach and ask me questions, one at a time, with the aim of building my sense of self-awareness so I can stay motivated and keep improving.

Rely on your friends

I'm focusing on surrounding myself with individuals who positively influence my personal and professional growth. Evaluate the impact of my social circle. Begin by asking me for the name of a friend. Once I provide it, follow up with a question about their career or main activities, then help me assess whether each friend is a positive influence, encouraging my growth and success, or potentially detracting from my goals. After we discuss one friend, repeat this with additional friends until I say stop. Through this analysis, I aim to understand the value each friend brings to my life and ensure my social circle aligns with my aspirations.

Take criticism well

Develop a concrete action plan based on the feedback I've received: [insert any recent feedback here]. I'm looking for ways to leverage this critique to enhance my [describe what to apply it to, for example strategies, products, or services.] Ask me clarifying questions, then suggest actionable steps or changes I can implement to transform this feedback into positive developments for my business, ensuring that I actively use it to improve my performance and outcomes.

Take a break

Initiate a coaching conversation to assess my career's current phase and assess whether I should take a break. Start with questions, asked one by one, regarding my recent achievements, key performance metrics, workload, and engagement levels with my audience or clients. Identify if I'm in a peak phase of high demand and success or experiencing a trough, marked by waning interest and diminishing energy. After asking 7 questions, assist me in recognizing the necessity and optimal timing for a strategic break, focusing on opportunities for innovation, rejuvenation, and a strong return.

Remember your why (and stay excited)

Kick off a coaching session focused on reigniting my entrepreneurial passion. In a series of questions, asked one by one, begin by asking me what initially inspired me to start my business. Follow up with questions about the vision and goals I had in mind at the outset, how these have evolved over time, and the current challenges and successes I'm experiencing. Encourage me to reflect on what changes could bring me closer to that foundational purpose, aiming to restore my enthusiasm for the journey ahead. The goal is to help me reconnect with the core reasons behind my entrepreneurial path, ensuring that I'm driven by a relentless enthusiasm that fuels persistence, creativity, and resilience. Do not ask more than one question at a time.

Write down your ideas

I have some doodles, notes, and lines I've jotted down in my notebook over the past few months. Transform my doodles into content ideas for my business, which [describe what your business does]. The social media platform I primarily use is [mention the platform]. Based on this information, help me develop these initial thoughts into engaging content ideas. The goal is to create posts that resonate with my audience of [describe your audience], that I can develop into fully fledged stories, posts, or campaigns.

Forgive yourself

Give me an inspirational pep talk focusing on self-forgiveness. I often overthink and blame myself when things don't go as planned, leading to [outcome, for example exhaustion and bad moods.] I'm working on being easier on myself, especially on acknowledging that it's okay to have off days. A recent example is [describe a specific situation where you've been hard on yourself recently]. Include advice that shifts my perspective to understand that challenging moments don't define my worth or capabilities. Guide me in embracing my reaction of [describe how you're wired or your typical reaction to stress] without harsh judgment, fostering a healthier, more compassionate approach to self-evaluation and growth.

Prepare for the worst (bulletproof your business)

Do you know what’s on the horizon? Can you say with absolute confidence what’s going to happen in the next month, quarter, year and decade? Most entrepreneurs would say no. Use these prompts to simulate various scenarios happening in your business, and practice responding to them.

Transform some bad PR

I want to simulate a negative event publicly impacting my business, which [describe your business]. First, give me 5 options for this negative event and ask me to select one. Following my selection, create a detailed worst case scenario of this event. Your task after that is to act as a business crisis coach and guide me through crafting a detailed crisis management plan by asking me probing questions one topic at a time. These questions should help me identify immediate steps, including how to communicate with the public, and strategies for long-term reputation repair. Our discussion should be a back-and-forth, focusing on exploring all angles of the situation, including potential customer reactions, media handling, and internal team morale. Start with questions on immediate actions and gradually move to communication strategies and then to long-term repair measures. In the coaching session you should only communicate with 1-2 questions at a time.

Prepare for crisis

Act as a strategic advisor for my business, which helps [target audience] achieve [outcome]. I want to challenge my readiness for unforeseen crises. Generate a list of five diverse and escalating crises, from a global pandemic to a critical supply chain failure, and ask me to select one to address. Then, ask me detailed questions, one by one, to help me formulate an on-the-spot crisis management plan. These questions should cover immediate steps, communication strategies, and long-term recovery efforts. Our discussion will be dynamic, moving from identifying the problem to crafting a multi-faceted response strategy, ensuring I'm prepared for anything from minor disruptions to major upheavals. Do not ask more than one question at a time. This should be a back and forth discussion.

Chat with a customer

Based on recent customer feedback on our company, which I will include, act as a critical yet constructive customer engaging with me about these points. You, the customer, should ask questions and offer statements one at a time, to which I respond. The goal of the dialogue is to deepen my understanding of our customers' needs and identify actionable steps to enhance our offering, ensuring we continuously surprise and delight our customers. Here's the customer feedback [paste feedback].

Mimic a stakeholder

A stakeholder from my business ecosystem, [describe the stakeholder] is [articulate a specific concern or issue currently affecting the relationship], which is a point of friction because [explain why.] Assume the role of this stakeholder, engaging in a back-and-forth dialogue with me to explore the concern from their perspective. Through a series of exchanges, delivered one at a time, present the stakeholder’s viewpoint, challenge my assumptions, and suggest solutions to address the issue. This back-and-forth conversation aims to deepen my empathy for the stakeholder's position and collaboratively develop a plan to resolve the concern and improve our partnership going forward.

Learn from competitors

A competitor in my industry, [describe the competitor], has just received a $10 million investment with the sole purpose of outperforming my business, which [describe what your business does]. This scenario taps into my deepest concerns about what strategies they might deploy to gain a competitive edge. Assume the role of this competitor and articulate a series of aggressive moves, strategies, or innovations they could potentially implement with this new funding to challenge my market position. Present these scenarios one at a time, and ask for my initial reactions, counter-strategies, and whether some actions are best ignored. This dialogue aims to preemptively consider possible competitive threats and refine my strategic planning to reinforce my business's resilience and competitive advantage going forward.

Optimize your sales funnel (and boost conversion)

If there’s one thing to get right in your business, it’s your sales funnel. Without one that stands up to testing, any marketing efforts will be fleeting and shallow. Optimize your sales funnel with the right prompts

Visualize each stage

Generate customized content ideas for each stage of the sales funnel, based on the following business details: [describe your business]. Carefully considering my goal, which is [describe your main business objective], create three content ideas for each of the following stages of the sales funnel: Awareness, interest, consideration, intent, evaluation, purchase, post-purchase. For each stage, list the ideas in a chart format, ensuring a step-by-step approach for clear and actionable strategies.

Understand your audience

As a skilled marketer and customer researcher, your role is to delve into the psychology that influences buying decisions for [product/service] with the goal of [descrbe your business goal]. Start by identifying the main market segments relevant to [product/service]. One at a time, analyze each segment to understand its unique characteristics. Following this, develop a core content brief tailored to buyers within each segment, specifically for [product/service] in the [niche]. This involves a detailed examination of the audience to grasp their challenges, interests, and behaviors, focusing on their geographic location, demographic details (job roles, industry, age, income, etc.), psychographic traits (needs, wants, desires, and behaviors), and pain points. Your analysis should uncover the psychological and social factors that drive this market segment, enabling you to create content that resonates on a deep emotional level, without directly mentioning my product or company. Instead, focus on the human aspects we are researching. Articulate these insights into bullet points, each starting with a bolded section name for clarity, providing a comprehensive view into the target audience's mindset and its connection to my product within my niche of [your niche].

Improve your headlines

As a copywriter specializing in website sales pages, your task is to craft 10 potential headlines for my business, [describe your business], highlighting its primary benefits [benefits] to your specified audience [provide audience details]. The objective is to create short, clear, and impactful headlines that encourage visitors to continue exploring the page. Ensure your headlines are varied, incorporating elements such as numbers for specificity, humor to engage, surprising statements to captivate, and negative framing to address potential concerns or reverse psychology tactics. This approach aims to cover a broad range of strategies to attract and retain the attention of your audience, ultimately guiding them through the sales funnel.

Optimize for desire

As an award-winning sales copywriter skilled in human behavior and buyer's psychology, you're tasked with creating a ‘desire’ section for my [product/service]. Incorporate these key details: [describe your product/service], the problems it solves [describe these], and my target audience [describe target audience]. Craft a narrative that encapsulates the emotional and tangible benefits of my offering, leading to a compelling piece that emphasizes the unique value proposition and how it addresses the needs and desires of the target audience. Your narrative should seamlessly blend the desired feeling of achievement, the allure for the type of clients it attracts, the adjective that best describes the desired outcome, and how it enriches relationships with loved ones or clients, making them feel a specific emotion. This should be creatively integrated into a concise yet powerful section that leverages the AIDA marketing framework to spark interest, build desire, and motivate action. Only provide me with 150 words or fewer for the desire stage.

Address retention

As an expert in client retention and satisfaction, you are tasked with designing a client satisfaction survey for my business that sells [product/service] to [audience]. Our clients need help with [problem], and we provide them with [solution]. Your survey should be grounded in the SERVQUAL model by Parasuraman et al., focusing on its five dimensions: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The questions you craft should specifically cater to my [product/service] and audience, aiming to elicit responses that offer actionable insights to enhance our client relationships and boost retention. Make sure the survey questions are relevant and thought-provoking, covering: (1) Tangibles: Appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication materials. (2) Reliability: Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. (3) Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. (4) Assurance: Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence. (5) Empathy: Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers. The survey should be concise enough to be completed within 15 minutes when sent via email, ensuring a high response rate while gathering comprehensive feedback to inform improvements in our client service strategy.

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Utilize social proof in your marketing (and make more sales)

Using social proof in your marketing is a smart move, and you can never do too much. Use these prompts to make more sales.

Ask for testimonials

Generate a short and engaging email to a satisfied customer asking for a testimonial. The email should express appreciation for their support, highlight the value of their feedback, and ask them to share their positive experience with our product/service. Keep it concise and personal, ensuring it reflects our brand's voice, [describe voice]. Include a subject line that grabs attention and a closing that conveys warmth and gratitude. The request for a testimonial should be straightforward, mentioning how their testimonial could help others make informed decisions. Ensure the tone is friendly and appreciative throughout.

Highlight business credentials

I'm looking to highlight my business's credentials to attract and reassure potential customers. My business is [describe your business]. Act as a marketing consultant and ask questions, one by one, to find out my business’ strengths including credentials, customer numbers, notable clients, awards or accolades, memberships in professional associations, and relevant qualifications. After I have told you about these, craft a list of catchy and compelling phrases that showcase these aspects of our work. I aim to convey our authority, trustworthiness, and excellence in a way that resonates with our audience, making them more inclined to engage with us, by putting these phrases on our website.

Write review responses

Based on the customer review included, craft a personalized response that reflects my business's style and values. The response should acknowledge the customer's feedback, express gratitude or address concerns, and if applicable, offer a solution or invite further discussion offline. Aim to demonstrate our commitment to customer satisfaction, our expertise, and our dedication to quality service. Please ensure the response is professional, empathetic, and aligns with the positive image we strive to maintain. Include a call to action if the review is positive, or a polite invitation to resolve the issue if the review is negative. [Include review here].

Proudly exclude people

My business specializes in [describe your services/products] and caters to customers looking for [describe the qualities or outcomes your ideal customer values]. We aim to provide exceptional value and quality, focusing on [specific aspects, such as personalized service, high-end products, etc.]. However, our offerings may not be the best fit for individuals seeking [describe characteristics or expectations of non-ideal customers, such as the lowest price, a different service model, etc.]. Could you generate 5 customer review examples that positively reflect our commitment to quality and value, and also subtly indicate to potential customers what we stand for? These reviews should help ensure that our marketing efforts resonate with our ideal clientele while politely suggesting to others that they might prefer different options. The goal is to naturally filter our audience, attracting those who appreciate what we offer and guiding others to find what they're looking for elsewhere.

Create case studies

To craft compelling case studies for our website, I need a set of survey questions that can draw out detailed and impactful testimonials from our satisfied customers. These questions should explore the challenges they faced before finding [outline your main product/service], the decision-making process leading to choosing us, the specific ways our solution addressed their needs, any quantifiable improvements they've observed, their overall satisfaction, and any other comments they wish to share. The aim is to use these insights to build case studies that not only highlight the value and effectiveness of our offerings but also resonate with potential customers, helping them see the tangible benefits we can bring to their own situations.

A tough love prompt: find your next business breakthrough

Can you handle tough questions? Upon interrogation, do you crumble or find a new source of strength? Most people don’t get to find out. No one really grills them. Their colleagues believe their first answer, family members don’t dig any deeper, and conversations with friends stay surface level, with real change hidden beneath shallow niceties. Not today.

Pressure makes diamonds. It squashes you right down until something gives. You’ll either burst into tears or discover something new. Don’t take it personally, don’t crack, just keep going until you know the way forward.

Discover what you’re missing 

I feel like I’m not achieving everything I’m capable of and I’m sure I’m missing something. Your task is to help me find it. Adopt the role of a tough ex-military leader and initiate an intense and high-pressure back-and-forth conversation where you ask me questions, one at a time, why I’m not doing more to fulfill my potential. When I answer each question, be highly skeptical of my response. Search for flaws and notice when I become defensive or make excuses. Take no prisoners, keep grilling me and questioning my assumptions until I get a revelation. Apply tough love. Don’t break character, keep this conversation going until I tap out with the safeword [specify safeword]. Start with the question, “What’s stopping you from [your one biggest goal].”

Decide your next career move (and level up)

Never stay still. Always be making progress in some way. But if you’ve been doing your work for a while you might be wondering how you reach the next level. You might be wondering what the next level is. Use these prompts to get an idea of where you are now and where you could go. Get ideas you have overlooked because you’re too busy with BAU. 

Reflect on your journey

Initiate a reflective coaching session focusing on the past few years of my career. Ask questions, one by one, that guide me through a comprehensive review of my journey, highlighting key milestones, major learning experiences, and significant transitions. Help me discern which experiences and skills are crucial for my future growth and which ones I should move beyond. Let's identify patterns or behaviors that no longer serve my goals, and discuss how today can mark a new beginning by shedding outdated layers and embracing a path of evolution and progress. Do not ask more than one question at a time.

Identify your strengths

Initiate a self-discovery session to identify and refine my strengths. Start by asking me to describe, in detail, a specific instance where I achieved something significant or felt particularly proud of my contribution as an entrepreneur. Based on my response, use your understanding to highlight 3 strengths that seem evident in my story. Then, allow me to review and respond to each strength, agreeing or disagreeing. For any strength I disagree with, replace it with a new suggestion based on further discussion, until we finalize a list of 3 strengths that I feel truly represent my comparative advantage and unique value. This exercise aims to uncover hidden talents and reaffirm known strengths, helping me to recognize and leverage my unique capabilities.

Visualize the future

Begin a visionary session to help me vividly visualize my ideal future. Ask me a series of detailed questions, one at a time, to guide me in painting a comprehensive picture of my dream life. Explore various aspects such as my surroundings, appearance, daily activities, the nature of my work, the people around me, and the impact I wish to have. After I respond to each question, use my descriptions to gradually construct an inspiring narrative. Once we've covered all aspects, use the detailed description to create an inspirational landscape image, integrating the elements I've described, to provide a visual representation of the future I aspire to build.

Map the path

Initiate a strategic planning session to create a concrete action plan. The goal is to convert my vision and strengths into an action plan, breaking down my overarching goals into manageable steps over a timeframe of [number of weeks/months], ensuring that each [day/week] contributes meaningfully towards inevitable progress and success in achieving my goals. Ask targeted questions, one at a time, to help me outline the necessary actions, habits, and mindset shifts required to progress towards my dream. After each response, encourage me to consider resources, potential obstacles, and support systems needed before asking the next question.

Prepare for rejection

Begin a roleplay scenario where I am approaching you, a particularly challenging potential [describe this person, for example a client or future employer in a specific role/industry]. You are known for your high standards and skepticism, frequently turning down proposals and explaining in detail why plans are not feasible or attractive at the present time. Engage in a back and forth discussion with me as I present my plan or request, and provide realistic, tough responses and rejections, one by one. The goal of this exercise is to help me practice resilience, refine my approach, and prepare for real-world rejection, ensuring that I remain undeterred and continue to pursue my goals with determination and strategic adaptability. Do not break character until I say STOP.

Make better decisions (and more progress)

The goal of the prompt is to open a back and forth dialogue, where you are taken through a scoring system based on your goals, allowing you to find the alignment between this opportunity and them. Keep an open mind, be prepared to refresh or re-prompt, and co-create a system that will put you on a new trajectory for your life and work.

Get help making decisions

I'm an entrepreneur with many opportunities in front of me. My objective is to make quick decisions on what actions I should take in order to maximize progress towards my business goal. Acting as a productivity coach, let's begin a coaching conversation where you help me dissect, analyze, and evaluate a specific opportunity that has come my way.

This is the first invitation: [paste or describe the invitation or opportunity along with any important context]. Before we evaluate this specific opportunity, ask me clarifying questions, one by one, on topics including:

- My main business goal right now
- How I feel about this opportunity
- The potential of this opportunity to lead to bigger things
- The likelihood of this opportunity being worthwhile
- The ease with which I could do this well
- Alignment with the rest of my goals

Create a scoring system for the questions, and ask me to rank each one on a scale of 1-10. Then give a final score for this opportunity and ask me for the next one, so we can compare.

Be more David Goggins (build an insane mindset)

David Goggins is often misunderstood. People think he’s crazy, obsessed, and a freak of nature. But Goggins doesn’t care what you think about him. He knows himself so well that opinions of others hold zero weight. He doesn’t seek your stamp of approval on his life because he has everything he needs; nothing is missing. Use these prompts to build an insane mindset like Goggins himself.

Define the stick

My business aims to [describe your big business goal] for [describe your target audience]. Use the antidote to my goal, the dread of succumbing to an average life, to depict a detailed and vivid scenario of what my life would look like if I didn’t push myself to my limits, and instead settled for mediocrity. Include visualizations of the consequences of not getting past my comfort zone, so I can fully grasp the importance of combating these fears and striving for more, much like David Goggins does.

Schedule every minute

Create a strict, hour-by-hour daily schedule between [wakeup hour] and [bedtime hour] that begins with the most challenging tasks or 'suffering' to foster discipline and mental toughness, in the spirit of David Goggins. The schedule should leave little room for idle time and focus on maximizing productivity and personal growth. Include time for [insert specific business-related tasks] related to my business goals, physical training in [describe your sport], and personal development activities including [how you develop personally]. I will commit to keeping up this schedule for [duration] starting [date, for example today], so create a two-column table where I record my progress each day.

Master your inner dialogue

Simulate a conversation with the negative or doubting voices in my head. Write a script of these 4 separate voices being (a) Negative (b) Fearful (c) Anxious and (d) Judgmental about my actions towards achieving my goal of [describe your biggest business goal]. After their opening lines, invite me to respond to each of these voices, one by one. After my responses, analyze them for the assertiveness, resilience, and rational perspective that David Goggins embodies. Guide me in transforming this inner dialogue into a powerful tool for self-motivation and focus.

Do things you don’t want to do

Activities or tasks that I am currently avoiding or feel hesitant to undertake in my personal, professional, or physical training endeavors are [describe the tasks you don't enjoy or look forward to.] Give me a pep talk, in the style of David Goggins, that explains why I should do them anyway. Use his signature phrases. Emphasize the importance of consistency and mental growth over immediate rewards or comfort.

Remove the crutches

Initiate a self-discovery dialogue with me, asking probing and reflective questions one by one, guiding me to uncover my own truths and answers instead of seeking external validation or shortcuts. In the style of David Goggins, challenge me to confront my own habits, thoughts, and excuses. Encourage me to be brutally honest with myself about what's holding me back, what I truly want, and the actions I need to take. Emphasize the importance of being a practitioner, not just a theorist, in my own life's journey. Keep asking me questions, one by one, and do not break character until I say “STOP”.

Get your business motivation back

Entrepreneurship is hard, and expecting it to be easy makes it harder. No matter who you are, everything will not go your way all of the time. And that’s okay. Some days you might feel like you’ll never make it, on others you’ll have a breakthrough and the path will become clear. For those times when you’re running out of motivation and not sure there’s a way through, call on these prompts to pick you back up. 

Realign with your vision

Help me craft an inspirational post-it note reminder of what I need to focus on. My ultimate business goal is [insert specific goal or milestone]. What short (fewer than 5 words), powerful message can I write to keep me focused and motivated towards achieving this?

Be inspired by another

I am an entrepreneur facing [describe current challenge or situation]. Can you share stories of successful business leaders who have faced similar challenges? I'm looking for inspiration and lessons from their experiences that can help guide me through my own entrepreneurial journey.

Plan your day

Help me prioritize my day. Ask me 'What will make the most difference to your business today?' and let me answer. In a follow up question, ask if it really is the most important thing. Then ask the question, “After that, what will make the most difference to your business today” again after each response, followed by the follow up question, until I've created a complete to-do list. This process will naturally order my tasks by priority, as I'll be listing them based on their immediate impact on my business.

Be more playful

Take the to-do list for today that we just established and act as a consultant who helps people find fun in their work. Suggest creative and playful ways to gamify the top 3 tasks or break them into smaller and more enjoyable component parts. I want to approach my work with a beginner's mind, finding fun and innovative methods to accomplish these tasks while maintaining their effectiveness.

Hold an attitude of gratitude

I'm feeling down and need to shift my mindset. Can we start a gratitude practice together? Acting as a life coach, begin by asking me to name something I'm grateful for in my business or personal life. After each response, prompt me to reflect on why I'm thankful for it and how it contributes positively to my life. Continue this back-and-forth until I've built a substantial list of things I'm grateful for, helping me realize the abundance and positivity in my life and business.

Leverage your unique talents (and stop overthinking)

You have ace cards you’re not playing and I know that for sure. Most entrepreneurs are making their progress more difficult than it needs to be. They are getting in their own way. They are underestimating their strengths, overlooking their unique talents, and not showing up in a way that would make the boat go faster. This stops today.

The most successful people in business, politics and media did not shy away from their skills. They leaned right in. They figured out what made them special and they shone a spotlight on the asset.  

Challenge your beliefs

I want to identify and challenge my limiting beliefs that may be hindering my entrepreneurial journey. Acting as a mindset coach, ask me probing questions, one by one, to uncover any deep-seated beliefs I have about business, success, or my own abilities. After each response, help me analyze how these beliefs might be holding me back and suggest ways I can reframe them to support my growth and success, before asking the next question. The goal is to break my mental barriers with your guidance.

Learn from feedback

I want to better understand and leverage my unique talents. I sometimes receive compliments or positive feedback on: [describe what you are often complimented on]. Can you help me unpack this feedback to identify the underlying skills or strengths? Then, suggest ways I can lean into these talents more effectively in my business to drive growth and success.

Apply your success system

Let's develop my personal success system in three parts. Acting as a business performance coach, first, ask me to describe a past success and guide me through analyzing that experience to understand the process and strengths that led to the victory. Then, help me define this success system by turning those learnings into a structured blueprint. Finally, apply this system to a current goal of mine [describe your current goal]. Prompt me to break down this goal and suggest how I can apply my success system to each component for effective and efficient progress.

Deal with naysayers

I'm looking to strengthen my resilience against negativity and criticism as I grow my business. Create a 5-question quiz where you present scenarios, one at a time, where I encounter naysayers. In each scenario, present an insult or negative comment related to my business, from the context previously provided. Following each scenario, provide me with three options for how to respond, and ask me to select one. Once I have selected an answer, analyze my response and tell me if I'm correct. (The correct answer is to ignore the comment and move on, emphasizing the importance of focusing on my goals and not getting sidetracked by negativity. The only exception should be when receiving critique from individuals in my target audience, where I should listen and consider their feedback in a non-defensive manner.) This quiz will help me practice dealing with detractors effectively while staying focused on my business growth.

Get over yourself

I understand the importance of facing my fears head-on, but sometimes I find myself held back by them. Here, I'll openly share my fears related to a specific goal I'm pursuing. My goal is [insert your specific goal here]. The fears I have regarding this goal include [list your fears here]. I'm seeking straightforward, no-nonsense advice. I need a tough mentor who can help me see past these fears and not let them hinder my progress. Acting as a tough mentor, give me the blunt feedback and perspective I need to move forward and not let my own apprehensions be the cause of my downfall.

Change your state of mind (and get more done) 

Entrepreneurs work a lot of hours, but they don’t always use the time in the best possible way. They turn up at their laptop and go down rabbit holes. They research, scan and scroll. They do things their assistant could do, they achieve low leverage on their time. If focus is a superpower, this short attention span is their kryptonite. It all stems from a state of mind. 

Reframe current challenges

Today, I'm feeling overwhelmed by the task of [insert specific task or challenge]. It feels like something I have to do, and it's weighing me down. I need you to help me reframe this. Why is this task actually something I ‘get’ to do, as opposed to ‘have’ to do? Please highlight the positive aspects and opportunities this challenge presents, showing me why it's a good problem to have.

Zoom out for perspective

I'm currently dealing with [insert specific issue or situation], and it feels all-consuming. Help me gain a broader perspective. Assume the role of a mindset coach and ask me a series of 5 perspective-focused questions, one by one, to help me zoom out and see the bigger picture. After the questions, ask if my perspective on the issue has changed.

Ignite your inner visionary

I need a boost of visionary thinking. Let's have some fun imagining the future. Create a grandiose, exciting description of where my current project or business [describe specific project or business] could be in the next ten years. Go all out – I want to hear about groundbreaking achievements, potential impacts, and maybe even how it changes the world. Let's make my wildest dreams for my business seem achievable and inspire me to work towards them starting today.

Go back to basics

I want to simplify my business approach and get back to basics. Can you help me strip away the extra fluff? Start by analyzing the core of my business. Ask me questions, one by one, about the primary product or service I offer, my main customer base, and my most effective sales channel. After establishing these 3 things, suggest how I can streamline my business to focus on these key elements, removing unnecessary complexities. Begin with, 'What is the product or service that is the heart of your business, and why?'

Instantly increase your charisma

Charismatic people create opportunities for themselves. They’re magnetic and they’re compelling. People want to be around them. They command attention. They are approached with offers without even trying. For them, life and work feel more like a game. Confidence, high energy and an indescribable air of mystery combine to create a powerful recipe for business success. How much more could you achieve if you were just that little bit more charismatic? 

Pay better compliments

I’m about to meet [name] and I want to make a great first impression. The capacity in which I am meeting this person is [explain why you’re meeting them]. From the context I provide about what I know about them and their [social media platform] profile, suggest 5 compliments I could pay them. For each, suggest a follow up question I could ask to further the conversation in a genuine way. It’s very important these compliments come across as authentic and not cheesy. [Paste information from their online presence here.]

Be more nonchalant

When I’m excited to talk to someone in a [work, life, dating] capacity I notice I [describe what you do when you’re really interested in someone]. My goal is to create an air of mystery that draws them in, instead of scaring them away. Suggest 5 ways I could tone down these actions so I appear nonchalant instead of needy.

Create genuine connection

I’d like to be more charismatic when I meet people who I have things in common with, especially my areas of interest [describe your work, sport, hobbies or things you’re passionate about].” Give me 10 potential conversation starters I can use to talk about these interests with new connections that create genuine connections in a casual way.

Inspire others with your vision

I’m currently working on [describe your work] with the goal of [describe your ultimate goal]. I want to become more charismatic, inspiring others with my vision. Help me do this by describing my work and the potential future of my existence in a compelling, dramatic and exciting, multi-sensory way. When I read this description, my confidence in my future should be elevated, inspiring me to be more confident and assured in my day-to-day life.

Become a better listener

I sometimes struggle to focus on what someone is saying when I [describe when you might get distracted, for example on a Zoom call, when you’re tired, when you want to speak.] Give me some fun and actionable strategies that I can practice when I’m engaged in conversation, to ensure I hear every word and process the message to the maximum. They should keep me engaged in a novel way.

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Sell without being salesy

Even though their company’s growth relies on signing up new clients, entrepreneurs don’t want to think of themselves as salespeople. Portrayed in films and series as being sleazy, cunning, slimy and unscrupulous, salespeople get a bad rap. It’s no wonder we work to get away from that title. But while selling is essential, being salesy is not. It’s a fine line. Stay on the right side of the line and customers will be lining up to buy. On the wrong side, they’ll be put right off. Get your strategy right today.

Share your story

Write a compelling story about my entrepreneurial journey and the development of my product, that I could tell in 1-2 minutes to a prospect. Here's the context: [Provide background information here, including challenges, realizations, motivations, defining moments]. The story should be engaging, relatable, and highlight the unique aspects of my journey and product, making it memorable and inspiring for potential customers.

Share customer success

Create a narrative that showcases a success story of one of my customers, demonstrating the transformation they experienced through using my product, [describe product or service]. Here's the specific case: [Provide details here, including the customer's initial challenges, how they used the product, and the positive changes or results they achieved]. The story should be aspirational, allowing prospects to see themselves in the customer's journey. It should be concise enough to share in a conversation, yet powerful enough to inspire and create a vision of potential success with my product.

Create educational content

Generate a list of engaging 'How to' titles for [delete as appropriate: YouTube videos, social media posts, or blog posts] that align with the main selling points of my product. For context: [Include specific details about your product's features and the problems it solves]. The titles should be educational, catchy, and provide value, showcasing solutions my product offers. After presenting the list, ask me to select my favorite and then create a detailed outline for the chosen [video, article, post]. This outline should include key points to cover, making the content informative and valuable for potential customers.

Go back to basics

Summarize the key message of my product or service in a 5-10 word sentence. The sentence should be concise, straightforward, and distill my business down to its essence. The aim is to articulate what I offer in the simplest terms possible, making it immediately clear and understandable to anyone. This ensures there's no confusion about the value and purpose of my product or service. Context for the summary: [Provide excerpts or key points from your website, ad copy, and proposal documents].

Improve your FAQs

Review and improve the FAQ section of my website. Analyze the provided FAQs for clarity and completeness, suggest additional questions that may be commonly asked by customers but are currently missing, and identify and rephrase any ambiguous or confusing wording in the existing FAQs. The goal is to make the FAQs more comprehensive and clear, ensuring they address potential customer concerns effectively and reduce the need for direct inquiries. Context for the review: [Provide the current FAQs or key points about your product/service that often raise questions].

Build a 100-year brand (make more money now)

These prompts were created with Chris Orzechowski, brand growth strategist who wants to help you build a brand that never dies. Businesses that started decades ago have one thing in common: they cracked the code of longevity. They figured out what was working and doubled down. They listened to their customers. They didn’t give up until they were established. Set up your long-term brand right now and you’ll see more success in the short term too.

Define your X-factor

My company provides [outline your offering] for [outline your target audience]. I want to identify what specifically makes my brand unique and compelling to establish my “X-factor”. Acting as a brand specialist, analyze my brand and its offering to ascertain why a customer might prefer my brand over more convenient or cheaper alternatives. Start by opening a dialogue and ask questions, one by one, about aspects including product quality, customer experience, brand values, or any other unique selling points, to establish my X-factor. After five questions, suggest how I can further enhance and communicate this X-factor to make my brand even more irresistible to potential customers. Include the strategies I should employ to emphasize these unique qualities in my marketing and branding efforts.

Build a moat around your business

Given what you know about my company, our target audience and how we differentiate ourselves, help us prepare for future change, especially the impact of AI and other new technologies and how they might affect our revenue and position in the marketplace. Our ultimate goal is to build a moat around our brand so our company can survive and thrive for the next 100 years. Acting as a business analyst, outline the 5 steps I should take to ensure my company's success over the next century.

Assess your brand voice

Act as a brand strategist and analyze the attached origin story of my brand. My objective is to be able to confidently delegate the creation of marketing copy in the style of the document pasted below. Answer the following questions in a way that’s helpful to a marketing manager responsible for creating content from the analysis. 1) How would you describe the style and tone of this copy? 2) What would this copy suggest are key life goals and obstacles for my customers? 3) How does my brand aim to help them? After answering these questions, list the 5 key elements of my brand that should be incorporated into all marketing messaging. Here’s the copy: [Include the copy].

Lock in your acquisition

I want to find out the main reasons prospects don’t turn into customers. I’m pasting a list of lost reasons by the number of times they were used. We also have [number] prospects in our existing pipeline who haven’t yet gone ahead. Act as a positive business analyst and use the data we have to suggest our main weaknesses in customer acquisition and suggest tactics we could try to (a) re-engage people who previously said no and (b) go out to current active prospects with a more compelling offer.

Punch up your emails

I'm writing an email to [describe the people on your email list] with the purpose of selling [describe the product the email is designed to sell]. Acting as a marketing specialist, analyze the copy and tell me its strengths and weaknesses from a conversion perspective. Using what you know about my business and its X-factor, highlight any key points missing from the copy. Make suggestions on improvements I can make to ensure the email is more compelling, true to my brand voice, and more likely to convert.

Negotiate your next pay rise

These prompts were created with Rebecca Ann, founder of The Successful Leaders' Collective, an exclusive community designed for high-achieving women. Whether you’re an employee, contractor or entrepreneur, if you’re not sure your work is being duly rewarded, get a conversation on the cards. People who are paid their worth have figured out how to confidently state what they want. Join them today and see what you can negotiate.

Create a clear timeline

I want to speak to my [employer or client] about having a pay rise. I [operate a business in/carry out the role of] [describe the purpose of your work]. My [role of person you report to] faces the problem of [describe the problem their business aims to solve] and my work supports them with [describe how you contribute to this outcome]. I currently carry out the roles and responsibilities of [describe your key responsibilities here] and my goal is for these to be recognised with an increased level of pay, specifically [state the contract increase you are looking for]. Acting as a career coach, create a clear timeline for preparing for a conversation about my desire for a pay rise. My goal is to use this to start negotiations on [date].

Know your worth

I want to get the recognition and remuneration I deserve for the value I offer my [client/employer]. Using the information you know about my role and key responsibilities, give me information about industry [salaries/fees] in [describe your industry and location] to ensure I'm making a compelling case for a [salary/fee] increase. Then describe the skills of a person operating at the top of this bracket, so I can prepare to explain how my work demonstrates this level in a negotiation with the company.

Set up the conversation

I am organizing a pay rise conversation with my [client/employer], based on working with them for [number] years and securing impressive results for the company over and above my role requirements, including [list your key achievements to date]. Based on this information, draft a polite and persuasive email requesting a meeting to propose a pay increase. The email should outline my significant contributions to the company’s growth and confidently request a face-to-face meeting on [date].

Understand what you bring to the table

In my pay rise meeting I want to make the case for a [salary/fee] increase with 3 strong arguments. Using the key achievements of my work in this role and information from my CV, extract the key information to outline these three distinct areas of discussion and create my leverage. My goal is to facilitate a clear and compelling meeting in which my [employer/client] agrees to increase my rate of pay.

Plan ahead for counter-arguments

My goal is to be ready to address potential concerns or objections that my [client/employer] might have during this promotion negotiation. Further to the information provided so far, I believe I demonstrate the value I bring to the business by [describe 3 ways you add value to your client/employer]. Assume the role of a salary negotiator and open a dialogue where you ask questions, one by one, to understand why I should receive a salary increase. After every response I give, mark it out of 10 and suggest an improvement before asking another question. Continue this back and forth until I say STOP, and then summarize the conversation so I can revise and be prepared for the meeting.

Generate laser focus at work

Focus is a superpower. Those who can focus know it’s serving their business. Those who can’t wish they could do it. In which camp do you reside? When you have things to do but distractions keep popping up, can you completely ignore them and stick to your guns? Most people struggle. Attention spans are getting shorter. You can blame social media, notifications and “always on” culture or you can take a hold of your mindset and sort it out once and for all. The choice is yours.

Know the cost of not focusing

Create a scenario that illustrates the long-term consequences of my current tendency to be distracted and lose focus. I typically get distracted or procrastinate by [describe them here] on my quest to [describe your overall business and/or life objectives]. Based on this information, project these habits into the future and describe a potential scenario where these behaviors have impacted my professional and personal life. This horror story should be exaggerated to the extreme and emphasize the negative outcomes of failing to maintain focus, such as missed opportunities, unachieved goals, and professional stagnation. The goal is to highlight the importance of developing laser-sharp focus to avoid these detrimental consequences.

Do your most important work first

Assist me in identifying my number one most important task each day. My business is [describe your business] and my number one goal is [describe that here]. The tasks I usually prioritize are [list them here]. Based on this information, ask me 6 questions, one by one, to establish which tasks will make the most difference to my goal. Then, help me determine which single task (which might be a new task) will be the most impactful for achieving my primary goal. Guide me in focusing on this task each day by providing strategies to start with this priority and maintain focus, while minimizing distractions and procrastination.

Understand your short attention span

Conduct an analysis to understand the factors contributing to my short attention span. Ask me a series of 5 questions, one by one, to describe my activities related to social media usage, browsing news sites, messaging friends, frequency of receiving and attending to notifications, and any other digital habits. Based on my responses, identify patterns or behaviors that might be causing my attention span to diminish. Then, provide recommendations on what to reduce or cut out to improve my ability to focus. The objective is to gain insight into my digital habits and their impact on my focus, and to develop a strategy to enhance my concentration and productivity.

Remember the mission

Narrate an inspiring story that reflects the successful realization of a mission similar to mine. My business mission is [describe your mission], I started this to serve [describe your target audience], and my core objectives are [list your core objectives]. Based on this description, create a motivational story about someone who faced similar challenges and succeeded. This story should resonate with my aspirations, audience, and objectives, serving as a reminder of the potential success that lies beyond procrastination and distraction. It's meant to be a source of inspiration, showcasing what can be achieved with focus and dedication to one's mission.

Be reminded of your powers

Analyze a past instance of my intense focus and provide suggestions to replicate that level of concentration. Here’s a time when I was highly focused and achieved something significant: [describe the specific instance here]. Based on this account and what you know about my goals and challenges with focus, offer insights on how I can adjust my mindset, beliefs, daily routine, and workspace to recreate similar conditions of intense focus. The goal is to unlock my potential to achieve more by emulating the factors that enabled my earlier success.

Make Tony Robbins your personal AI business coach

Hiring Robbins himself might not be feasible, but using these simple prompts the methods and systems from Robbins’ work can be applied to your life. Access supercharged motivation, endless self-awareness, and a renewed energy for making things happen. 

Control your state

I am dedicated to the ethos of constant and never-ending improvement in my business, aligning with Tony Robbins' 'CANI' principle. Presently, I am focusing on [describe your main business goal]. In a Tony Robbins-style coaching session, facilitate a back-and-forth dialogue. Ask questions one by one to explore strategies for embracing change and fostering continuous growth. You should act as Tony Robbins and not break character. Adopting Robbins' approach, guide me through identifying actionable steps and cultivating a mindset geared towards perpetual development and adaptability. My goal is to continuously evolve and enhance my business practices.

Create your vision for success

As I aim to define a clear path for my business, I want to incorporate Tony Robbins' approach to creating a vision for success. My current vision is [briefly describe current vision or lack thereof], but I feel it needs more clarity and ambition. In a Tony Robbins-style coaching session, can we work together to refine and expand this vision? Ask questions one by one to facilitate a back-and-forth discussion, where we go through his 4-step strategy: writing down my goals, articulating why they are important, getting into a visionary state, and repeating this for every goal. I'm seeking your guidance to develop a detailed and motivating roadmap that will propel me towards my business aspirations. You should act as Tony Robbins and not break character.

Rewire your mindset for growth

I might have mindset-related challenges such as [fear of failure, self-doubt, scarcity mindset, fear of rejection, etc]. The work of Tony Robbins emphasizes the transformation of limiting beliefs into empowering ones to nurture a growth mindset. Acting as my business coach, ask questions one by one in a back-and-forth discussion in the style of Tony Robbins-style dialogue to explore this topic. First, coach me to discuss and identify specific limiting beliefs I hold and work through techniques to reframe them into empowering thoughts. This conversation aims to develop strategies that foster resilience, adaptability, and growth in my entrepreneurial journey. You should act as Tony Robbins and not break character.

Communicate effectively for impact

Communication plays a crucial role in my business, especially in interactions with [specify which people, for example clients, team, partners]. Using Tony Robbins' teachings on the power of effective communication, I seek to enhance these skills in my professional dealings. Facilitate a Tony Robbins-style coaching session, asking questions one by one with a back-and-forth discussion focused on this area. Adopting Robbins' approach, guide me in developing effective communication skills, especially strategies for emotional intelligence, persuasive communication, and building impactful relationships. The goal is to explore and refine these aspects to better connect with and influence my audience. You should act as Tony Robbins and not break character.

Continuously improve

I am dedicated to the ethos of constant and never-ending improvement in my business, aligning with Tony Robbins' 'CANI' principle. Presently, I am focusing on improving [describe specific areas for improvement or change]. In a Tony Robbins-style coaching session, ask questions one by one to facilitate a back-and-forth dialogue to explore strategies for embracing change and fostering continuous growth. Adopting Robbins' approach, guide me through identifying actionable steps and cultivating a mindset geared towards perpetual development and adaptability. My goal is to continuously evolve and enhance my business practices. You should act as Tony Robbins and not break character.

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Unlock endless motivation

When your motivation to make a difference is at an all-time high, you are unstoppable. You wake up raring to go, you power on with high-leverage work and you feel pumped about every win. This is what progress feels like. But when you’re bored, uninspired or frustrated things are moving too slowly, it might be tough to summon the energy to begin. Use these prompts to regain your business mojo and become the version of you that can show up to deliver.

Treat work like a game

Help me gamify my work to sustain motivation and make daily tasks more enjoyable. Here's some context about my work: [describe your projects, challenges, or routine tasks]. Based on this information, suggest creative ways to turn these aspects of my work into a game-like experience. Propose engaging methods like point scoring, rewards, and milestones to approach my tasks. Also, provide ideas for maintaining a light-hearted, game-like perspective, even when faced with challenges. The goal is to transform work into an enjoyable and motivating experience, reducing stress and enhancing productivity through a playful approach.

Follow your success system

Engage me in a discussion to uncover my personal success system by analyzing a past achievement. Start by asking me 5 questions, one by one, about a specific achievement from my past: [describe this experience here]. Through your questions, help me identify the key steps, strategies, and mindsets that contributed to this success. After we have established my success system, move to assisting me in applying this framework to a new challenge I am facing [describe the current challenge or goal]. The aim is to adapt and utilize my proven methods of success to this new context, fostering motivation and confidence in my approach.

Find out your why

Initiate a conversation to help me discover my core motivation by rating various statements about hypothetical outcomes of my work. Present me with a series of seven statements, one by one, related to [outline your work goals]. For each statement, I will rate it on a scale of 1-10, where 1 means 'wouldn't mean anything to me' and 10 means 'would mean the world to me'. Based on my responses, analyze the pattern or themes that emerge and suggest what my underlying 'why' might be – the driving force or core motivation behind my actions and decisions. This exercise is intended to help me gain clarity on what truly matters to me and how it shapes my entrepreneurial journey.

Get accountability partners

Provide suggestions for accountability actions with a friend who could be my accountability partner. My goal is [describe your goal], and my potential accountability partner is [describe the friend and their business]. Based on this, recommend three specific accountability actions we can take. These could include regular check-ins, shared tasks, or collaborative activities that align with our mutual business goals. The aim is for these actions to keep us both motivated and on track, ensuring we support each other in our entrepreneurial journeys.

Plan your dream rest day

Help me plan my ideal rest day schedule. First, ask me 5 questions, one by one, to outline activities that relax and re-energize me, as well as those that drain me. Based on my responses, create the schedule for an entire day that incorporates these relaxing and re-energizing activities while avoiding the draining ones. The schedule should balance relaxation, personal interests, and any rejuvenating routines. Also, include a list of 'dos' and 'don'ts' for the day, tailored to ensure I maximize rest and recovery. This plan will serve as a guide for creating a restful, rejuvenating day that helps me recharge fully.

Craft a powerful personal brand

Entrepreneurs are finding they can grow their company much faster when an audience of people buy into them as its owner. A strong brand and impressive following can negate the need for advertising spend. It can attract opportunities, open doors, and mean exceptional team members come to you.

Define your content pillars

Help me define the content pillars for my personal brand. I will provide [my CV, professional bio, or a description of my business]. Based on this information, analyze and suggest four distinct content pillars that align with my expertise, experience, and the unique value I offer. These pillars should represent the core themes around which I will craft my online posts and presence. Identify topics that are not only relevant to my field but also engaging and valuable to my target audience. The aim is to establish a clear, consistent message across my digital platforms, reinforcing my personal brand and carving out a distinct space in the minds of my audience. [Paste your context].

Create a posting structure

Develop a strategic posting schedule for my social media presence, tailored to my specific content pillars and audience. Based on my four content pillars, my target audience [describe your business’ target audience], and my preferred social media platforms [list platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, etc], create a consistent and manageable posting plan. I am in [your time zone], and my audience primarily resides in [audience’s time zone(s)]. For the next [duration, e.g., 3 months], I can commit to posting [number] times per [day, week, etc]. Please consider these factors and craft a detailed schedule that specifies the platform, day, time, and corresponding content pillar for each post. This schedule should optimize engagement with my audience while being feasible for me to maintain consistently.

Create hooks to address pain points

Generate compelling hooks for my social media posts that directly address the pain points and aspirations of my target audience. My target audience members are [a brief description of them], their biggest fears are [describe them] and their deepest desires are [describe them]. Based on this information, create a series of hooks that are likely to resonate with these people. The hooks should be crafted to immediately grab attention, provoke thought, or evoke an emotional response, encouraging the audience to stop scrolling and engage with the content. Provide examples for different types of content, such as educational posts, inspirational messages, or promotional updates, each tailored to speak directly to my audience's needs and interests.

Emulate popular posts

Analyze and adapt the style of a social media post that caught my attention for my own content, so I can use a similar style or approach that is tailored to my content pillars and audience. The objective is to capture the essence of what made the original post effective, specifically [describe what you liked, for example the tone, format, storytelling technique, hook or CTA] and apply it to my brand's messaging. Give me 3 rewrites of the post. I may re-prompt for adjustments until the suggestion feels right for my upcoming post.

Measure your progress

Assume the role of a marketing analyst and establish effective metrics to track the success of my personal branding efforts on social media. Considering my business objectives, which include [describe specific business goals like securing signups for a SaaS product, winning new customers, etc.], help me identify and define key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with these goals. Advise on methods to track and analyze these metrics across my chosen social media platforms [list the platforms you use]. The aim is to go beyond surface-level metrics like likes and follows, focusing instead on meaningful indicators that reflect the impact of my online presence on my business's growth and success. Provide suggestions for tools or strategies to effectively monitor and interpret these metrics.

Unlock exceptional time management skills

You are capable of great things, but something is getting in your way. You’re not managing your time. You’re trying to do too much and ending up not doing enough. You’re not making the progress you know you deserve and you’re determined to figure it out.

Identify where you’re losing time

Act as a time-management consultant and review the attached calendar for my upcoming schedule. Ask me clarifying questions to identify meetings or tasks that are less critical or low-priority, and suggest alternative times when these could be rescheduled or delegated, so I can prioritize maintaining blocks of time for high-value work and strategic planning. Additionally, flag any commitments that may no longer be necessary or beneficial. Every time I send an updated calendar, ensure I consistently focus on the most impactful tasks and responsibilities.

Find your high leverage activities

Initiate a 'confession box' style discussion. Ask me probing questions, one by one, to uncover my underlying motivations, goals, fears, and talents. After this dialogue, help me identify my highest leverage activities – the tasks where my skills, passion, and the needs of my business align. Ask further questions, one by one, that require me to reflect on my current responsibilities and daily activities, and guide me in discerning which of these are truly pushing my business forward and which might be holding me back. The objective is to gain clarity on what I should focus on for maximum impact, growth, and fulfillment."

Split tasks into chunks

Assist me in dissecting a large, overwhelming task into smaller, manageable components. I will describe the task in detail, and your role is to help me identify and outline the incremental steps required to complete it. First, ask me questions to understand the scope and complexity of the task, then guide me in establishing a sequence of actionable, bite-sized tasks. Each mini-task should be simple enough to tackle without significant effort, yet collectively, they lead to the completion of the main objective. The goal is to create a structured plan that allows for steady progress in small, manageable increments, making the process less daunting and more achievable.

Gamify your work

Help me gamify my work to enhance productivity and engagement. I'm working on [describe your main project or objective]. Your role is to suggest creative ways to transform this into a game-like format, so I make the most of my time. First, ask clarifying questions before proposing metrics and milestones that can be tracked and marked as completed. Let's design a fun and motivating system, possibly including elements like [a leaderboard, 'enemies' to overcome (such as procrastination or distractions), or a 'snakes and ladders' style progression to be a metaphor for advancement and setbacks.] Guide me in developing this gamified system to make my work more engaging and enjoyable, while ensuring steady progress towards my goals.

Delegate like a pro

Transform the attached transcript from my instructional video into a comprehensive, step-by-step action plan, that will be easy for a new team member to understand and execute. The transcript includes [briefly describe the task or process covered in the video]. Your task is to break this process down into a clear, easy-to-follow set of actionable steps. Highlight key points, cautionary notes, and tips for efficiency. The goal is to create a delegation guide that minimizes misunderstandings and errors, and maximizes productivity and accuracy in task execution.

Become less risk-averse

Take big risks, win big regards. But what if you’re scared to? Most people don’t take big risks. Most people overthink, overanalyze, and get trapped thinking small and taking miniscule actions to match. Imagine if you could break free of your caged mind and do the things you suspect might just work. If “risk averse” is a label you’ve been carrying around for a while, this year is when you can shed it once and for all.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

I want to be more bold and take bigger risks going forward. I recognize my risk-averse behaviour so far might be limiting my potential. To challenge this, I need to identify opportunities I've typically avoided. In the field of [area of your life where you want to take risks], specifically [describe a specific situation you want to change], where could taking calculated risks significantly benefit me? Start by asking me a series of 5 questions, one by one, to understand which bold moves I would make if I wasn't risk-averse. After that, assist in formulating a step-by-step plan to embrace uncertainty and make bolder decisions.

What’s the worst that could happen?

Help me imagine the worst-case scenario in my current situation: [describe your specific situation]. I want to confront the potential negative outcomes head-on. First, give me 3 options for the worst-case scenario and I will choose one to explore. Then, help me visualize this outcome in detail. After this, ask me what I’d do if these came true, so I can develop a contingency plan to recover or pivot from this scenario. This exercise aims to reduce my fear and apprehension, helping me realize that even in the worst-case scenario, there are pathways to recovery and success.

What if it all goes right?

Now that I've explored the worst-case scenarios, let's shift focus to the best possible outcomes. Reflecting on my earlier responses about overcoming risk-aversion, let's imagine a scenario where everything aligns perfectly. Specifically, regarding [your biggest goal or most bold dream], craft a detailed and inspiring narrative about what unfolds for me after conquering fears and achieving what was once just a dream. This story should not only highlight the triumphs but also how I adapt to and embrace the changes and challenges that come with extraordinary success.

Which actions are holding me back?

Help me identify which actions might be holding me back from achieving my full potential by reflecting on my current behaviors and habits. Acting as a business coach, ask 5 clarifying questions, one by one, to ascertain my underlying fears and uncover the true reasons for my risk-averse tendencies. Once we've identified these limiting factors, assist me in developing a strategy to alter my actions and mindset, effectively removing these self-imposed limitations. This process is crucial for stepping out of my comfort zone and moving towards greatness.

Which people are holding me back?

Analyze the five people I spend the most time with: [include the names of those 5 people]. Ask me 2 insightful questions about each one to score and evaluate their attitude towards risk and their potential for success. The questions should explore their character traits, the energy they contribute to my life, and their habits, especially those that might be influencing my own decisions. The goal is to ascertain how each person's mindset and behavior could be affecting my approach to risk-taking and success. Based on this analysis, assist me in strategically adjusting my social circle to foster an environment that supports taking bigger, yet manageable, risks.

Apply Glennon Doyle’s Untamed to your work

Apply Glennon Doyle’s bestselling book, "Untamed: Stop pleasing, start living," to your work with these prompts. Show up as a brand new confident you.

Unpack your training

This week, my schedule includes [give details of your upcoming work tasks and commitments]. Act as a life coach with the goal of finding out what should remain in my schedule. Begin a back and forth conversation where you ask me questions about my schedule to ascertain whether specific items within it are there because of obligation, expectation or habit. Dig deep with the questions so I am forced to reimagine why I do what I do.

Question your life

Help me figure out my wildest dreams for my life and business. In this conversation, act as my coach with the goal of helping me explore the gap between my dream reality and my current reality. Start by asking me questions to ascertain my wildest dreams, then ask me probing questions about the differences between that dream life and the one I'm living now. After that, identify where I can make changes to align my life and business with my true aspirations.

Create your memos

Help me create my life principles, like memos for my existence, inspired by Glennon Doyle in Untamed. These principles should be free from past beliefs, reflecting what is correct for me at the present moment. Still acting as my coach, suggest 5 memos based on the information you have so far. Then ask for feedback and reword them until I'm happy with the final 5.

Make a commitment

I want to make a commitment to my new life principles. Create a selection of daily reminders, whether they’re phrases, mantras, or symbols, that I can place somewhere visible to keep me on track. They should solidify my commitment and ensure I stay aligned with my principles.

Help others be wild

Assist me in helping my friends unleash their untamed potential, specifically [the name of a friend]. Their situation is [describe your friend's work, life and current challenges]. Give me 5 questions that will inspire and support them in finding their unique path and realizing their capabilities, along with guidance on how I can be a source of empowerment and encouragement, rather than imposing my own agenda on their lives.

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Secure a higher-paying job

These prompts were created with AJ Eckstein, founder and CEO of The Final Round, a career platform that guides jobseekers beyond the pivotal "final round" job interviews. Secure the role of your dreams and the salary of your potential.

Become a proactive jobseeker

Become a proactive jobseekerAct as an experienced career coach. Ask me a series of 5 questions with a goal to uncover if I am more of a proactive or reactive job seeker. Ask me one question at a time, allowing me to respond before moving on to the next question. Embolden each question. 

At the end of the 5 questions, rank me on a scale from 1-10, with 1 being very reactive, 5 being in the middle, and 10 being very proactive, depending on the type of job seeker I am. Then, share in italics how I can improve each of the 5 areas the questions address, with the goal to get to a score of 10 as a proactive job seeker.

Decode job descriptions

Act as a recruiter with experience writing job descriptions. My goal is to land an interview at the job below. I want to stand apart from the competition by reverse engineering the job description to uncover exactly what the company is looking for and then I will tailor my application such as my resume. Start by answering 5 questions about the job description I paste: 1) What is the role? 2) Who is the company? 3) What is the salary? 4) What are the primary responsibilities? 5) What are the three most important skills listed? Embolden each skill, then give an example in italics, and then share ideas of how to upskill and learn those skills for someone who might not have the skill. Focus on actionable upskilling ideas that are less common. Here is the job description: [insert job description].

Write an interview-winning resume

1/ Act as an expert resume writer with over 30 years of experience working with job seekers trying to land top jobs. Highlight the 5 most important responsibilities in this job description: [input job description].

2/ Based on these 5 most important responsibilities from the job description, help tailor my resume for the role and company above. I need help rewriting my bullet points to ensure each sentence is tailored to the keywords in the job description and is focused on my impact and results. Use this sentence structure for an example: “I accomplished A by the measure B that resulted in C.” For example: "Improved the efficiency of the sales team by 30% through the design and implementation of a comprehensive training program, which resulted in a significant increase in monthly revenue." Use compelling language, start with a strong action verb and keep the bullet point within 60 words. Do not include corporate jargon or run on sentences, and do not make information up. Here’s my resume: [input your resume].

Become a master storyteller

1/ Act as an expert interview coach that was previously a skilled hiring manager at a top company for 20 years. I am going to first give you a job description, followed by my resume. The goal after I give you both of these items is for you to help me create powerful and memorable stories to use in an interview. No action is required just yet. If you understand, respond “job description received, now please share your resume.” Here is the job description: [insert job description]

2/ Great! I will paste my resume. No action is required just yet. If you understand, respond “Thanks - I have received both the job description and your resume. How can I help?.” Here is my resume: [insert resume]

3/ Now that you have my target job description and my resume, I want you to help me write one story (interview response) for each of these 10 topics of behavioral questions: leadership, teamwork, challenges, problem solving, communication, decision making, initiative, organization, time management, ambiguity. An example interview question would be “Tell me about a time you showed leadership” or “Tell me about a time you expressed team work”. I want you to output a table with 10 rows and 3 columns: “topic” and “behavioral question”, and “behavioral response''. Create responses based on my resume, and factoring target keywords of skills and responsibilities from the job description above. Write the stories in a conversational style and focus on keeping the interviewer’s attention. Each “behavioral response” MUST be written in 4 parts using the “STAR method” which is “situation, task, action, result”. Each story must include this 4 part STAR method. Do not make information up.

Get coached in negotiation

Act as an expert negotiator with experience in recruiting and HR. I want to practice how to negotiate a higher salary as well as other company perks (vacation time, flexible work schedule, relocation bonus, etc.). Here are some details about my job offer: 1/ My name: [Insert name]. 2/ My job: [Insert job] . 3/ Company: [Insert company]. 4/ Location: [Insert location]. 5/ Salary offered: [Insert salary]. 6/ Salary I want: [Insert desired salary]. 7/ Market rate for this job: [Insert market rate]. You will simulate a detailed scenario (around 10 questions) in which I will engage in a negotiation. You will play the role of the recruiter, and I will play the role of the candidate who received the job offer. You will ask for my response in each step of the scenario and wait until you receive my response before responding on your own. Once the simulation ends, you will grade my response (1 being bad and 10 being perfect) and give me detailed feedback about what I could have used better using the science and psychology of negotiation. You will give me a harder scenario if I do well, and an easier one if I fail. At any point during the simulation, if I want to end it early and get feedback, I will say “end simulation”. Make sure to ask me tough questions such as: Do you have any other offers? If we make you an offer tomorrow, will you say yes? Are we your top choice? Why should we increase your offer? Etc. If you understand, please start the negotiation simulation.

How to be more minimalist

These prompts were created with Jade Bonacolta, founder of The Quiet Rich, a media company for top performers who view privacy as a new luxury. Try these AI prompts to eliminate distractions, focus your energy, and smash your business goals. Do less but better to achieve success and avoid burnout.

Identify your top priority

My objective for the next month is to [goal], and I need to prioritize my time. Here is a list of my current tasks: [paste your list]. Adopt the role of my executive coach. Create a table with three columns. In the first column, identify which of these tasks won’t contribute meaningfully to my goal (and should be postponed). In the second column, identify which of these tasks I can easily outsource or delegate to others (based on their low level of complexity). In the third column, add the remaining tasks that I am uniquely qualified to do, and that will make the most significant impact on achieving my goal. Ask clarifying questions to understand my work before creating the table.

Avoid energy-drainers

I’m trying to increase the amount of energy I have each week. After reviewing my schedule, I’ve identified the following 3 things as the biggest energy-drainers: [explain them here]. Form a hypothesis of why these tasks drain my energy more than others. Then suggest creative ways to eliminate, delegate, or reduce the time I spend on each one.

Say no more often

I just received [this request] from [this person]. I want to preserve my relationship with them, but the request doesn’t fit my goals right now. Learn my tone of voice from the following email I wrote in the past: [paste an email]. Now write an email in my tone of voice that politely declines this opportunity, while keeping my relationship with this individual extremely strong and positive.

Make faster decisions

In my business I offer [describe your product or service]. My strengths are [describe your unique strengths]. Identify which daily tasks I should hire an assistant to help me with, so I can focus on the most strategic parts of my business. Then create a set of 10 guiding principles or scripts that will reduce the number of decisions that this assistant will need me to make. My goal is for them to operate autonomously and only require one 15 minute check-in with me per day. Ask clarifying questions until you can create the principles.

Create and maintain boundaries

My self-care priorities for 2024 are to [insert your goals, for example get more sleep, spend more time with my loved ones, and start a gym routine]. Acting as my wellness coach, create an actionable plan for me to form these habits. Then share 5 specific ways I can hold myself accountable.

Unlock world-class communication skills

Be a better communicator with these prompts. Share your story, engage effectively, and make people care to supercharge your business success.

Listen actively

I recently had a meeting with [other person’s name] and want to ensure I fully understand their underlying messages and needs. I have details of the meeting here: [paste the transcript or include their key points or phrases]. Analyze this information and provide insights into what [name] might really want or be trying to communicate. If available, look for cues in their language, what they emphasized, what they might have left unsaid, and any non-verbal cues that can be inferred from the text. The goal is to improve my active listening skills by better understanding the nuances of communication, allowing me to respond more effectively and tailor my future interactions to address their needs and concerns.

Be clear and concise

To improve the clarity and conciseness of my communication, I'd like feedback on my own speaking style from a recent meeting. Here's a transcript, split by speaker name: [paste your transcript]. Analyze my language and provide suggestions on how to be more concise, yet clear. Point out any instances of unnecessary verbosity or complexity, and suggest ways I could have expressed the same ideas more succinctly without losing the essence of the message. The aim is to refine my communication to be effectively straightforward, avoiding confusion while still providing all necessary information.

Master your body language

I want to improve my non-verbal communication during in-person meetings and video calls to better convey [state the impression you want to convey, such as confidence, openness, approachability, etc.]. Suggest five different poses or body language techniques that I can practice in the mirror and replicate in my interactions. These should help me project the impression I'm aiming for, in a professional context. The objective is for my body language to complement my verbal communication, building trust and engagement.

Exert your influence

I need to enhance my ability to influence others through my communication. I'm looking to [persuade, negotiate, or inspire] with my words. Here's a recent email I've sent [paste email text] or an upcoming speech I'm preparing [paste speech text]. Based on this, provide suggestions on how I can alter my language, tone, and presentation to more effectively influence my audience's actions. The goal is to transform my communication into a more persuasive and impactful tool, enabling me to achieve my desired results in these interactions.

Remain adaptable

I want to improve how I communicate with a specific colleague to better engage with them and potentially influence their perspective or actions. Here's some information about this colleague: [insert details such as Myers Briggs type, snippets from their last email, their LinkedIn summary, information about their family or home setup, etc.]. Based on this information, suggest strategies for how I can adapt my communication style to align more effectively with their personality and preferences. The aim is to develop a customized approach that resonates with them on a deeper level, fostering a stronger and more productive working relationship.

Become a world-class storyteller

Get good at sharing your story by becoming a master in telling it. Hone this skill to unlock more opportunities for press and growth.

Understand your audience

I'm preparing to craft a story for my business, and I need to tailor it to my intended audience. The primary audience for my story is [describe the intended audience, including their interests, needs, and challenges]. Based on this, ask me 5 clarifying questions, one at a time, to gain a deeper understanding of this audience. After our discussion, please summarize the information back to me to ensure accuracy and completeness. The goal is to gather detailed insights about my audience so that my storytelling can be precisely adapted to resonate with this group, effectively engaging and connecting with them.

Develop a clear message

Reflecting on my intended audience [refer back to the audience details defined in the previous prompt], and take into account the one central message I want to convey to them through my story, which is [the overarching action you want the audience to take after hearing]. Can you refine this message and suggest how it could be positioned for this audience and clearly articulated through stories? Consider the value of my product, the vision of my company, and the specific call to action that I want to resonate with them. Ask questions, one by one, to guide me in refining the core idea or theme that I want my audience to remember and connect with, ensuring it aligns with my business goals and resonates deeply with the audience. After 3 questions, summarize the essential components I should include in every story I tell, to ensure it resonates.

Leverage emotion and relatability

Given the clear message I want to convey to my audience [refer to the previously defined message], I need ideas for stories that effectively communicate this message while evoking strong emotions. These stories can be from my journey or the journeys of others, and should be relatable to my audience and lead them to take a specific action. Suggest examples of stories that could create an emotional response, such as laughter, tears, or a compelling urge to engage with my business. I will then see if I have personal or business experiences that align with these examples and can be shaped into powerful narratives. After giving 5 options, ask me to select one and then develop it into a story I could tell. Once you have given a first draft of the story outline, invite me to suggest edits so the story can include things that are true from my business, for example my own experience or those of a customer.

Appeal to all the senses

Considering the central message and emotional elements of the stories that will resonate with my audience, I want to develop this story idea and enhance it by appealing to all the senses. Help me find a relevant and memorable metaphor that encapsulates my story. Additionally, suggest ways to make my story resonate with different learning styles. This could include visual aids, a clear framework, step-by-step structures, or even references to specific tastes or smells that make the story more vivid and engaging. The aim is to create a multi-sensory experience that ensures my story is not only heard but felt and remembered.

Upgrade your delivery

I want to enhance the delivery of my storytelling, focusing on both verbal and non-verbal aspects. My strengths in communication are my positive energy, but I struggle with not going off on tangents. Based on this, suggest specific public speaking tips and strategies that address my weaknesses, and give one exercise for me to try out for myself. These tips could involve improving timing, using effective verbal and non-verbal cues, or other techniques to make my storytelling more impactful and memorable. The aim is to refine my delivery skills, ensuring my stories are not only heard but also deeply felt and remembered by my audience.

Be more visionary in your business

When you’re trapped in the same habits, patterns and routines in your business, it’s easy to see how your future will simply be a rerun of your past. To create different results, something needs to change. Use these prompts to help you out. Feel inspired and motivated to begin right now, then draw a new experience to you with more ease than ever.

Think 10x bigger

I want to shift my mindset to think on a much larger scale about my business. My current business is [describe your current business, its scale, customer base, and typical operations]. Now, help me imagine this business scaled up to 10 times its current size in terms of customers or clients. Write a news article about my business, but at 10 times the size. Help me envisage how it could be, which details of the difference make for our clients and the achievements we have accomplished throughout this journey. The goal of this thought experiment is to get me comfortable with the idea of significant growth.

Think in a non-linear way

I'm aiming to break free from conventional thinking and explore innovative approaches to grow my business. My current business model involves [briefly describe your current business model and typical customer service approach]. Provide some unconventional, even wacky, suggestions for how I could serve my existing customers differently or make adjustments that could significantly impact my business. These ideas should be out-of-the-box and challenge standard business practices. The goal is to open my mind to visionary strategies and innovative solutions that could transform the way I operate my business.

Change your internal monologue

Guide me through a thought exercise to change my internal monologue. Provide me with a series of sentence starters, one at a time, like 'I am...' or 'I can...'. I'll respond with the first thing that comes to mind for each. After each of my responses, ask me if this answer is serving my goals and aspirations. If not, help me find an alternative perspective or response that aligns more positively with my aspirations and self-image. The objective is to shift my inner dialogue to become more supportive and conducive to success, replacing self-criticism with self-encouragement and a vision-driven mindset.

Get others on board

Hello, I'm helping my friend [your name] brainstorm visionary ideas for their business. Their business is [describe your understanding of their business]. Here is some context about their greatest strengths and areas where I see untapped potential: [Input details here about the entrepreneur's strengths and potential opportunities]. Based on this information, generate creative and innovative ideas for transforming their current business that align with these strengths and untapped areas. The aim is to provide [entrepreneur's name] with unique and actionable suggestions that could propel their business forward, leveraging their existing capabilities and exploring new opportunities.

Remove limiting beliefs

Based on our conversations and my aspirations, identify a potential limiting belief that might be hindering my success. When you have done this, ask a single question that opens a discussion about whether this belief resonates with my experiences, and wait for my response. If it does, provide insights on how I can overcome it. If not, propose an alternative belief that might be more relevant. The goal is to identify and tackle any hidden barriers in my mindset, paving the way for achieving my visionary goals.

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Feel instantly happier (and win the day)

Everyone wants to be happy, but not everyone knows how to do it. Samantha Brook is founder of Happiness Club. She empowers people who are fed up with feeling fed up and crippled by imposter syndrome to take action to feel happier and achieve unlimited confidence. These prompts were inspired by Brook’s advice across five key areas of happiness. Try them to transform your disposition today.

Stop feeling fed up

I've been feeling stuck and fed up lately, struggling to break free from a cycle of inaction. To combat these feelings, I need a list of simple, actionable tasks that I can start doing right away. Here's some context about my situation and interests: [insert specific details about your current mood, daily routine, hobbies, and any preferences or constraints]. Based on this information, suggest activities that will engage both my mind and body, helping me focus on positive actions and create a sense of achievement. My aim is to have a productive day that shifts my perspective and boosts my mood.

Find gratitude

Act as my gratitude coach. Start by asking me to list 3 things I'm grateful for and why. After each response, encourage me to think of more things, delving deeper into why I appreciate these aspects of my life. Keep the dialogue going until I say so, helping me to continuously recognize and articulate the positive elements around me. This exercise aims to retrain my focus towards gratitude, enhancing my overall sense of happiness and contentment.

Snap out of a bad mood

Act as my personal motivation coach to help me snap out of my current bad mood. I'm feeling [briefly describe your current mood or the reasons behind it]. Ask me questions that guide me to examine my thoughts and feelings. After I describe them, offer a new perspective or coping strategies. Your role is to help shift my focus from negative to more positive and constructive thoughts, using empathy and understanding. Use language that shows understanding and guides me towards a better mood, similar to what I might experience in a professional coaching or therapy session.

Recognise your strengths

Serve as my personal cheerleader and help me recognize my achievements and strengths. Start by asking me to list out my past achievements, successes, and positive qualities. If I say I can’t think of any, encourage me with prompts or questions to help me reflect on my accomplishments, no matter how big or small. Once I provide this information, give me a motivating pep talk, and remind me of these achievements whenever I come back for a confidence boost.”

Hear an inspiring story

Imagine my life story being narrated by my favorite motivational speaker, [insert the name of your favorite motivational speaker]. Based on what you know about me and my achievements [provide a brief overview of your journey, struggles, successes, and aspirations], craft an inspiring story that highlights my journey towards success. This story should be in the style of [speaker's name] and emphasize the challenges I've overcome, the milestones I've achieved, and the future successes I aspire to. The aim is to create a motivational narrative that boosts my spirits and reinforces my belief in my own potential.

Instantly boost your emotional intelligence

IQ is important, but EQ makes the difference in your working relationships. Use these prompts to improve your empathy and strengthen your interpersonal skills.

Be more self-aware

Guide me through an exercise to increase my self-awareness and understand my emotions better. Start by asking me to reflect on a recent situation where I experienced strong emotions like anger, excitement, motivation, or disappointment. Once I’ve explained this situation, prompt me to explore what triggered these emotions and how I reacted both internally and externally. When I’ve answered that, help me analyze these responses to gain insights into my emotional patterns and triggers. The objective of this exercise is to deepen my understanding of myself, which is a crucial step in enhancing my emotional intelligence and empathy towards others.

Respond, don’t react

Guide me through a series of roleplay scenarios where I encounter dramatic and unexpected news in a business context. My business is [describe your business] and my role includes [describe your role]. The goal is to practice responding calmly and composedly rather than reacting emotionally. Start with a scenario where a client delivers surprising feedback, then after I respond, move on to a situation where a team member presents an unexpected challenge. Continue with a scenario involving a critical email or communication that could affect the business. After each exchange, prompt me to pause, reflect, and respond with emotional intelligence. The aim is to develop the ability to maintain a composed and controlled demeanor in the face of unexpected challenges or news.

Empathize more strongly

Help me practice deepening my empathy by guiding me through a series of exercises. Begin by focusing on [describe specific team member or client], and help me work through something they are facing, which is [describe a work-related challenge or personal struggle]. Without giving me the answers, provide 3 questions that will prompt me to put myself in their shoes and explore their emotions, thoughts, values, priorities, fears, and desires on multiple levels. After I have done this, encourage me to delve deeply into their perspective to gain a comprehensive understanding of their feelings and mindset. The goal is to enhance my emotional intelligence by developing a stronger ability to empathize with others on a profound level.

Ask for feedback

Compose a message to a member of my team, [their name] where I ask for their feedback, specifically [specific area of your business conduct or communication style]. This message will be delivered via [specify the medium, for example email or Slack] and in my style. For context, here’s a previous message so you can emulate the style. [Include previous message]. Thank them in advance for their help and explain their feedback will help me [outline effect you want to achieve.]

Unpack past misunderstandings

I want to reflect on a past misunderstanding with [name of a friend or colleague], where [describe the situation in detail.] Analyze the situation objectively, with emotional intelligence, and ask me clarifying questions about the course of events, one at a time, to help me consider alternative approaches I would take if this happened again, with improved emotional intelligence. The goal is that I can approach new potential misunderstandings in a better way, so I don’t fall out with people.

Apply Rich Dad Poor Dad to your personal finance

Robert Kiyosaki’s book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, has become a prominent personal finance book since its publication in 1997. With unconventional wisdom about money and investing, its principles hold significant relevance for the personal finance of entrepreneurs. Could you escape the rat race faster than everyone you know? Applying the teachings from this book might make it possible.

Establish your financial education

I've been influenced by various teachings and beliefs about finance from school, family, and society, which may not align with current financial wisdom. Based on the principles of financial education from 'Rich Dad Poor Dad,' can you provide guidance on how to approach and rethink key financial concepts like inflation, borrowing, interest rates, home ownership, investing, and saving? My current financial situation involves [describe your current financial situation or upcoming money decisions]. Help me shed any outdated beliefs you suspect I might have and apply practical, updated financial strategies to my situation. The goal is to gain a clearer, more effective understanding of managing and growing my finances in today's economic environment.

Understand assets and liabilities 

Based on Robert Kiyosaki's definitions in 'Rich Dad Poor Dad,' I'd like to categorize my financial holdings into assets and liabilities. Here is a breakdown of my financial information: [provide a detailed list of your financial holdings, including investments, properties, debts, expenses, etc.]. Analyze this information and classify each item as either an asset (something that puts money into my pocket) or a liability (something that takes money out of my pocket), according to Kiyosaki's teachings. This analysis will help me better understand my financial standing and guide me in making decisions that align with accumulating assets rather than liabilities.

Work for assets, not money 

Following the principles from 'Rich Dad Poor Dad,' I'm interested in shifting my focus from working for money to having my money work for me. Based on what you know about my current financial situation and assets [briefly recap your current financial situation and assets], can you suggest ways I might realign my efforts towards building income-generating investments or ventures? I'm looking for practical advice on transitioning from primarily earning through salaries and wages to generating passive income through investments, businesses, or other means. The goal is to apply Kiyosaki's teachings to initiate real change in how I manage and grow my finances.

Plan to escape the rat race

In line with the principles in 'Rich Dad Poor Dad,' I want to break free from the rat race by having my assets generate enough income to cover my expenses. Here's my current monthly income: [insert monthly income], income from assets: [insert asset income], and my monthly expenses: [insert monthly expenses]. Based on these figures, calculate how much more I need my assets to generate each month to reach financial freedom. The goal is to determine the point at which my asset income surpasses my expenses, allowing me to be financially independent of my regular job income.

Cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset

I'm inspired by 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' to further develop my entrepreneurial mindset and take greater control of my financial destiny. Can you suggest specific strategies for expanding and optimizing my current business [describe your business] to increase its profitability? I'm interested in ways to enhance revenue generation and invest in assets that can provide passive income. Additionally, provide insights on how to reinvest profits effectively to spur further business growth and wealth accumulation. The objective is to refine my approach to entrepreneurship, focusing on building wealth through smart business operations and investments.

Go viral on social media

Viral marketers will tell you that there’s a formula to success online. That the secret is in the hook. That they just know when something has global potential. With the right prompts, you can unlock ideas that scale.

Understand your target audience

I want to create viral content on social media, and for that, I need to truly understand my target audience. My audience primarily consists of [describe your target audience in detail, including demographics, interests, online behavior, preferences, etc.]. Based on this description, can you suggest content themes or ideas that would deeply resonate with them? I'm looking for suggestions that are likely to be highly engaging and shareable. The goal is to align the content closely with their preferences and interests to maximize the potential for virality.

Find trending topics

I want to create content that taps into current trends and popular culture to enhance my brand's relevance and viral potential on social media. Provide me with a list of current hot topics, trending events, or popular cultural phenomena that are gaining attention right now. Additionally, suggest ways I might creatively tie these trends into my brand's messaging and content strategy, given that my business is [describe your business]. The objective is to identify opportunities for my brand to engage with these trends in a way that feels authentic and maximizes our visibility on social media platforms.

Create eye-catching visuals

I'm looking to enhance my social media content with visually striking graphics that will capture the attention of my ideal client, who is [describe your ideal client]. Can you suggest ideas for impactful visuals that align with my brand, [describe your company], and the type of content I create? These ideas should be innovative and attention-grabbing, suitable for generating engagement on social media. Additionally, provide me with specific prompts that I can use with DALL-E to bring these visual concepts to life, ensuring they resonate with my audience and stand out online.

Craft compelling captions

My audience's biggest fears are [describe your audience's biggest fears] and their deepest desires are [describe your audience's deepest desires]. Based on this understanding, can you craft a range of compelling one-liner captions for my social media posts? These captions should be attention-grabbing, build intrigue, and create an information gap that encourages continuous reading and sharing. I'm looking for captions that resonate deeply with my audience's emotions and motivations, driving engagement and shares. Please provide multiple options so I can select the ones that best align with my content and brand voice.

Incorporate storytelling techniques

I'm looking to enhance my social media engagement through the power of storytelling. My brand's ethos revolves around [describe your brand's ethos], and I want to create narratives that resonate with my audience's experiences and values. Can you develop three distinct story options that intertwine my brand's journey with that of my audience's? Each story should establish a connection based on shared values, foster trust, and be compelling enough to keep someone engaged or encourage sharing. They should be authentic, relatable, and align with my brand's tone of [describe the tone and style of your brand]. The goal is to have a variety of narrative choices that can be adapted to different content formats.

Clear and persuasive calls-to-action

Now that my content has the potential to go viral, I need to create clear and persuasive calls-to-action (CTAs) to guide my audience on what to do next. My goals are [state your specific goals, like increasing sign-ups, driving traffic to a website, etc.]. Can you suggest three different CTAs that are compelling and align with these goals? Each CTA should be straightforward yet persuasive, encouraging the audience to take that specific action. The CTAs should capitalize on the viral nature of the content and be designed to convert audience interest into tangible results for my brand.

Analyze and improve your performance

With various content strategies deployed, it's time to analyze and improve. I'm looking at the metrics from my recent social media campaigns and need to understand their implications. Could you pinpoint three key performance indicators that are essential for gauging success? Consider [insert specific metrics you have, such as likes, comments, shares, click-through rates, conversions, etc.]. Based on the data from these metrics [provide any specific data or insights you've gathered], what targeted strategies should I implement to refine my content and enhance its viral potential?

Become known as a thought leader

These prompts were created with Dillon Kivo, bestselling author of The Authority Playbook. When you are renowned for your expertise, business becomes easier. Rather than going out and convincing people to work with you, they come and find you. Here's how to become an authoritative thought leader, based on Kivo's five pillars of establishing your expertise.

Access mastery

I operate a business in [describe your business and niche]. To gain mastery and establish myself as an expert, I'm looking for potentially overlooked strategies that could propel me ahead in my field. These might include unique topics to write about, untapped client demographics, or innovative approaches within my niche. Based on my business description, can you suggest such strategies or areas where I could focus to develop a deeper expertise and stand out from others with more traditional experience? The aim is to identify less obvious but highly effective paths to becoming an authoritative thought leader in my industry.

Practice consistency

I've pasted my recent social media posts below. Could you assess their consistency in terms of language, style, tone, and topics? I am aiming to establish a strong personal brand, and it's crucial that my content reflects a consistent identity across all platforms. Look for patterns or deviations in how I present my messages, the type of language I use, the overall tone, and the subjects I cover. This analysis will help me understand if I am successfully creating an assembly-line-like consistency in my branding efforts, or if there are areas where I need to improve to maintain a steady and reliable presence.

Use social proof

I'm drafting an email to my client to request their feedback and stories about their experience with [describe the nature of your service/work]. This feedback is vital for showcasing the effectiveness of our services on my website and in public communications. Can you help me compose an email that encourages them to share their positive experience, either in response or on one of these platforms [add names of where you want the reviews]? It should convey appreciation for them or their business, highlight the importance of their feedback in helping others [mention specific ways their feedback helps], and assure them that sharing their experience is straightforward and impactful.

Harness existing knowledge

I work in [describe your industry or field] and create results for my clients like [describe the specific results or changes you bring about for clients]. Based on this, can you help me define the exact niche I own and what I stand for, in simple and effective terms? The goal is to articulate my unique value proposition and expertise clearly, making it evident why clients should choose my services. This definition should encapsulate my knowledge, experience, and the distinct benefits I offer, positioning me as a go-to expert in my field.

Leverage new skills

In my current role as a [describe your current role or position], I'm looking to expand my skill set in ways that set me apart from the competition in [mention your industry or field]. What are the emerging skills or knowledge areas in my industry that I should focus on learning to maintain a cutting-edge position and maximum relevance with my clients? The aim is to identify areas where I can gain new expertise that not only differentiate me but also allow me to share unique insights and teachings with others, thereby reinforcing my position as a thought leader.

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Master assertiveness at work

Become assertive at work and watch your business transform. Get good at healthy communication, clear expression of thoughts and feelings, and fostering mutual respect in working relationships. Know when to say no, when to request a change, and how to tactfully discuss something that’s bothering you.

Communicate clearly

I'm gearing up for a challenging workplace situation where assertive communication is key. I'll engage in a role-play with you (ChatGPT), simulating a team meeting where I need to convincingly present my plan. We'll continue the role-play back and forth, with you responding as a team member to my statements. Once I indicate I'm ready for feedback ['I'm ready for feedback' will be my cue], please critique my communication style. Here's how I plan to start the meeting: [insert your opening statement]. Assess my assertiveness, clarity, and respectfulness in communication, and provide suggestions for improvement.

Develop confidence and self-assuredness

To strengthen my confidence and self-assuredness in a more understated way, I'd like to share some achievements I'm secretly proud of and receive a motivational 'cheerleader' pep talk from ChatGPT. These achievements are: [list your achievements or moments you're proud of]. Based on these, provide a pep talk that highlights my strengths and accomplishments and how they contribute to me being a successful leader. The aim is to reinforce my confidence in a manner that's authentic and encouraging, helping me to cultivate a sense of quiet self-assuredness that can enhance my assertiveness at work.

Demonstrate respect

I want to show my appreciation for my team's exceptional work. For each team member, I will provide their name, their primary responsibilities, and specific actions or qualities I am grateful for. Based on this, can you help me craft personalized compliment statements? Here are the details: [team member 1: name, responsibilities, specific actions/qualities I'm grateful for], [team member 2: name, responsibilities, specific actions/qualities I'm grateful for], etc. The aim is to create sincere and tailored expressions of gratitude that acknowledge their individual contributions and reinforce a positive team atmosphere, while aligning with my assertive leadership approach.

Set boundaries

To establish clear boundaries with my team, I need to draft a memo that communicates my availability and the types of requests I can accommodate. Here are my boundaries: [detail your availability times, types of requests you will entertain, and any specific boundaries you want to set]. Based on this information, can you help me craft a memo that conveys these boundaries to my team in a way that is firm but fair? The memo should also emphasize my respect for their boundaries and encourage open communication. The goal is to set clear expectations that help maintain a respectful and efficient working environment.

Master your emotions

I'm working on improving my ability to think before speaking, particularly in situations where I'm prone to emotional reactions. I often find myself triggered in scenarios like [describe specific situations where you react emotionally]. Suggest 5 practical exercises or techniques that will help me pause and approach these situations more logically. These methods should assist me in managing my initial emotional reactions, enabling me to respond in a thoughtful and well-considered manner. My goal is to master handling my emotions in these specific instances to enhance my assertiveness with calm and reasoned responses.

Master any topic (and apply it to your business)

Take your subject of interest and try to learn it using each of the following methods. Keep going with the one that best suits the way you think. Use the prompts any time you’re learning something new, for any part of your work. Becoming a better leader, communicator or content creator, plus many other skills, can be learned with the help of these techniques.

Mind-mapping mastery 

I want to learn about [specify the topic you're interested in] to apply it to my business for [mention the specific business objective or reason]. Can you create a text-based mind map that explains this topic in a visually structured way? The mind map should break down the key concepts, their interrelations, and practical applications in a format that's easy to understand and visually engaging. This will help me grasp the topic more effectively by appealing to my preference for visual learning and enabling me to implement these insights in my business context.

Case study deep dive

I am interested in [specify the area of interest or skill you want to develop] and its application in the business world. Can you provide a selection of case studies from different companies, as well as relevant examples from politics and history, where this knowledge has been applied successfully? These case studies should include a brief overview, the challenges faced, the solutions implemented, and the outcomes achieved. This will help me understand how these concepts work in practice, offering new ideas and insights that I can consider applying to my own business.

Socratic questioning

I am exploring the topic of [insert the new topic you're learning about] and its relevance to my business in [describe your business field or industry]. Using the Socratic questioning method, help me delve deeper into this subject. Start by asking probing questions about how and why this topic is relevant to my business, such as 'What specific aspects of [topic] can be directly applied to my business operations?' and 'Why is understanding [topic] important for the growth or sustainability of my business?' Continue with questions, one at a time, that challenge assumptions and explore implications, like 'What assumptions am I making about [topic] and its impact on my industry?' and 'What potential long-term effects could [topic] have on my business strategy?'

Role playing scenarios

I'm currently learning about [specify the new topic or concept] and want to deepen my understanding through role-playing scenarios. Create a series of 5 fictional scenarios where characters, inspired by people who motivate me in real life or in my business activities, explain and interact with this topic. For instance, develop a scenario where my dream customer explains the practical applications of [topic] in a business setting. Or, create a dialogue with a character based on my favorite mentor [name or describe them], who delves into the theoretical aspects of [topic]. These scenarios should be engaging and provide diverse perspectives on the subject, helping me grasp the concept in a more relatable and memorable way.

Learn by teaching

Now that I've learned about [specify the topic or concept], I need to solidify this knowledge by teaching it to others. Please help me create an outline for a presentation that I can give to my team members. The outline should cover the key concepts, methodologies, and any practical applications relevant to our business. Also, suggest interactive elements or questions I can use to engage my audience during the presentation. This approach will not only help reinforce my own understanding but also ensure I'm applying this new expertise effectively within my team.

Improve your leadership skills

As soon as you open a company you’re a founder, but being a great leader doesn’t happen by default. It happens when you take ownership and get in control. 

Define your leadership style

I want to better understand and define my unique leadership style. Generate a list of quiz questions that explore various aspects of leadership. These questions should cover topics like decision-making, team dynamics, communication style, problem-solving, and motivation techniques. Once I answer these questions, analyze my responses and suggest which leadership style I most align with. This could range from transformational to democratic, autocratic, laissez-faire, or others. Understanding my leadership style will help me be more intentional and consistent in my approach, ultimately empowering my team and inspiring my clients.

Identify weaknesses

Based on my identified leadership style of [insert your leadership style], I'm looking to address areas where I've fallen short as a leader in the past. Specifically, I've struggled with [describe specific instances or areas where you feel you failed as a leader]. Can you suggest strategies and approaches to overcome these weaknesses? I'm particularly interested in ways to enhance my assertiveness, command respect, and ensure my directives are followed. The goal is to transform these areas of weakness into strengths that will not only improve my leadership but also contribute positively to the success of my company.

Establish authority and chain of command

To ensure clarity in roles and responsibilities within my company, I need to establish a well-defined organizational chart. I will describe the key people in my company, including their roles, responsibilities, and any existing reporting lines. Based on this information, create an organizational chart that clearly illustrates who reports to whom and where accountability lies. Here's the information about my team: [provide detailed descriptions of team members, their roles, and any current reporting structures]. The chart should make it easy for everyone in the company to understand their position in the hierarchy and their reporting relationships, ensuring smooth operation and clear authority lines.

Communicate decisively

As a leader, I understand the importance of clear and concise communication. I'd like ChatGPT to critique my recent written communications to help me improve. Here are examples of emails or memos I've recently sent: [insert examples of your recent emails or memos]. Please analyze these for clarity, conciseness, and decisiveness. Offer feedback on how I can make my messages more straightforward and authoritative, ensuring they effectively convey my intentions and assert my leadership position. The goal is to refine my communication style to be more impactful and confident, in line with my natural leadership style of [insert your leadership style].

Listen and empathize

To improve my leadership skills, I recognize the need to be a better listener and empathizer. I have a transcript from a recent Zoom meeting and an email from a colleague that I'd like ChatGPT to analyze: [insert Zoom transcript or email text]. Please review these communications and help me understand the underlying messages, concerns, or suggestions that my team members are expressing. Highlight any nuances or sentiments that I might have missed and suggest how I could respond in a way that shows empathy and understanding. The aim is to enhance my ability to gather crucial information from team communications and use it to make informed, empathetic decisions.

Create an entire ebook (and grow your business)

Getting ahead in business requires standing out. But how do you stand out to potential customers as the best option to go with? You demonstrate your expertise, you show how you can help them, and you get them familiar with your work and ready to buy. 

Write the back cover

I am an expert in [describe your area of expertise] and I have ideas for an ebook about [describe your book ideas]. My target audience is [describe your target audience]. Based on this, can you help me craft a compelling back cover description for my ebook? This description should succinctly summarize the book's content, appeal to my target audience, and clearly articulate why they should read it. The goal is to create an engaging and persuasive summary that encapsulates the essence of the book and convinces potential readers of its value.

Define the concept

Now that I have a clear back cover description for my ebook, I need a compelling title and subtitle. The title should be memorable, catchy, and reflect the core message of the book. The subtitle should expand on this, providing more insight into what the reader can expect. Can you generate 7 options for both the title and subtitle? I plan to test these options with my target audience to ensure the final choice resonates well and has the best potential for success.

Create the structure

I've decided on the title '[insert chosen title]' and subtitle '[insert chosen subtitle]' for my ebook, which focuses on [briefly describe the main theme or purpose of the book]. I'd like to include specific elements such as [list any specific elements or focuses you want in the book]. Can you help create a structure for the book that includes an introduction, 5 main chapters, and a concluding chapter? For each section, provide a catchy name and a brief bullet point outline of its contents. The structure should flow logically, ensuring the book is comprehensive and leaves the reader with a clear understanding of the subject.

Write each section

For the section titled '[insert the catchy name of the section]', my ethos on the topic is [describe your ethos or perspective on this topic]. Before drafting the section, please ask any clarifying questions about the specific stats, data, or examples I want to include: [list any stats, data, or examples you plan to incorporate]. Also, I will share case studies and stories to illustrate my points: [describe relevant personal stories]. If needed, ask for more details on these case studies and stories to ensure they are accurately and effectively integrated. The aim is for this section to be informative, engaging the reader with relevant learnings and compelling narratives and giving them clear action points on what they should do after reading the section.

Wrap up powerfully

Now that the main sections of my ebook are complete, I need to write a powerful conclusion that reinforces its purpose. The conclusion should start with an opening statement that resonates with my readers [mention any specific opening ideas]. It should include a concise summary of each of the main sections, highlighting the key takeaways from each. Finally, conclude with a strong call to action, inspiring readers to take specific steps based on what they've learned. Also, include how they can get in touch with me for further engagement or assistance. The aim is for the conclusion to be reader-focused, providing them with clear next steps and emphasizing my support and encouragement for their success.

Go back to the start

Now I need to write an introduction for my ebook. The introduction should start with a strong attention-grabbing opening. It should then lay out the pain points or challenges the reader is facing. Next, paint a picture of a better future they can achieve by reading this book and briefly outline the key learnings they can expect. Include a rewrite of my bio, which explains why I am an expert on this subject: [enter your bio here]. End the introduction with a compelling reason for the reader to commit to reading the entire book.

Make the graphics

I have completed all components of my ebook and am now ready to create the graphics, including the cover and inside illustrations. The dimensions for the cover are [specify dimensions], and my brand colors are [mention your brand colors]. I am looking for a design that [describe any specific design ideas or themes you have in mind]. Generate initial graphic designs for the cover and [number required] key illustrations inside the book. Please be open to making amendments based on my feedback, as I want to ensure the final design perfectly aligns with my vision and the content of the book. The aim is to have a visually appealing and professionally designed ebook ready for publication.

Boost your income easily

Most people in business want to make more money. Whether for the cash itself, or because it’s a byproduct of doing work that matters and making an impact, it’s fine to admit that boosting your income is on your to-do list. These prompts were created with Martin Crowley, founder of AI Tool Report.

Identify your unique skills

As an insightful guide, I need your help to discover and monetize my unique skills. Could you create a list of 10 introspective questions that will uncover talents I might be overlooking due to humility or unawareness? These questions should be tailored to my context [insert any specific context about your background or current situation], encouraging deep reflection about marketable skills I possess. Think along the lines of skills that come naturally to me but might be challenging for others. The style of the questions should be engaging and thought-provoking, focusing on quickly monetizable skills. This exercise is aimed at me, someone eager to identify hidden talents that could lead to financial gain.

Seek multiple income streams

I'm exploring the idea of diversifying my income streams and would like guidance on the best approach. Could you provide a list of key lessons from successful entrepreneurs on creating multiple sources of income? These lessons should be practical and applicable to [insert any specific industries or areas of interest], helping me understand how to effectively balance and grow these ventures. The focus should be on actionable strategies and insights that have proven successful in various business contexts, enabling me to learn from their experiences and apply these principles to my own journey in establishing additional income streams.

Learn from influential people

I'm seeking to understand the principles and decision-making processes of top business performers like Ray Dalio and Warren Buffet. Could you analyze their strategies and provide me with a list of the most significant lessons they've shared? These lessons should be relevant to achieving [insert specific financial goals or business aspirations]. The focus should be on consistent, long-term principles that have contributed to their success. This analysis will help me form my own set of rules and apply them to identify and capitalize on new opportunities in my financial journey.

Acquire new skills

Act as a career advice expert. I need your assistance to expand my skill set and explore new career opportunities. I excel at [list your top skills]. Based on my existing skills, can you recommend 10 new skills that would complement and enhance my career prospects? These suggestions should be targeted towards opening up new opportunities and advancing my knowledge in areas that are in demand. Also, include brief advice on the best ways to acquire each skill. This will aid in identifying paths for professional growth and potentially increasing my income.

Make room for opportunity

To improve my financial habits and extend my financial runway, I'm focusing on reducing expenses. Can you identify five effective methods to help me lower my spending? These methods should be practical and applicable to my daily life [you can insert specific areas where you wish to cut costs, like food, entertainment, utilities, etc.]. The goal is to find sustainable ways to spend less, giving me the freedom to explore new opportunities without financial pressure. Additionally, include brief tips on how to implement each method effectively.

Enjoying these prompts? Get the latest additions to your inbox every month when you subscribe here:

Secure brand-boosting press coverage

Getting in front of more eyes, being at the forefront of more minds, and being the name on everyone’s lips can mean you make more money and more impact with a fraction of the effort. These prompts were created with Amy Merrywest, who teaches business owners how to use PR to grow their brand. 

Create relevant story ideas

I am looking to secure press coverage by pitching story ideas that resonate with my target audience. My clients typically are [describe your typical client], facing the main problem of [describe the difficulty or problem they have]. My business [describe your business] offers solutions to these problems. I’m planning to pitch to media outlets like [describe the media outlet and what kind of content they share], which often publish stories such as [include some of the headlines of their current content]. Could you help me craft a selection of story ideas, focusing on tips or human interest angles that highlight the challenges faced by my clients and position my business as a solution provider? The ideas should be engaging, relevant to the outlet's style, and tailored to appeal to their readership, reflecting an understanding of both the media outlet’s content and my clients’ needs.

Get seasonal inspiration

With the upcoming key date of [enter key date] in mind, and considering the information you already know about my clients and my business, could you generate relevant press pitch story ideas for the publications I'm targeting? These ideas should be specific to the event, season, tradition, or holiday I mentioned and align with the interests of the publication's readership. The focus is to create timely and engaging content that resonates with both my ideal client's needs and the publication's style.

Be led by trends

Considering the latest trends in [describe your area of expertise], and taking into account the information you already know about my business and clients, act as a public relations professional and provide press pitch ideas that align with these trends. The pitches should be relevant to my business, resonate with my ideal client, and appeal to the publication I'm targeting. The goal is to suggest forward-thinking and trend-based topics that will position the publication as a leader in its field, while also highlighting my business's relevance and expertise in these areas.

Turn ideas into headlines

From the story ideas generated around tips, human interest, seasonal topics, and trends, I've selected this as my favourite: [enter your favourite story idea]. Can you write a selection of 10 attention-grabbing headlines for this story? The headlines should describe the topic literally, yet be powerful and concise to capture the reader's interest immediately. Aim for clarity and impact, avoiding confusion to maximize the potential for engagement. Multiple variations would be helpful to explore different angles and ensure the headline stands out."

Write your pitch

Using the headline '[enter your favourite previously generated headline]', I need assistance crafting a concise and impactful press pitch. The pitch should quickly get to the point, showcasing the value of the content I offer. Key points to include are: My name is [enter your name] and I am [describe your role]. In this piece, I will explore [enter key points, such as statistics, your key findings in this subject, and your core piece of advice or knowledge]. I would like the call to action to direct the reader to my website [enter your website address] and ask them to consider the interest their readers might have in this topic. The goal is to create a pitch that's not only informative but also engaging and encourages action.

Unlock the secrets to growing your audience

Starting or growing any business can be made better with an audience. Find people who match the description of your dream customer and figure out how to engage them and build a loyal following.

Find where to double down

I would like to identify the best social media platforms to focus on for my business. My ideal customer has these characteristics: [insert age range, interests, professional background, and other relevant demographics]. Based on this, which social media platforms are most likely to have a high concentration of this audience? Please provide statistics and reasons why these platforms are a suitable match for reaching my ideal customer, to help me optimize my social media strategy and efforts.

Redirect people there

I have decided to focus primarily on [state your chosen primary platform, e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter] and will not be active on [state the platforms you're leaving, e.g., Instagram, Facebook]. Can you help me compose a social media update for my less active accounts that informs followers of this change? The message should encourage them to join me on [your chosen primary platform], explaining that it's where I'll be most active and engaged with my audience. It should be friendly and clear, ensuring that anyone visiting my other accounts knows where to find me for updates, insights, and interaction.

Find your content pillars

I need to identify key content pillars for my social media strategy. My ideal audience has these desires and challenges: [insert information about audience's desires and challenges]. My expertise and field are [describe your expertise and field]. Based on this information, act as a social media consultant and define 4 content pillars for my content creation. Additionally, provide reasons for choosing each pillar and offer initial content ideas that align with these themes, helping me maintain a consistent and recognizable voice across my content.

Create an engagement schedule

I have uploaded a screenshot of my current calendar. Considering the social network [mention the specific network, e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter] and the audience I'm targeting, as previously specified, can you suggest an engagement schedule for me? Please advise on the best times each day for me to engage, how long each session should be, and what types of engagement activities (like commenting, sharing, posting) would be most effective. My goal is to make engaging with my audience online a consistent habit and to build lasting connections.

Make it a game

Create a 30-day challenge for me, focusing on building my audience on [mention your chosen social network, e.g., Instagram, LinkedIn]. The challenge should include 6 daily tasks related to content creation, engagement, and audience growth. These tasks should be actionable and varied enough to keep the process engaging. Additionally, specify which metrics I should track every 7 days to monitor my progress and see what's working. This way, I can stay motivated by seeing tangible results of my efforts.

Find your new dream role

ChatGPT can help you do many things, and find a new job is one of the best. Using the platform as your personal AI recruitment advisor can mean clarity, confidence and a compelling plan for your next move. Get a second opinion from an impartial source, and assess how you feel about the advice you receive.

Keep your dignity

I have just left my job. I need to maintain my dignity and not say anything I may later regret. There are many things, however, I’d like to get off my chest. Take those things and turn them into a fun and lively scene from a play, that I will keep for my amusement only, where someone representing me is shouting at a character who is [describe your old boss or board chair]. Include dialogue from both sides, where the character being shouted at is profusely apologizing and offering to make amends in the form of gifts, lavish dinners, and daily acts of service. These are the things I want to get off my chest, to include in the scene: [describe what you want to say in private].

Take an intentional pause

Having just left my job I am feeling pressure to start a new thing right away. I need a regular reminder to hang back and wait, to allow for the next great thing to find me. Write a compelling pep talk I can record and listen to every day, that reminds me, [include the reasons you don’t need to find something straight away]. Includes mantras such as “good things come to those who wait,” and paint a picture of the brilliant unknown that awaits me in the future, containing [describe your ultimate hopes and dreams.] The talk should take me on a visual journey and leave me feeling calm, patient and confident that something big awaits.

Improve from feedback

In my past roles I received the following criticism and feedback. I want to assume that it’s true, and make a plan for acting on it that I can decide whether or not to pursue. Act as a personal development coach and analyze the feedback, then begin an interactive coaching session with me where you say what different elements of the feedback might mean and ask if I agree, before suggesting how I improve in that area. Here’s the feedback: [paste information here].

Use your connections

In finding a new role I don’t want to start at the bottom. I’m going to list 5 people I know, all of whom I believe could be valuable in helping me find and secure my next role, and describe their work. Act as an expert in networking and professional relationships and propose a conversation topic for every person on the list, so I can see whether there’s a fit. Also give me 2-3 questions I should ask that person, to identify areas of synergy or encourage them to introduce me to someone else they know. [List the people you know along with a brief description].

Replicate the positives

I want my next professional role to incorporate the best parts of my previous roles, so I continue to progress in my career doing work I love. Act as a career consultant and ask me a series of questions, one at a time, about my past roles. Probe me for information on what constituted a good experience, and when work felt the most purposeful. After five back-and-forth engagements, conduct an analysis on which elements of work most fulfill me and suggest how I prioritize these in future roles.

Build better habits: prompts to supercharge productivity

Show me what you do every single day and I’ll tell you who you will be in five years’ time. Your daily habits hold secrets. They reveal your passion, your focus, your energy. You can’t fake consistency and you can’t get the results without doing the work. So do the work, consistently.

Rethink your downtime

Here's a rundown of what I usually do during my non-working or non-training hours: [describe how you spend downtime, when it happens during the day, and how long each week you spend not working or training]. Based on this, suggest specific ways I can better utilize this downtime for effective relaxation and mental rejuvenation. The goal is to make my work time, [describe your work], more productive by ensuring I'm fully recharged. Offer insights on activities or habits that promote creative thinking, problem-solving, and overall mental wellbeing. Tailor these suggestions to fit into my current downtime schedule, ensuring they're practical and enjoyable for me.

Mix up your morning routine

Here's a detailed description of my current morning routine, including what I do, how long each activity takes, and how these activities make me feel: [describe your current morning routine]. Based on this, provide personalized recommendations on what elements of my routine I should consider cutting out and what I could add to set my day up for success. Focus on aligning the suggestions with my strengths and energy levels throughout the morning. The aim is to create a morning routine that is intentional, energizing, and one that I look forward to each day.

Gamify productivity

I'm looking to enhance my productivity by gamifying my tasks and goals. First, I'll describe the types of challenges that engage me, along with the specific goals I'm aiming to achieve: [detail your work and life goals]. Based on this, could you suggest a personalized gamification strategy for tracking my progress? Ideas could include a leaderboard, a point system, rewards, or milestones representing different levels of achievement. I'm also interested in suggestions on how to visually display this system in a way that keeps me motivated and focused on my daily and long-term objectives.

Feel the pain of failure

Imagine I am facing a task or decision that I'm procrastinating on or considering not taking action on: [describe the task or decision]. Provide a vivid and exaggerated worst-case scenario of what could happen if I completely fail to act or if the task goes entirely wrong. Paint a picture of the potential repercussions, challenges, and negative outcomes that might arise. The goal is to use this stark portrayal to ignite a sense of urgency and a drive to avoid these negative consequences, potentially sparking a renewed motivation to get the work done.

Build a personal cheerleader

Every time I achieve a task or reach a milestone that I'm proud of, I will update you with the details: [mention the achievement or task completed]. In response, I'd like you to act as my personal AI cheerleader, providing encouragement and motivation. Celebrate my successes with uplifting and enthusiastic messages, just like a crowd cheering for a winning touchdown. This is to boost my morale and keep me motivated for upcoming challenges. Say, “let’s go” and I’ll tell you my first win.

LinkedIn made easy: prompts to make powerful connections 

LinkedIn has 875 million users and 310 million of these are active every month. By 2025, the platform estimates it will have one billion people signed up. It’s very likely your dream clients use LinkedIn, so it makes sense to use it to find them. 

Narrow your search

I am targeting decision-makers in [specify industries], typically in companies with [describe company size, location, or other relevant attributes]. The decision-makers usually hold titles like [list known job titles]. Based on this, can you help generate a more comprehensive list of job titles and detailed search criteria that I should use on LinkedIn to find and connect with similar decision-makers? This list should help me refine my LinkedIn search to connect with the right prospects efficiently and effectively.

Be more presentable 

I have uploaded a screenshot of my current LinkedIn profile header section. Based on this, can you provide suggestions on three key elements: (1) How to improve my profile picture to make it more appealing and professional, (2) Ideas for enhancing my headline text to better communicate what's in it for prospects, focusing on the results and benefits I offer, and (3) Recommendations for making my header banner more engaging and reflective of my professional brand. Your feedback should help me create a strong first impression on LinkedIn and improve my profile's overall effectiveness.

Rework your summary

I've copied my current LinkedIn 'About' summary below. Can you help rewrite and restructure it to be more impactful? The new summary should start with an attention-grabbing statement, followed by information that builds my credibility. Include testimonials or client success stories (also copied below) to back up this information. Finally, end with a clear call to action that encourages connections to engage with me. The goal is to make the summary not just about me, but a compelling narrative of how I can benefit potential connections and change their world. [Paste your LinkedIn summary] [Include a testimonial or client success story].

Write better opening messages

I aim to achieve [state your specific goals for connection requests, such as building a network in a specific industry, finding potential clients, etc.]. Based on this goal, can you generate 6 options for opening messages for my LinkedIn connection requests? You are already aware of the roles these individuals have. These messages should be low key yet intriguing, not sound salesy or AI-generated, and be no more than 300 characters each. They should convey what my business does in a casual, engaging manner that encourages a positive response and opens up a conversation.

Generate content ideas

Given what you know about my business, expertise, and target audience, can you adopt the role of a social media marketing expert and suggest 4-5 content pillars that would resonate with my LinkedIn connections? These pillars should reflect areas where I can demonstrate my skills, share insights, and showcase my personality. Additionally, provide 10 options for intriguing hooks – these are attention-grabbing opening sentences for posts that will make people want to read more. The hooks should be compelling and relevant to the suggested content pillars, drawing in readers and encouraging engagement with my content.

Enjoying these prompts? Get the latest additions to your inbox every month when you subscribe here:

Craft outstanding proposals

Make your proposals so brilliant that it’s clear who the client should choose, even if they have shopped around. Use these prompts to make small yet significant changes that will drastically alter your conversion rate.

Solidify the structure

I've received a brief (or notes from a call) from a prospective client which includes details about what they are looking for: [paste the brief or call notes here]. Based on this information, outline the format of the proposal I should create in response. The structure should align with the client's requirements and preferences as indicated in their brief or our conversation. It should clearly present how my services or products can meet their needs. I'm looking for a step-by-step format that organizes the proposal effectively and persuasively.

Find their pain points

Based on the brief, details from the prospective client's website about page, and other relevant background knowledge, can you help identify the deepest pain points or challenges this client is facing? What are they truly trying to achieve, and what are the key issues they need resolved? Understanding their pain points will allow me to tailor my proposal to offer solutions that directly address these issues and demonstrate that my services or products, [describe them here], are the ideal fit for their needs. [paste the collected information here].

Create a clear roadmap

I work in [describe your field of work/expertise], and I offer the products or services described earlier. Based on the client's challenges that we also identified earlier, can you help me create a preliminary plan of action that my work can address? The plan should outline the steps, timelines, and methods I will use to solve their specific problems. After your initial suggestion, I will make edits for refinement, so you should ask clarifying questions until we arrive at the final plan together. The goal is to develop a clear, comprehensive roadmap that I can present to the client, showcasing how partnering with my company will effectively address their needs and lead to successful outcomes. [Paste any additional relevant information about your work and the client's challenges here].

Prepare for objections

Now that you have details about my company, our proposal, our action plan, and the pains and objectives of the prospect, can you help me anticipate potential objections I might face during follow-up conversations with the prospective client? Please create a list of 20 possible objections, starting with the most likely and progressively getting more outlandish. After presenting these objections, let's discuss which ones you think I might need help in formulating responses to. This exercise will prepare me to handle a wide range of queries and concerns, ensuring I'm not caught off guard during negotiations.

Demonstrate your understanding

Based on the information you have about my company, our proposal, and our action plan, along with the knowledge of the prospective client's industry, company, and goals, can you suggest 5 killer questions I should ask the prospect? These questions should impress them and demonstrate my deep understanding of their industry, company, and objectives. The aim is for these questions to show that I am attentive, insightful, and fully capable of handling their needs, while also helping me deepen my understanding of their specific situation.

Prompts for exceptional business growth

If you’re not growing, you’re standing still, and that’s the same as going backwards because other people are overtaking you. But new paths forward require new thoughts, intentions and actions. Use these prompts to understand how to scale your business and get your plan.

Find untapped opportunities

I run a business in [your industry], specializing in [describe your products/services]. Our market position is [describe your market position], and our primary audience is [describe your target audience]. Given this context, I'm looking for the most outlandish and audacious ideas to explore untapped opportunities. Think extreme innovation and boundary-pushing concepts that could revolutionize our industry or create entirely new markets. What are the craziest yet potentially viable ideas you can come up with that align with our business but also challenge the status quo?

Identify blockers

I am experiencing some challenges that are hindering my business's growth and my personal development. These include [describe specific personal challenges] in my personal life, and [detail specific business obstacles] in my business. I'm looking for insights into the barriers that might be preventing me from reaching my full potential both personally and professionally. Consider old habits, unhelpful thought patterns or limiting beliefs I might hold. Suggest 5 blockers that might be present.

Remove bottlenecks

From the list of blockers we previously identified, I believe the most accurate ones impacting me are [comment on which identified blockers sound accurate]. Based on these, can you help me develop a comprehensive plan to break free from these bottlenecks? The plan should consider options like elimination of nonessentials, automation of tasks, implementation of new processes, or mental strategies for more productive thinking. I'm looking for actionable steps and innovative approaches to effectively remove these obstacles and enhance my personal and business efficiency.

Pinpoint strategic partnerships

Using your knowledge of my business model, its offering and position within the industry of [add any further details if required], act as a business strategy consultant. I'm looking for ideas on the types of businesses or individuals I could strategically partner with to unlock new growth potential and mutual benefits. Who should I approach for partnerships? What unique value or opportunities could these partnerships bring to both parties? I'm aiming to leave this conversation with a clear understanding of potential partners and a strategy for approaching them effectively.

Fix holes in your funnel

I want to improve my sales funnel and need help identifying where to focus my efforts. For each part of my funnel - top, middle, and bottom - I'll describe what I currently do and how well I think it performs. Top of the funnel: [describe activities and perceived performance], middle of the funnel: [describe activities and perceived performance], and bottom of the funnel: [describe activities and perceived performance]. Based on this information, which part of the funnel appears to be the weakest, and what specific improvements or strategies would you suggest? Let's have a back and forth discussion about how I can enhance the effectiveness of this stage to improve overall conversion rates, where you ask me questions that I answer.

Automate your to-do list with powerful prompts

The more that other people can do for you, the more you can do overall. In an ideal world, your to-do list consists of things that only you can do. Your art, your magic, those things that play to your unique set of skills. If you’re doing admin tasks or things that could be automated, you’re doing it wrong. Use these prompts to free up your to-do list and create space for what you love.

Perfect prioritization

Assess my list of tasks in the attached document/spreadsheet. Consider factors such as deadlines, project impact, required effort, and any recent updates or new tasks added since the last assessment. Prioritize these tasks based on urgency and impact, creating an updated priority list and ensuring I am concentrating on what moves the needle most for [specific project or business area]. Provide your reasoning for each recommendation.

Streamline team tasks

Analyze the provided list of roles, tasks and skills of my team members detailed in the attached document. Suggest the most effective delegation of these tasks, ensuring that each task is matched with a team member whose skills and strengths align with its requirements. Consider factors like task complexity and team members' expertise. As team availability changes or new tasks emerge, I will add new information and ask you to update the delegation plan accordingly. The aim is to optimize productivity, enhance job satisfaction, and ensure efficient use of resources within the team.

Clear your schedule

Review the attached calendar for my upcoming schedule. Ask me clarifying questions to identify meetings or tasks that are less critical or low-priority, and suggest alternative times when these could be rescheduled or delegated, so I can prioritize maintaining blocks of time for high-value work and strategic planning. Additionally, flag any commitments that may no longer be necessary or beneficial. Every time I send an updated calendar, ensure I consistently focus on the most impactful tasks and responsibilities.

Track progress

Generate a progress report for my ongoing projects based on daily updates I will input. For each project listed in the attached document, include key metrics such as milestones achieved, tasks completed, pending items, and any identified issues or challenges. Compare the current status with the previous week's data to highlight progress and areas needing attention. Ensure the report is structured to easily identify trends over time, and provide actionable insights where possible to guide next steps and improvements in project execution.

Plan strategically 

Create a detailed strategic plan for reaching [specific goal] within [timeframe]. This plan should break down the goal into actionable steps, key milestones, and timelines. Consider factors like available resources, potential challenges, and market conditions. As I provide new information on progress, changes in circumstances, or shifts in business strategy, update the plan accordingly. This will ensure the plan remains relevant and aligned with the evolving nature of my business and the market environment.

Identify your next big business opportunity 

What could be around the corner for you? A huge new business, a game-changing client, a jaw-dropping deal? All of these things could be on their way. But rather than sit there and try to manifest them into your life, you can use these prompts to go out and find them.

Identify emerging trends

Assume the role of a business analyst. Identify emerging market trends related to [your industry/business sector]. Analyze recent global news, social media trends, and market reports from the past six months. Focus on areas such as technological advancements, consumer behavior shifts, and new market entrants. Summarize the key trends and explain how they are impacting my business in [specific business area or industry], and the changes I can make today to capitalize on them.

Conduct a customer deep dive

Analyze the attached spreadsheet containing customer feedback for [your business name]. Focus on comments related to customer satisfaction, reasons for sign-up, purchasing behaviors, and specific product or service feedback. Identify common themes, patterns, and any recurring suggestions or complaints. Provide a detailed analysis of customer needs, preferences, and potential areas for improvement or innovation in our offerings. Also, assess any trends in customer willingness to pay for certain features or services. Summarize your findings in a way that highlights actionable insights for our business strategy and product development plans going forward.

Find gaps in the market

Based on the analysis of emerging market trends and customer feedback previously provided, identify potential gaps in the market for my business and industry. Consider both the current consumer demands and the trends identified to pinpoint niches or needs that are not adequately addressed by existing products or services. Explore opportunities for innovation or differentiation in these areas. Recommend strategies for my business to enter these market gaps effectively and make a significant impact. Also, provide insights on how filling these gaps could benefit my business financially and in terms of market positioning.

Understand public perception

Search for social media mentions and online discussions about [your brand/product name]. If there is insufficient data or mentions due to the size of my brand, instead search for discussions and sentiments related to [specific problem your product/service solves]. Analyze the tone, sentiment, and key themes in these discussions. Provide insights into how my brand/product is perceived if applicable, or how the target audience talks about and experiences the problem I aim to solve. Summarize the findings to highlight public perception and potential opportunities for my business in addressing these needs or improving brand perception.

Predict the future

Analyze the latest industry data and current affairs to forecast upcoming trends and market shifts in [your industry/business sector]. Focus on technological advancements, consumer behavior changes, economic factors, and any emerging patterns that could significantly impact the industry in the next 18-24 months. Interpret what these shifts mean for my industry over the long term and how they could influence market dynamics. Based on this analysis, provide recommendations on how my business can stay ahead of the curve, capitalize on these opportunities, and maintain longevity and a competitive edge.

Secure the sale: prompts for client-winning sales meetings

When you’ve booked a meeting with a prospect that could mark your next big client, it’s important to get it right. You want to open strong, captivate throughout, and leave them wanting more. But charisma and selling doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Some people mumble through presentations, go off on tangents and end up talking themselves out of the sale. Don’t let that be you.

Use strategic flattery

Analyze the LinkedIn profile of [prospect's full name], focusing on their career achievements, interests, and any articles or posts they've shared. Identify key areas where they have demonstrated expertise or passion. Based on this information, suggest several sincere compliments or remarks that acknowledge their accomplishments or interests in a genuine and respectful manner. These should be tailored to resonate with the prospect and reflect a true appreciation of their professional journey and personal interests: [Paste information from their LinkedIn profile].

Mirror their desires

Analyze the website and any available company information or sales brief for [prospect's company name]. Identify key themes, goals, and values that are emphasized by the company. What are their primary business objectives, brand messages, and potential aspirations for future growth or impact? Based on this analysis, suggest powerful ways in which my company, that [explain what your company does], can mirror those desires. Offer strategies on how we can align our services or products with their goals and values, effectively showing the synergy between our companies and the mutual benefits of a partnership.

Include compelling stories

Now that you understand who I'm meeting with and their business aspirations, please help me craft an engaging story to start our meeting. The story should pique their interest and clearly illustrate the value of partnering with us. Use our recent client success story, where we [explain a recent client win and what it meant for them], as the basis. Transform this achievement into a casual, yet impactful narrative that highlights similar benefits they could expect from working with my company. The story should resonate with their goals and leave a lasting, positive impression.

Cultivate charisma

Reflect on aspects of meetings or presentations that make me feel uncomfortable or less confident, such as [specific issues or concerns]. Based on these, suggest words, phrases, or techniques I can practice in front of a mirror to boost my charisma and confidence. These should help in overcoming my discomforts and in enhancing my communication skills. Additionally, provide tips on maintaining a positive, engaging demeanor throughout the meeting, ensuring I present myself as energetic, approachable, and confident - someone who is highly desirable to work with.

Adapt to their body language

Before my upcoming pitch meeting, I want to prepare for different types of energy or behaviors my prospect might exhibit. Please ask me to describe hypothetical scenarios or cues. For each scenario I provide, explain what it could imply about the prospect's mindset or interest. Also, advise on how I can best tailor my pitch to these potential cues.

Enjoying these prompts? Get the latest additions to your inbox every month when you subscribe here:

Apply the 48 Laws of Power to your business

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene is essentially a manual on power dynamics. Greene uses examples from history, psychology and strategy to explain the laws that he says govern power relationships between individuals. If you’re running a company with multiple stakeholders, you want to know about these laws.

Understand human psychology

I want to apply these three rules from Robert Greene's book, 48 Laws of Power, to my business: (1) Never outshine the master. (9) Win through your actions. (32) Play to people's fantasies. My business is [describe your business] and I work with [include information on your team, clients and direct reports]. Specifically applied to [name one of these relationships], how could I use the book's insights to create a successful outcome with the goal of [describe your intended outcome].

Use manipulation and control

I'm interested in applying three rules from Robert Greene's book, 48 Laws of Power, to my business: (3) Conceal your intentions, (7) Get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit, and (11) Learn to keep others dependent on you. My business is [describe your business]. Specifically with regard to [name one of these relationships, for example a team member or client], how can I utilize these laws to achieve a successful outcome in [describe your intended business goal or situation]?

Build and protect your reputation

I'm looking to safeguard and enhance my business reputation using insights from Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power, specifically (5) Guard your reputation with your life and (46) Never appear too perfect. My business specializes in [describe your business sector and main activities]. In my day-to-day operations and when facing situations involving [mention a particular scenario such as negotiations, public relations, customer interactions, etc.], how might I apply these laws to maintain and possibly improve my reputation, ensuring it aids in attracting and retaining [state whether you mean partnerships, investments, customers, or another aspect of business relationships]?

Have impeccable timing

I'm considering the strategic importance of timing as outlined in Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power, focusing on (28) Enter action with boldness and (35) Master the art of timing. I'm currently faced with a decision regarding [describe the specific decision or action you are contemplating, such as launching a new product, entering a new market, hiring a key team member, etc.]. Given the complexities of my business in the [briefly describe your industry or sector], and considering factors like [mention any relevant factors like market conditions, competitive landscape, internal readiness, etc.], how could I determine the most opportune moment to act? Furthermore, once I've decided on the timing, how might I implement this decision boldly to maximize the impact on my [state the goal such as sales, growth, market presence, etc.]?

Use strategic withdrawal

In line with Robert Greene's Laws of Power, particularly (4) Always say less than necessary and (16) Use absence to increase respect and honor, I am contemplating a strategic withdrawal from certain aspects of my business in the next three months. In my business I [describe your role and day-to-day involvement]. Considering the potential benefits of creating a stronger demand for my services and gaining a refreshed perspective, what strategies could I employ to effectively become more absent while ensuring it leads to increased respect and productivity?

Preserve your interests

In adhering to the principles of Law 19, 'Know who you're dealing with—do not offend the wrong person,' and Law 20, 'Do not commit to anyone,' from Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power, I aim to reassess where my business might be overly reliant on others. My business operates within the [insert industry], and I collaborate with [describe typical partnerships, suppliers, or team arrangements]. Can you help me identify areas where I may be depending too much on someone else, and propose strategies for re-establishing my autonomy while still maintaining healthy professional relationships? Additionally, how could I apply these laws to place my interests first, ensuring that my business is protected and that I can consistently be the best leader for my team and company?

Play the social game

As I focus on expanding my professional network and increasing my social capital, in accordance with Law 6, 'Court attention at all costs,' and Law 24, 'Play the perfect courtier,' from the 48 Laws of Power, I'm looking for innovative ways to elevate my visibility within the [insert your industry] industry and beyond. Can you suggest actionable steps I can take to attract more attention to my personal and brand presence, as well as strategies for organizing my weekly schedule to maximize opportunities for new meetings and connections? After, suggest how I incorporate these laws to not only extend my network but also ensure that I'm creating genuine and mutually beneficial relationships.

Prompts for entrepreneurs and their marketing team 

Using ChatGPT in your business is like having an enthusiastic intern 24/7, ready to diligently follow instructions and produce the goods. You’ll learn pretty fast that the strength of the answers is directly proportional to the strength of your prompts. Share these five essential ChatGPT prompts with your sales and marketing team members, so they can get more done in a shorter space of time.

Make a plan to achieve a marketing objective

My objective is [describe your objective]. My role is [describe your role in relation to this objective]. Give me a detailed weekly action plan, spanning [number of weeks], that I can execute to achieve the objective. Put the outputs in a table by week and allocate how long each task should take.

Improve communication with prospects

I received this inquiry from a prospective client: [paste prospect's message]. Assume the role of a sales expert with the goal of helping me maximize conversions, and help me improve this draft response to be [describe the edits required, for example more friendly, persuasive or compelling]: [your initial brief draft].

Find peripheral topics for SEO

I have a business that sells [describe your product or service]. What are 50 popular and relevant topics I can write about that will attract lots of traffic on Google, but are not directly about [product or service] itself? List the topics in bullet point form, and include two potential article headings for each one, that are optimized to generate interest.

Generate viral social media content ideas

You are a leading expert on viral marketing. Act as a highly paid consultant to clients looking to build their business and market their products on [TikTok]. I am your client, and my product is [describe your product] for [describe your ideal customer]. Come up with a list of 25 [TikTok video] ideas I can make that have a high chance of going viral, that are directly relevant to my product and the ideal customer who may purchase it.

Prepare for sales calls

Act as an expert in the [your client’s industry type] industry. Share real-life challenges that a company doing [type of work they do] in this industry can face, and how my company, that provides [describe the service or product your company offers] can play a pivotal role in overcoming these issues. List three things I should include in my conversation with them.

Apply lessons from the Nike founder’s memoir

Phil Knight is the founder of Nike, and Shoe Dog is his memoir. Knight’s memoir covers the early days of Nike right up to 2016, at Nike’s peak of global activewear dominance. Five key lessons in the book warrant further scrutiny and may hold the key to tremendous business success for you. Use these prompts to apply Shoe Dog’s main concepts to your business and leadership.

Start small, dream big

Assume the role of a business coach familiar with the life story of Nike founder Phil Knight. In my current entrepreneurial journey, I've initiated [describe a specific small-scale aspect or project of your business]. Given Phil Knight's trajectory from selling shoes from his car's trunk to creating Nike, guide me on how to visualize the potential growth of this endeavor. How can I expand this small start into a larger vision and turn it into a significant part of my business in the future?

Sport for idea generation

When I’m not working, I regularly engage in [describe specific athletic or physical activities you do]. Considering Phil Knight's use of running as a meditative process for idea generation, can you suggest ways I can develop clarity, resilience, and idea generation for my business whilst doing those activities? How can I make this routine an integral part of my entrepreneurial process?

Shoe dog spirit

In my business, I operate within the [describe your specific industry or niche]. Given the way Phil Knight embraced the term 'Shoe Dog' for his passion for shoes, can you suggest a quirky and memorable term that captures my deep passion and expertise in my industry? This term should resonate with the uniqueness and essence of what I do, just as 'Shoe Dog' did for Knight.

Playful rivalries

In the world of [describe your specific industry or niche], I've always looked up to [name or describe an aspirational rival or leading company] as a benchmark or playful rival. Considering how Phil Knight used the rivalry with Adidas as motivation for Nike's growth, can you provide strategies or ideas on how I can use this aspirational rivalry to drive my business forward, stay motivated, and continuously innovate?

Inspiration from unlikely places

Based on how Nike drew inspiration from a waffle iron to innovate their shoe design, I want to find unique inspirations for my business. I'm in the [describe your specific industry or niche]. Can you take me on a guided interview, asking me specific questions about everyday objects or scenarios in my life, to help me uncover innovative ideas or solutions from unlikely sources?

Stop caring what people think

Whether you like it or not, other people will form opinions of you. And you cannot control those opinions. When you’re on stage, in the office, on LinkedIn or minding your own business in a grocery store, people will judge. Changing how you behave in the hope that people will see you favourably is a waste of your energy. There is another way.

Stop judging other people

I find myself judging people when I’m [describe situations where you judge other people] and I want to do this less. Can you suggest how I can spend less time judging other people and what I could do instead, in the situations outlined.

Focus on what you can control

I recognize that I often stress over the reactions and outcomes that are beyond my control, especially in situations like [describe specific situations where you've focused on outputs]. How can I better differentiate between what's within my control and what's not, and channel my energy towards the aspects I can influence?

Understand the benefits

I want to experience the mental and physical health benefits of worrying less about others' opinions. Specifically, in situations like [describe a specific time when you were overly concerned about what others think], I find myself getting bogged down. Can you help me visualize the positive changes and advantages in my daily life, business, and well-being of not caring about such external judgments?

Transform the negative

In my entrepreneurial journey, I've been labeled as [list specific words or phrases others have used to describe you in a potentially negative light]. Instead of seeing these terms as setbacks, I'd like to reframe them. Can you provide an assessment on why these descriptors are actually favorable and how I can harness their positive aspects to further my mission?

Remember your why

During times when I feel weighed down by others' opinions, I want to reconnect with my purpose. (1) Can you start by asking me a series of questions about why I do what I do? (2) Based on my answers, help me articulate and reinforce my understanding of my 'why'. (3) Finally, guide me in understanding why this mission is bigger than any fleeting opinions of other people.

Be more present and less stressed in your business

Do you find yourself distracted by notifications when you’re on Zoom calls with clients? Do you find your eyes glazing over when you’re talking to colleagues? When was the last time you switched airplane mode on? Use these prompts to be more present and less stressed.

Recognize your distractions

Reflecting on my daily activities, I realize there are certain habits or distractions that pull me away from my core tasks. Can you guide me through a self-assessment to identify these distractions, such as [mention specific apps or behaviors you suspect], and help me understand what these actions might be revealing about my deeper desires or motivations?

Prioritize mindful communication

In my business interactions, especially during [describe the type of conversations you typically have in your working week], I recognize the importance of being fully present. Can you give me techniques that will help me focus on not just the words spoken, but also on cues like tone, body language, and the unspoken messages? After that, give some reflective questions for me to work out how I can enhance my mindful communication to foster better collaboration and leadership in these specific scenarios.

Practice being in the here and now

In my business journey, I often find myself either ruminating on past events or getting lost in future possibilities, especially during [describe specific situations or types of tasks that trigger these feelings]. Can you give me a powerful pep talk, in the style of [your favourite motivational speaker or character from a film or book] to help anchor me in the present moment and assist in letting go of past concerns? Within this pep talk, the speaker should use visualization as a tool to help me stay present and not get stuck in the past or future.

Incorporate mindfulness techniques

Given the hectic nature of my business days, where I often find myself [describe a typical busy routine or specific tasks that consume your day], I'm looking for ways to be more grounded and intentional. Can you introduce me to some effective mindfulness techniques tailored to my described routine that I can incorporate to enhance focus, well-being, and overall productivity?

Check in with yourself

In the midst of my daily routines, I want to establish regular moments for self-reflection. Considering the activities I already do, like [describe some daily habits or routines such as waiting for a meeting to start or taking a lunch break], can you suggest specific checkpoints where I can check in with myself? Additionally, what introspective questions should I pose during these moments to ensure I remain present and aligned with my business goals?

Enjoying these prompts? Get the latest additions to your inbox every month when you subscribe here:

Stoicism for business success

Channeling Stoicism could not only give an entrepreneur superpowers, it can help them navigate business challenges with grace and resilience, finding inner peace within external chaos. Use these prompts to apply Stoicism to your business.

View obstacles as opportunities

Assume the role of a business coach with a deep understanding of stoic philosophy and its application to modern business. In my current entrepreneurial endeavors, I'm facing specific obstacles such as [describe the immediate challenges or situations you're dealing with]. Can you help me reframe these current challenges as opportunities for growth and learning? How can I leverage these situations to benefit both my business and personal development?

Hold less emotional attachment

During my business activities, I often face situations such as [describe specific events or scenarios that trigger intense emotions]. Provide two simple exercises, based on the stoic principle of emotional detachment, that will help me cultivate emotional resilience and maintain a calm demeanor during these challenging times.

Focus on what you can control

In my business, I often find myself fixated on outcomes, especially in scenarios like [describe specific endeavors or efforts where the outcome was uncertain]. Can you provide guidance, drawing from Stoic principles, on how I can enjoy the process of doing the work rather than being fixated on the outcome? Additionally, suggest how I can change how I think about inputs to make them more enjoyable, so I become more indifferent to the results they may lead to.

Pursue personal virtue

Recently, I've been working towards achieving [specific goal], and I've encountered a situation where I could potentially achieve more by [action that might compromise personal virtue], even though I know the right approach would be [ethical alternative]. Drawing from Stoic principles, can you guide me on how to navigate this situation while upholding my personal virtue and integrity? How can I make decisions that align with ethical conduct and long-term excellence, even when faced with tempting shortcuts?

Practice regular reflection

In my business, I’m working towards the following goals [list your goals] and it’s important that I [describe how you want to show up, and the values you want to live by]. To ensure continuous growth and learning, I want to adopt a daily reflective practice inspired by Stoic philosophy. Create a personalized set of five reflection questions based on what's important to me, so I can assess my decisions and actions at the end of each day.

Value simplicity

In my business, one process that could be unnecessarily complex is [describe the specific business process in detail]. Given the Stoic emphasis on simplicity and removing unnecessary elements, can you provide suggestions on how to streamline and simplify this process, ensuring it's more efficient and effective for both my team and our customers?

Adopt a global mindset

Currently, my business focuses on [describe your business and its primary offerings or target market]. I want to think bigger and explore ways to serve a broader and more diverse community, inspired by the Stoic principle of cosmopolitanism. Can you provide insights and strategies on how I can expand my business's reach and impact, ensuring it resonates with a global audience?

Snap out of a bad mood (and get back on track)

Bad moods happen to the best of us at times. Even with every intention to stay calm and happy, those dark clouds can appear overhead and be tricky to disperse. Getting into a bad mood can happen at any moment, and the trigger could be anything at all. The problem isn’t getting into a bad mood, the problem is not being able to get out of it.

Poke fun at yourself

I’m in a bad mood and it might be because [explain the reasons why]. Can you tell five jokes that make fun of my situation and remind me not to take myself too seriously?

Listen to a mentor 

Act as a wise old sage with years of stories of challenges you have overcome. Tell a short story about a similar struggle you faced, and what you did. End with some timeless wisdom that I can apply to my bad mood to remember that it will pass.

Have empathy for others

My bad mood is partly down to [person's name], who got me into a bad mood because they [actions they took]. Acting as a straight-talking friend, help me have empathy for this person. Explain why they didn't mean to upset me and describe what might be happening in their own life that caused them not to think about the impact their actions might have.

Take yourself less seriously

I want to get better at snapping out of bad moods as soon as they occur. Act as a behavioural psychologist and suggest three actions I can take the next time I feel a bad mood arriving, so I can turn it around quickly. How can I practice these actions to prepare for my next bad mood?

Let it all go

Potential causes of my bad moods might be grudges, things I wish I had said or done, or people that I feel like took liberties with my generosity. Acting as the old sage I previously described, create a visualization in which these things I hold on to are rocks in my backpack. Describe a scene where I remove them and throw them away on purpose. Describe how much lighter I feel without this physical and mental weight to carry around.

Take yourself less seriously and be happier at work

Life as a business owner can feel tough and stressful, with high stakes and a lot of pressure to succeed. Peering into your laptop with a furrowed brow, trying to figure out how to make more money or get signups to happen, is how entrepreneurs spend much of their day. When it all feels so intense, how can you remember to chill the hell out?

Identify your stress triggers

I often find myself stressed or tense when [describe work situations or triggers that make you stressed]. What are some ways I can approach these situations with a lighter attitude? Give me 5 specific things I can do.

Get perspective

Right now I feel stressed about [describe a specific situation]. Suggest some ways to find humor or a lighter side to it.

Cultivate a playful mindset

Given that I am usually focused on [describe areas where you are extremely serious or focused], what are three life mantras I can recite to follow a more playful or lighthearted approach?

Forget perfection

In my work and life, I often aim for perfection in [describe the areas where you aim for perfection]. I want to ease up on this and accept that good enough can be okay. Ask me a series of questions, one by one, that help me figure out which of these areas truly warrant taking time over and which ones don’t.

Check in on your seriousness

I plan to check my seriousness level every [frequency, for example, week, month]. What are 3 questions I should ask myself to gauge if I'm taking life too seriously?

Write compelling sales copy (that actually converts)

These prompts were created with Bhavik Sarkhedi, storyteller, marketer, and founder of Write Right. Sales copywriting is an essential skill for any entrepreneur who sells or generates leads online. Not only  so you can do it yourself, but so you can tell if any copywriter you hire is doing great work. Understanding the components of compelling copy will serve you well writing anything at all.

Create your product description 

Here is a simple description of [product or service name]. Create a paragraph of no longer than five sentences to describe this [product/service] in a compelling way, in the style and tone of [describe your tone of voice] to appeal to an audience of [describe your target customer] whose challenges are [explain your target audience’s challenges] and desires are [explain their desires]. More details include [Insert product or service information].

Use visual imagery with descriptive language

Now, let's paint a vivid picture. Add a few sentences to the existing product description that use descriptive language to help my customers visualize the experience of using my product or service.

Highlight unexpected benefits

Now let's surprise my audience. Create 3 bullet points that mention unexpected benefits or features of my product or service. These should be points that my target customer might not immediately consider.

Speak to emotions

It’s time to connect emotionally. Create a few sentences that speak to the emotional needs or desires that my product or service fulfills. Think of emotions like relief, happiness, or security.

Harness the power of scarcity

Moving on, let's create urgency. Create a single sentence that goes with my existing description that highlights stock limitations, a limited time offer, or other scarcity factors. Be specific about how this offer is limited by quantity, time, or availability. Specific to my product, this could be [describe any scarcity factors involved].

Present a clear call to action

Let the reader know what they should do next. Add a short and clear call to action that guides my customer on the next steps to engage with my product or service, which is [explain what you want them to do next].

Build trust with social proof

Let's add credibility. My customers have said the following things about my company: [include some testimonials or reviews here]. Provide some testimonials, ratings, and endorsements to validate the claims I've made so far.

Highlight the guarantee

Finally, let's eliminate any last-minute hesitations. Add a single sentence that describes the guarantees, warranties, or risk-reducing policies I offer, which could be [explain any in place within your company]. Emphasize how these reduce risk for the customer, encouraging them to make the purchase.

Engage with rhetorical questions

Finally, it’s time to add depth by incorporating rhetorical questions within my sales copy. Add three queries that echo readers' challenges or desires, steering them towards conclusions that reinforce the sales message. These rhetorical questions should spark active thinking and customers should be fully convinced to buy.

Open with a hook

Now engage my readers' curiosity right from the start. Add an opening statement that hints at the transformation or solution on offer, leaving the audience intrigued to learn more and find the answers as they delve deeper into the narrative. This is the final prompt, so please provide me with the final version of the sales copy with every component created so far in this chat. (Hook, description, visual imagery, bullet point benefits, testimonials, emotional language, scarcity, call to action, guarantee, rhetorical questions.]

Unlock your superhuman potential

These prompts were created with Daniel Linden, co-creator and chief AI officer. Within every entrepreneur lies a superhuman. That superhuman persona is capable of changing the world, earning billions, making a huge impact and living their best life. But here’s the problem: most people don’t awaken their inner superhuman. They live normal, mundane lives. Use these multi-stage prompts to unlock your superhuman potential.

Superhuman memory: elevate recall and retention

Let's embark on a journey to unlock my superhuman memory. Let's start by identifying a deeply familiar setting which will form the foundation of my memory palace. Once I've described this setting, I'd like you to summarize its significance as a mnemonic anchor. Next, I'll provide specific items or landmarks associated with this place, which will become our memory anchors. After this, we'll delve into the emotions or feelings I associate with each anchor, enhancing our mnemonic associations. Then, guide me to create a journey or sequence through my setting ensuring I encounter each anchor, crafting the navigational blueprint of my memory palace. We'll also discuss any actions or interactions related to these anchors to further boost my memory retention. Finally, provide a summary reflection on the design of my memory palace, offering strategies for its use and potential evolution.

Superhuman charisma: craft a magnetic presence

I want to amplify my charisma. To begin, let's discuss the key traits that define charisma. I'll provide you with some of the charisma traits I believe I have, and you'll analyze and expand on their significance. Next, let's understand the aura I wish to project. Once I've shared its core qualities, provide methods to embody these qualities. Afterward, I'll share instances where I felt particularly charismatic, and I'd like you to identify patterns from these anecdotes. We'll then discuss the primary mediums I use for communication and expression, and you can offer strategies to enhance my impact through them. I'll also share individuals I believe have immense charisma; I'd love insights on how to emulate some of their traits. We'll then tackle challenges I face in amplifying my charisma, with your actionable strategies to overcome them. Recommend daily practices or exercises tailored to enhance my charisma. Conclude by crafting a charisma cultivation roadmap based on our discussions.

Superhuman leadership: nurture visionary command

Guide me in refining my leadership qualities. Start by summarizing the essence of transformative leadership. Then, I'd like a list of five core leadership traits, and I'll rate mine on a scale of 1-10, seeking your guidance on areas for improvement. Provide a 5-question self-assessment tailored to my input, followed by insights based on my responses. I'll name three iconic leaders that resonate with me, and I'd appreciate a strategy based on my preference. Introduce a decision-making matrix and refine it based on my decision-making style. Ask me about leadership challenges I face, and offer strategies for each. Based on our conversation, recommend three daily habits and long-term growth strategies. Suggest a progress tracking method tailored to my preferences. Propose leadership styles that might benefit me, and delve deeper into my preferred style. Finally, provide a concise leadership action plan based on our interaction.

Superhuman manipulation detector: discern hidden agendas

I aim to better understand the nuances of power and manipulation in communications. Begin with a brief overview of the "48 Laws of Power." I'll then provide a specific text or conversation for analysis. Highlight which of the 48 laws seem most applicable. I'll then select one law for a deeper dive, hoping to glean insights and strategies related to that law. Offer the option to compare and contrast this law's application across different texts. Provide potential strategies inspired by the 48 laws. Finally, recommend other relevant laws based on the provided text. Our goal is a comprehensive understanding of the text through the lens of power dynamics.

Team chat superpower: navigate group dynamics 

I'd love insights into the power dynamics of a group chat. I'll paste a group chat conversation for analysis. From this chat, identify roles for each participant and determine an influence hierarchy. Measure engagement levels, indicating vocal versus reserved participants. Provide a sentiment analysis for each participant to determine emotional undertones. Identify potential alliances and conflicts based on interaction patterns. Highlight any unspoken agendas or goals. Offer strategies to engage effectively with each participant based on their chat behavior. Point out potential sensitive topics or contention points. Conclude with a tailored strategy to effectively navigate and influence this group chat.

Enjoying these prompts? Get the latest additions to your inbox every month when you subscribe here:

Achieve financial freedom faster

When can you retire? Or, at least, make work a choice? If you’re making big waves in your space, you could be due for a big payout when your business sells to the highest bidder. Even before then, if you’re generating significant levels of cash, how you invest it now could mean you sail off into the sunset faster than you imagined. Anyone who no longer needs to work, at whatever age, does it with a plan. Have you made yours?

Know your numbers

Calculate when a person, age [your age] can not need to work for money (otherwise known as retiring). I’m going to outline their current income and assets and then their spending. From this, make a calculation on when they could retire from work at their current level of income and spending. Here’s the information on income: [include information on your income and assets, including any yield levels.] and outgoings: [include your average monthly spend, with everything included].

Design your days

When I’m not working I enjoy [outline everything you like doing including hobbies, sports, spending time with specific people, pastimes, interests, and so on]. Outline a typical week for me, if I didn’t have to work for money. Include waking up at [time you want to wake up], going to sleep at [time you want to go to bed] and plan the time in between in one or two hour increments.

Do it faster

If my business is currently earning me the income described above, and I’m spending the amount described above, but I want to be able to stop working within [number] years rather than the number you said, what could I do to make this happen faster? Include all the ways I could make more money in my role as [your role] at my business, which [describe what your business does]. Also outline some ways I could reduce my costs, which currently include [describe your biggest expenses]. Calculate how much faster I could stop or wind down if I made these changes.

Visualize it happening

Describe a dramatic scene in which a person named [your name] becomes financially free and stops working. Their current role is [your current role] and they are going to [the first thing you’ll do when you retire]. In this scene there should be crowds, celebrations and joy as they look forward to their next chapter.

Make your plan

Outline the steps someone running a [type of business] would take if they wanted to hand over their business to someone else to run. Specifically, [describe the type of exit you want, including share purchase, management buyout, partnership, calculated timing of closing a business or making it completely autonomous.] Put this into a plan that spans [number] years, with a step-by-step breakdown of what they should do.

Supercharge your social media content game

Growing an impressive presence on social media doesn’t happen by accident. You can’t mindlessly scroll your way to a hundred thousand followers. Every decent account, whether a fashion influencer, how-to expert or fluffy cat, had to make an effort. They had to become students of the social media game, assessing, making edits and posting prolifically. The bad news is that it takes time. The good news is that you can get help from ChatGPT. 

Improve the hook

I want to create a compelling social media hook that captures attention and drives engagement. Act as a social media expert and generate 5 different hooks for my upcoming post. The post is about [describe the topic of your post] and aims to [describe the desired outcome]. My target audience is [describe your target audience] and they are particularly interested in [mention 1-3 things your target audience cares about]. Here are some hooks that have performed well from other people whose posts perform well on social media [include these for comparison].

Duplicate top performers

I want to replicate the success of my best-performing social media posts. Act as a content strategist and generate 5 new versions of each of my top-performing posts. Here is the text of my top 3 posts: [insert the texts of your top 3 posts]. These posts performed well because they [mention reasons they performed well]. The posts were successful on [include the social media platforms where they performed well].

Repurpose like a pro

I want to repurpose a successful piece of content for different social media platforms. Act as a content repurposing expert and provide me with different versions of the following content: [insert the original content]. The original post was successful on [mention the original platform] and aimed to [describe the desired outcome] for my target audience. Create 3 versions suitable for each of [mention the platforms you want to repurpose for].

Assess your style

I want an objective assessment of my social media posting style to ensure it aligns with my personal brand. Act as a branding expert and analyze the tone, voice, and style of these 3 posts: [insert the texts of 3 representative posts]. Tell me how well they align with the brand persona I aim to project, which is [describe the brand persona you aim for]. I want to be known for [mention 1-3 qualities or themes you want to be known for]. Provide suggestions for improvement if necessary.

Double down

I want to focus my social media efforts for maximum impact. Act as a social media strategist and analyze these key performance indicators from my different platforms: [insert KPIs like engagement rate, follower count, etc., for each platform]. Also, here are some topics I've covered recently: [list 3-5 topics]. Based on this data and my target audience information, recommend the top platform and content topics where I should concentrate my efforts. My ultimate goal is to [describe your ultimate goal in business]. Provide a strategy for doubling down on these areas for improved results.

Meet new people with confidence

Until someone is a friend, they are a stranger. When we were young, we were taught never to talk to strangers. They were bad. Dangerous, even. But in the world of entrepreneurship, strangers could be clients, partners and mentors. They could be sources of new ideas and huge business growth. We have to get good at talking to new people.

Say hi first

I want to get better at meeting new people. It starts by greeting them with confidence. Whenever I think about saying hi first, I stop myself because [reasons why you might not say hi to a new person]. Can you give me some tactics for confidently delivering the first word?

Remember their name

I want to get better at remembering someone’s name the first time we meet, so I can use it in our conversation and remember it when I see them again. Provide me with some tactics for better remembering the name of every new person I meet.

Practice your pitch

Let's role play an initial meeting so I can practice my pitch. You will play an attendee at a business event, who I have never met. We met by the coffee machine and you said hi. Continue the conversation asking about me and my business and why I'm at the event. At the end of five back and forth exchanges, stop the roleplay and provide an assessment of my responses and suggestions for improvement, to make a better impression with the new person I just met.

Don’t be lost for words

Sometimes when meeting new people my mind goes blank and I can't think of the next thing to say. The next time I am likely to meet a new person is [describe the location and reason]. If the conversation has a pause, what are some ways I can restart it in a natural way?

Plan your exit

I'm going to an event [describe the nature and duration of the event] attended by [describe the type of attendees]. If I get stuck in a conversation that I want to get out of, how can I do it politely and effectively? The location will be [describe where the event will be held].

Supercharge your website in minutes

A powerful, compelling website makes everything else in your business a lot easier. With the right optimizations, it will start ranking in search engines, potential customers will visit, and, impressed by the information they will convert into enquiries, raring to buy.

Improve your top headline

I want to improve my website by adding a one-sentence value proposition at the top, that grabs attention and communicates the value we create for our audience. Act as an expert in website optimization and create 5 options for this sentence. My business is [describe your business] and we [outcome you achieve] for [describe your ideal customer] whose problems include [describe three challenges they have before working with you].

Rewrite your testimonials

Now please create 3 testimonials, each one paragraph long, from 3 different people in my target audience. Each one should relate to a different one of the three challenges I described, and explain how working with us helped them overcome their challenge and achieve the benefits. For each one, use a different tone and style.

Remove objections

Assess my website copy and highlight where it may create confusion or raise objections for a potential customer. Include anything ambiguous, suggestive, or something that causes them to have further questions. For everything you find, either suggest an alternative way of wording it, or recommend that we remove the information all together. Explain your reasoning. [Paste your website content here. Do one page at a time, starting with the homepage, then your key service or landing pages]

Supercharge your calls to action

On my website we use the following lines as calls to action: [enter your current CTA and button text here]. Make each one more compelling to my target audience, and tell me what changes you made and why.

Rework your about page

Edit my about page to more effectively communicate the story behind the brand. Rework the information into an engaging story, with highlighted sentences and bullet points to break up long amounts of text. Make the story resonate with my target audience in such a way that they want to become customers.

Make progress faster (without being busier)

Entrepreneurs do too much. Rather than focus on the few things that would make a huge difference to their business, they tackle multiple problems at the same time, juggling more projects than they can handle and ultimately dropping the ball or missing out on truly needle-moving results. Don’t be one of them.  Add as much detail as possible so your plan is perfectly personalized.

Cut out what isn’t working

In my business we are currently working on [describe every initiative you are working on in your business, including product, sales, marketing and any areas you are focused on improving or developing]. As part of this, tasks that I personally do each week are [include what you do in your week]. Given that my company is [describe your company] and our goal is [describe your main business goal], be ruthless in suggesting some things we are doing (the team and me personally) that aren’t contributing towards our goal and therefore should be eliminated. For each one, explain why it might not be contributing.

Double down on what is working

Now we have cut out [explain which things you plan to cut out] there is more space to double down. Currently working well is [describe the areas that are proving successful]. Suggest ways we could double down in these areas, to achieve compounding benefits that will help us grow.

Multiply your results

When work across the business is aligned, success is more straightforward because growth in one area means growth in another. Highlight potentially fruitful links between our current areas of work, that mean specific initiatives might work well together? Explain the link and why this might be the case, and how we could strengthen the link further.

Remove the random

When we are doing fragmented things it has the opposite effect to what we want. Random initiatives and projects means our energy is split in different directions which leads to missed opportunities for growth. Suggest what seems random or unconnected in our approach, and explain why it would be better to remove this activity.

Make regular adjustments

If I cut out the nonessential to make room for doubling down, I want to make sure it’s working as planned. I plan to assess my actions every [frequency, for example week, month, quarter]. Outline the 5 questions I should ask to make sure my actions are helping us make progress.

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Overcome phone addiction (get your personalized plan)

We spend an average of 7 hours per day on screens connected to the internet. That includes 3 hours and 15 minutes spent on smartphones, which are checked an average of 58 times every day. There’s no doubt that time away from your smartphone will be beneficial, but doing this effectively involves a plan.

Notice the triggers

I usually go on my phone at these specific moments of the day: [explain when you tend to go on your phone], when I’m feeling [explain how you’re feeling at the time] or when I’m [explain what else you’re doing at the time]. From this information, outline the potential triggers behind my phone usage. I want to understand why I pick up my phone when I do.

Switch bad habits for good

I want to find alternative things to do in these moments, that don’t involve using my phone or another screen. Can you suggest ways I can replace the habit of picking up my phone with a new habit, that will progress my goals of [describe your business, hobby or life goals.] Also suggest some rules I could stick to, for times when I shouldn’t use my phone at all.

Make a 30-day plan

Swapping my old habits for new ones might not happen straight away. Based on the suggestions so far, give me a 30-day plan for incrementally creating new habits (in the place of old ones), so I use my phone less. The plan should be manageable, focusing on one or two habit changes at a time. Include tactics for each action in the plan.

Understand the downsides

What are the downsides to my physical and mental health of spending too much time on my phone? Specifically include downsides that relate to the goals I already described.

Start interesting conversations (and never be lost for words)

The better your conversations, the better your relationships. Being able to start and continue interesting conversations leads to partnerships, introductions, and a more enjoyable life. But what if you don’t know where to begin? Not everyone has the skill of entering a room and immediately getting people onside. In the opening prompt, describe the nature of an event you have planned, so it can give you the most relevant advice.

Let them show off

At an event I'm soon to attend I will likely meet [describe the nature of the other guests]. We have the following things in common: [explain what you might have in common]. The event setting will be [describe the event setting, for example networking, work social, housewarming party]. I want to improve at conversation openers. One of my tactics will be to highlight something I admire in the other person and then ask them to elaborate. Give me 10 potential ways I could do this.

Tell a story

At this event, I want to open some conversations with a story that will spark interest, open a good conversation and make me memorable in a good way. I have recently: [describe recent events, milestones or breakthroughs in your life]. Create three potential stories I could use to open a conversation with an attendee, who I may or may not have met before.

Find common ground

My main interests are: [describe your top three interests or aspects of your identity you feel are important.] How can I open a conversation in such a way that I could find out if the other person and I have multiple interests in common?

Pose a quiz question

I will start some of the conversations with a fun quiz question that has a definitive answer and will spark a lively and enjoyable conversation with a small group of attendees. One example of a suitable question is, 'How many billionaires are in the world?', because there is a definitive answer but the question sparks a working-out process. Given what you know about our areas of interest, can you give 5 options for quiz questions to ask at the event, along with the correct answer?

Make an observation

I want to have a backup list of conversation starters for this event. I'm going to tell you more about the event setting. Please come up with 5 potential conversation starters based on this. Here are more details of that: [describe your event's venue, location of setting. Include details of what might be there].

Make your best ever hire

Recruitment is inherently biased. When you sit opposite someone in an interview, whether in-person or virtual, you’re falling for so many cognitive biases you don’t even know exist. Use these prompts to boil it down to the basics and decide based on what will matter in the long term.

Compare candidates with the job description

Compare the job description of a role I’m hiring for with the resume of the person I’m considering for the role. Conduct an assessment of how well their existing skills match the role and suggest 5 strengths and 5 areas that could require additional work, should they be successful in their application. Here’s the job description: [Paste job description] | Here’s the candidate’s resume: [Paste resume].

Asses complimentary skills

I want to make sure this person will work well in my team. They will be mainly working with [name or job title of people in their team]. Can you now compare the resume of this potential recruit with the resumes of the people currently in my team, and explain where they are likely to work together well and where they may require more training to collaborate effectively. My existing team members have strengths including: [describe the strengths of your current team] and their resumes are: [Paste resumes of existing team members.]

Expect the best

If I hire this person, what’s the best case scenario? Explain how well their first few months in this role could go. Outline what they could achieve in their role if they were really good. Make an assessment on how likely this is based on their resume. What are the three biggest concerns you have about this person achieving that success?

Plan for the worst

Now the flipside. If I hire this person, what’s the worst case scenario? Explain how badly their first few months in this role could go. Outline what they could mess up in my business if they were really bad. Make an assessment on how likely this is based on their resume, including what I can do to prevent this happening.

Consider the long term

My business’s long term goals are [describe your big business goals]. From this person’s qualifications and experience, how could they fit into the long term goals of my business? Which of their skills could align with our plans, and how do I best bring out these qualities and equip them to do their best work?

Prepare for interview

Adopt the role of a recruitment and HR expert tasked with helping me make the best assessment of a potential recruit's suitability for the role. Given what you know about the candidate and the role itself, suggest 10 possible interview questions, each with an explanation of why it helps make my decision.

Stop overthinking in your business

Overthinking prevents action and costs progress. While overthinking, you’re not doing the things that will make all the difference. Instead, you’re wallowing in fear, ruminating on the past, over analyzing what’s in front of you, unable to move forward. Overthinking has no place in business success.

Imagine the worst case scenario

I often overthink in my business, which is [describe your business]. When I worry and overthink it’s often about the topics of [describe what topics you overthink]. To help me realize that even the worst-case scenario wouldn’t be so bad, I want you to describe that worst-case scenario. Give me three paragraphs of everything going horribly wrong, then ask me to describe what I would do if that happened.

Get some perspective

When I overthink it’s because I’m inflating the importance of myself and my business and not keeping perspective. Can you give me 5 amusing reasons why my business and problems are actually very small compared to the grand scale of the universe and the rest of the population on earth?

Be content with your pace

Give me some examples of impressive projects that are now world-renowned, that took a long time to create and launch. Describe the small steps that the creators were taking every day that built up to their goal.

Stop caring about opinions

Sometimes I overthink because I'm thinking about what other people might think of me, specifically [include a specific group of people whose opinion of you matters]. Act as a stand up comedian to explain why it doesn't actually matter what these people think of me. Make me see how silly it is to not move forward based on what other people think about me or what I'm doing.

Take action instead

Motivate me to stop overthinking and taking action towards my big goal of [describe your big goal]. You will play the role of a motivational coach, and ask me about my plans. When I respond, you will cheer me on and ask another question. We will keep going until I say stop. Begin by introducing yourself and asking me a question about how I'm going to move forward.

Inspire your team to make more effort (and achieve more)

How hard does your team work? How sure are you that their effort is in line with yours? Imagine what you could achieve together if it was. If they acted like they owned the business, treated every customer like the most important person in the world, and had new, brilliant ideas every single day. If you suspect your team is flagging in their mojo and their actions are waning to match, perk them up with these prompts. 

Explain the why

I want to inspire my team to do their jobs better by making sure they know the key reason the company exists. We want to [ultimate outcome you’re trying to achieve] for [scale of target audience]. Can you articulate this in (a) a single line I can display in our offices and internal communications to serve as a constant reminder for the team and (b) a paragraph that succinctly describes the power that our collective efforts could hold, for new team member onboarding.

Set some deadlines

I want to set some deadlines that will motivate my team to unite and work harder towards them. At the moment we are working on projects including [explain the projects you're working on and your approximate deadline]. Today is [today's date]. Can you suggest some ambitious deadlines for specific elements of our projects that will challenge my team and motivate them to be efficient and productive with their work?

Practice what you preach

I want to inspire my team to work harder by demonstrating that I also work hard. I want to show I practice what I preach. In my business, can you suggest 5 actions I could take this week, where I can get involved with my team member’s work without stepping on their toes?

Align their incentives

I want to conduct a survey to find out what incentives different team members are excited by. I’m open to incentives including [describe the incentives you would consider]. Create a survey that asks team members to tell me their preferred incentive, as well as what they expect incentives would be based on. Within the survey, also ask about the likely benefits, in terms of their output, of having this incentive in place.

Generate excitement

I want to make my company a really exciting place to work. I want my team members to feel proud that they work here, and want to tell their friends about their awesome job. Given what you know about my company and its mission, play the role of an enthusiastic company culture manager and suggest 5 ways I could make my business an exciting place to work.

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Become your most fearless self

Without fear, you can be powerful. You dream big and fearlessly go after your goals. You don’t worry what anyone else thinks, you don’t let them hold you back. You appear unstoppable in the mountains you conquer. You make it look easy with your effortless flow. When confidence and assuredness are a distant reality, use these prompts to re-find your roar.

Name the fear

Fear is holding me back and I’m not sure how. When I find myself thinking small and shying away from the work to make my goals a reality, I procrastinate from [work you know you should do] by [procrastination you do]. Act as a behavioural psychologist and suggest the conscious or subconscious fears that might be playing a role.

Banish the fear

From your list, the most likely fears holding me back are [select the ones that sound accurate]. Acting as if these fears are valid, make a plan for how I overcome these fears. For each fear, include reframing techniques and give me perspective. Explain what might happen if I let this fear continue, and describe the power of letting it go.

Become a fearless warrior

Describe a character based on the most fearless version of me. This character should be a fearless warrior, who overcomes the fears I have to live their most rich and fulfilling life and achieve their goals. Use powerful language to describe the character and the heroes journey they embark upon.

Strike a power pose

Create a routine of five power poses that help me feel confident and fearless in my body, so my mind will follow. Describe each pose so I can copy it. Give me scenarios in my day-to-day where there is an opportunity to do each one.

Create a mirror mantra

I want a powerful mantra that I can write on my mirror, to remind me that there is nothing to be afraid of. Given what you know about my hopes, goals and their accompanying fears, suggest three potential mantras you think will powerfully resonate with me.

Make focus your superpower (and actually get more done)

Focus is a superpower. And you can make it yours. Losers flit around being distracted by shiny objects and what the latest business influencer says you should do. Winners take their success by the metaphorical horns and develop a bulletproof focus that can fend off any infiltration. Which will you be?

Define your path to success

My ultimate business goal is [describe your goal] and within the next year I want to [describe a key milestone]. Act as a business consultant tasked with ensuring my business grows as planned. My current activity towards this milestone is [describe the work you’re doing right now]. Outline the steps that are essential for me to take to hit this milestone and my ultimate goal.

Gain clarity on your most valuable resources

Sometimes I struggle with focus. I have a lot of different things I could do, and I don’t always know what I should do. Act as a business analyst to assess my resources, and explain which are the most scarce or valuable, and therefore how I focus on maximizing the resources that are unique to me. These resources include: [describe yours here].

Align your energy

Within a normal week I spend time doing the following things: [outline your schedule and how many hours and minutes you spend doing each item in as much detail as possible.] I want to focus on my growth plan and achieving success in my business. Act as a productivity expert and tell me what I should cut out, in order that I align my energy with my goals and clear space to focus better. Include a plan of action for how I opt out of hand over responsibilities or commitments that don’t align.

Optimize for fun

I want to have more fun going after my goals. I want to have fun with focusing. You are tasked with making my work engaging and motivating, so that focusing on it feels effortless. Suggest 3 ways I could gamify my day, regarding my business, that will find the fun factor and keep me on track.

Consider deadlines

Today is [today’s date]. At the moment I am working on [describe the tasks you’re working on], of which [one of them] is the most important in reaching my first milestone. In order to attract higher levels of focus, can you suggest a deadline that will stretch me to achieve and force me to focus? I think this particular task could take [how long it might take without a deadline] but I want to set a motivating deadline for completion. Suggest the deadline then outline my steps to complete the work faster.

Automate and eliminate hours of boring work

These prompts were created with Martin Crowley, on a mission to automate his 7-figure business and share his methods with others so they can do the same. The idea isn’t that AI replaces every element of your work. The idea is that AI replaces the most boring parts. Use these prompts to save hours of boring work.

Ignite your creativity

Generate 30 bold new ideas for [insert desired output, for example social media posts about your product] in a dynamic brainstorming session. Before we begin, ask me questions, one-by-one, about the information you need in order to come up with the ideas. When you have the information required, generate five ideas and ask me what I think before creating another batch.

Supercharge problem-solving

[Describe your problem]. Act as a business consultant to provide me with a step-by-step solution to the problem above. An ideal outcome achieves [explain elements of a good solution]. Guide me through each actionable step with precise instructions to execute effectively. Ask for any information you think would be helpful to reach a resolution.

Drive website traffic

This is a description of one of our products: [insert product/service description]. You are an SEO specialist. Using this product description, develop ideas for keyword-rich landing page content that boosts search visibility, engages visitors, and improves the time people spend reading the page. Include five blog ideas, and focus each idea on a specific group of keywords.

Extract insights from long documents

It is important that I understand the main message and points contained in this [describe the nature of the document]. Condense the following text into a concise summary along With bullet points highlighting key insights and essential information for easy understanding. [Insert text]

Refine your writing

You are an expert proofreader and copywriter. Thoroughly proofread my writing, rectifying grammar and spelling errors. Then offer constructive suggestions to improve the clarity and coherence of the content. [Paste in your writing]

Create social media posts in seconds

Imagine you are a world-class content creator. Generate engaging social media posts [or other text] for a marketing campaign that highlights our latest [insert product] and its unique [insert features] enticing customers to make a purchase.

Elevate customer experiences 

My business received this email from a customer: [insert email]. As a seasoned customer support representative, draft an email response to the email that addresses the customer’s inquiries, provides solutions and leaves a positive impression of our business.

Prompts your team needs to know

Your best team members aren’t being replaced by AI. Your best team members are using AI to replace your worst team members. Entrepreneurs gave me the prompts they use every day within their business. Give them to your team and see who stands out.

Get help writing prompts

I want ChatGPT to help me with a task. The task is: [describe the problem, outcome you want, answers you're looking for, and any other context]. How should I best phrase the prompt for you, ChatGPT, so that you understand it and give me the most detailed and comprehensive answer?

Leverage your competitors’ websites

Act like a word-class direct response copywriter and tell me why this website copy is good: [insert the copy from a page on your competitor’s website here]. Here's the copy from my web page. Based on your analysis of the first website copy, how can I make this page better? [Add your own copy here]"

Create engaging social media posts

Give me the 10 most mind blowing, out-of-the-box ChatGPT prompts I could use that would show off the power of ChatGPT. The prompts should focus on converting the below blog post into a series of social media posts on Facebook. [Insert blog post here].

Optimize email subject lines

Write 10 email subjects about a promotion for [product or service], directed at an audience of [describe target audience] who should take action because [describe the results your product creates]. The objective is to achieve the highest email open rate possible.

Create unique personalized opening lines

Act as a friendly sales executive looking to start a conversation with the website owner. Write a two-sentence icebreaker. Start with a statement about the content of the website and follow up with a genuine compliment. Be informal, friendly and persuasive, as if you are speaking with a good acquaintance. Here’s the content of the website: [paste parts of the website here]. Follow this formula: [1 sentence: a statement describing what the company does, mention the name of the company], [1 sentence: a compliment about the company]

Bypass email spam filters

Identify and substitute potential email spam trigger keywords within this email: [insert email subject and copy]. Suggest more neutral terminology without changing the general message of the text. Tell me what you changed and why.

Turn videos into standard operating procedures (SOPs)

Transform the below transcript into a standard operating procedure (SOP). Include common sections of a great SOP like “purpose”, “resources,” and step-by-step instructions. Use markdown to format headings, subheadings, and dot points, ensuring clear and digestible information. In the procedure section, highlight actions, menu items, or clickable buttons with backticks to make them easily recognizable. Remember to create an SOP that is clear and straightforward, but not too dry or wordy. [Paste transcript from screen recording].

Create awesome content

These prompts were created with AI educator Dr Jeremy Nguyen. Generic content on the internet adds zero value. And there’s plenty of it. Without skilled writers or exceptional prompts, the words and sentences that come out will lack interest, insights or a reason to keep reading. Here's how to prompt to create content with your unique voice.

Distill your voice

You are an expert ghostwriter, world-class at capturing your client's authorial voice. You are also an expert in natural language processing. Below is an [email/blog post/document] written by your client. Please use natural language processing to create a paragraph that describes key characteristics of your client's voice, so that an LLM could write in a similar voice using only the paragraph as input: [Paste a sample of your writing]

Write in your voice

You are still an expert ghostwriter. You already have a natural language processing analysis describing the client's authorial voice. The client has indicated that they also like [person whose voice you admire, eg. Robin Sharma, Oprah Winfrey]’s voice and character, so please mix in 15% of [person you admire]’s writing style]. Can you please write a [blog, article, newsletter] to [desired outcome of the content].

Distill your unique points of view

You are an expert in the [your industry] industry. Please create a numbered list of at least 10 conventional wisdoms commonly communicated to [your target audience, eg. ‘aspiring screenwriters’] looking to [audience’s goals or frustrations, e.g. ‘break into the industry’]. Then ask which numbers I think are unhelpful for my audience’s goals. Interview me, one question at a time, pausing for my answers, to find and distill my unique perspectives. The final output will be a bullet point list of my contrarian perspectives, the results I achieved from holding them, and how they differ from conventional industry wisdom. Start by showing me 10 conventional wisdoms.

Find your relevant personal experiences

Your job is to interactively simulate the conversation of a writers’ room with me, the user. The staff in the writers room are: [enter your own choices, for example Zadie Smith, Quentin Tarantino, Naval Ravikant, the historical Buddha, and David Foster Wallace]. The job of the staff is to brainstorm ideas of scenes and real experiences of mine that relate to the topic I am writing on. You each propose scene ideas, and then ask if I have experiences that fit those general ideas. OUTPUT FORMAT {{[Writer]: [Short comment or idea. Typically only 1-3 sentences. Includes a question to the user about whether they have a personal illustration. Also includes an example in quotes of what a sentence might look like].}}

Write with your combined voice, perspective, and experiences

You are an expert, world class ghostwriter. You now have 3 sets of information from your latest client: (1) an NLP analysis describing the client's authorial voice, (2) a list of their perspectives that run counter to the prevailing industry wisdom, (3) a list of personal experiences and anecdotes that relate to [topic of the writing]. Please use (2) and (3) to propose an outline of a [blog, newsletter, set of tweets] to achieve [outline the objective]. After we revise and agree upon the outline, I will then ask you to write the first draft using (1) to emulate the client’s voice.

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Overcome challenges like a pro 

When progress is stalling, problems are cropping up out of nowhere, and nothing seems to be going to plan, get the support you need to persevere. Ask ChatGPT for help overcoming challenges and failure to set you back on the path to success.

Reframe the failure

I've encountered a significant setback in my business recently, specifically [describe the failure]. It's disheartening, but I believe there's a way to reframe this failure positively. Help me see the silver lining by suggesting five different perspectives or opportunities that can arise from this setback.

Ask, “How can I use this?”

I'm facing the business challenge of [describe your challenge]. Right now it feels difficult but I can turn it around positively as long as I move forward with intention. Answer the question of "How can I use this challenge to my advantage?" to give me five ways I could turn it into something that leads to success for my business.

Seek unbiased guidance

I'm currently grappling with a challenging decision in my business, which is [describe the decision]. I’m looking for empathy and advice from someone who understands my ultimate goal of [describe your ultimate goal] and can reassure me this challenge is temporary and inspire me to use my resources to get through it. Act as my supportive confidant and provide me with guidance and insights on how to approach this situation.

Consider past failures

Along my entrepreneurial journey so far, setbacks have included [describe your main setbacks]. Today, I have achieved [describe your main achievements to date]. Help me connect the dots and see how my past failures have paved the way for my current successes, creating a narrative of growth and resilience. Highlight key teachings from my failures that have helped me get to where I am today.

Tackle the challenge with a plan

I've identified a significant challenge in my business, which is [describe the challenge]. To overcome this obstacle, I need a structured plan of action. Please outline a step-by-step strategy or action plan that I can follow to address this challenge and work towards a successful resolution of [describe your desired outcome if you have one].

Spark game-changing ideas for your business

What’s the difference between companies that thrive and those that stall? Great ideas. And lots of them. ChatGPT can help you come up with game-changing ideas for your business using these 5 simple prompts. Turn off all notifications and see what you can co-create. 

Imagine unlimited resources

I'm currently imagining a scenario where my business, [describe what your business does and for whom] has access to unlimited resources and manpower. In this dreamlike situation, I want to explore how I can generate groundbreaking ideas. Provide me with five innovative concepts or strategies that I could pursue with these unlimited resources to revolutionize my business.

Tackle unsolved problems

One of the key challenges in my industry is [describe the unsolved problem]. I believe there's an opportunity here, but I need fresh ideas. Help me brainstorm five innovative solutions or approaches to address this long-standing challenge effectively.

Hear a customer debate

Provide me with an amusing and useful transcript of a hypothetical debate between three of my customers, where they are talking about my business, which they use to [describe the value it adds to them]. For context, sometimes customers tell us [include several examples of customer feedback] and some known challenges in my business are [include challenges or weaknesses]. Include an introduction and viewpoint of each person in the debate before it starts, and play out the conversation as if they are each having problems with our service. Give insights and suggestions that emerge from this discussion, focusing on ways to improve my business.

Transport to the future

I'd like to project my business into the future to stay ahead of the curve. Pretend we have fast-forwarded ten years and describe how my business has evolved to thrive in the changing landscape. Highlight five key strategies or innovations that have led to my business's success.

Enter an unlikely collaboration

I'm open to exploring unexpected partnerships that could spark innovation. Help me envision a collaboration with a completely unrelated industry or entity. Describe how this partnership results in novel ventures or products that could disrupt my industry and drive my business forward. Give five options.

Establish your unique company values and unlock a new level

Company value setting is no small exercise. With these simple prompts you can create a set of values that align with your mission, clients and team, and send you well on your way to the success you have in mind.

Align values with your mission

I want you to create our company values for [company name]. Before we proceed with defining our company values, let’s get absolutely clear on our mission statement for my company, which [describe what your company does] for [outline your target customer], who choose us because we help them achieve the outcome of [outcome you achieve for them]. Create a single paragraph mission statement that captures our purpose and direction and appeals to the goals of our target customer.

Secure team-wide buy-in

Our values must align with our mission and encapsulate the values of our team members, who join us because [include main reasons why]. They enjoy working for the company because [describe main reasons why]. Can you suggest 5 company values that match with our team’s experience and reasons for working with us?

Align values with customers

I also want to make sure our values resonate with our customers. Use the information from the target audience I described, plus additional context that they value [their values] and buy from us because [include information]. Can you suggest 5 additional values that will resonate with our customers.

Match desired behaviour

The values we create should have accompanying behaviours, which ensure our values are applied in practice. The desired behaviour from team members is [describe how you want your team to act, serve clients, and experience your company]. Can you suggest 5 values, which may be repeats of the ones already suggested, that encapsulate these behaviours?

Compile your values

From the information so far, including our team, customer and behaviour information, can you combine your suggestions into 4 core company values that are varied, as well as the 3 associated behaviours that each relate to? For example, a value of “Integrity” might mean associated behaviours of “own your responsibilities, don’t make excuses, and close open loops”. Use simple language that explains them to the team in an instructional way. From the values suggested so far, my favourites are [explain your favourites and why].

Make tough business decisions

These prompts were created with independent business advisor Brian O'Connor, who helps executives gain clarity and simplify their toughest decisions. Always conduct research before making a decision based on ChatGPT’s advice. Exercise due caution then make your choice and go for it.

Find the real problem

Act as a business consultant. I'm going to give you a list of problems and I want you to find the root cause underlying all these problems. Context: [Give background on you and where the problem is happening]. Here are the problems: [explain each of the problems]. What are 5 possible root causes creating these problems?

Explore your options

I’m [describe yourself in a work capacity] and trying to achieve [give context on your business goals]. The root cause of my problem is: [provide the likely root problem from the previous list]. The desired outcomes from solving this problem are (ranked in priority order): [describe your specific goals in order]. Given my problem and my goals, list the 5 best potential ways to solve the problem.

Assess the pros and cons

For each possible solution you just listed, act as an expert business analyst and outline the benefits and drawbacks of each in a bullet-pointed list. The benefits and drawbacks need to be specific to the information I provided about me and my situation.

Visualize each outcome

For each possible solution you listed, show me 3 possible outcomes: 1) Best case 2) Likely case 3) Worst case. Describe the case, then tell me what factors could cause each case to happen.

Rank your choices

Given my background, goals, and the pros and cons of each option, rank the solutions you gave me in order of how well they align with the following goals: 1) Specifically targeting the root cause 2) Help me achieve my goals 3) Have less significant downsides. Explain why you ranked each option that way.

Implement Gino Wickman’s traction in your business

These prompts were created with John Ainsworth, founder of Data Driven Marketing, a company that helps online course creators 2-5x their revenue. Combined with ChatGPT, Ainsworth suggests simple ways to implement Traction’s teachings in your business.

Define your values

Suggest my 5 core business values based on the information I provide. We focus on [type of customer you want], and provide [type of services] services to our customers. We want our customers to have an experience whereby [describe the experience your ideal customer has]. We contribute to society by [if relevant, describe how your work benefits society]. What matters to me about how the business runs is [how you like the business to run], the way we make business decisions is by [describe how you make decisions]. Some of the positive feedback we get from customers is [describe typical feedback and/ or paste testimonials]. We want people to think about us as [describe the way an ideal client might think about your brand].

Explain your proven process

Act as a business operations specialist and create a description of my company’s proven process based on the following information. These are the steps that we take in our work [what you do for clients from when they first sign up till the job is complete] for this kind of client [type of client you work with]. Then create 5 catchy, on-brand names for this process.

Create a guarantee

Act as an expert marketing consultant and use the following information to create 5 options for guarantees we could give to prospects that would make them more likely to buy from us. The results I feel confident guaranteeing are [results here] as long as customers have got this kind of business [what kind of business they must have] and they do these things [what customers have to do to work well with you].

Establish your rocks

Acting as a business consultant, list 5 specific projects we should undertake to improve the business within the next quarter, based on the following information. The main issues we’re facing right now are [describe issues]. Our biggest strengths are [list your strengths], and our weaknesses are [list weaknesses]. I see the following opportunities for the business [list the opportunities] and these are the current threats we face [list external forces that are affecting your business].

Track data like a pro

Act as a business analyst and outline the main traction metrics applicable to my business. My business aims to [describe your short term business goals]. The main drivers towards these goals are [explain the inputs that contribute towards hitting your goals]. Include both inputs and outputs and when I should track them to check I am on target for achieving the goals.

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Create mantras that make you feel unstoppable at work

Contrary to popular belief on self-development, you don’t need to consume endless podcast episodes, social media posts or opinion pieces to become a better leader or entrepreneur. We don’t need to learn more, we need to be reminded of what we already know. Craft your personal mantras to ensure you stick to your path.

Channel your challenges

Produce three mantras that encapsulate the wisdom gained from my past experience and guide me through future obstacles. For context, a challenge that significantly shaped who I am is [describe the challenge and how you overcame it].

Play the long game

Produce three mantras that keep me aligned with my long term vision and motivated to achieve it. For context, in 10 years, I see myself [describe where you see yourself a decade from now].

Find inner peace

Produce five mantras that help me find calmness in challenging times. For context, when I'm stressed or in turmoil, I find peace by [describe activities or thoughts that bring you calmness].

Stay true your core values

Produce three succinct mantras that serve as a daily guide, to remind me of who I am. For context, the core values that are most important to me are [describe your top values].

Be right here

Produce three mantras that remind me to be fully present and make the most of each moment. For context, I find myself most present when [describe situations or activities where you feel fully engaged].

Make selling your business a reality

While ChatGPT will not buy your company, and it won’t do the work you need to do, it can advise you on how to set up for success. Here’s how entrepreneurs can get actionable insights from ChatGPT to sell their business effectively.

Make a robust plan

I want to sell my business which is [describe your business]. My perfect sale looks like: [describe your ideal outcome, timeframe, and any specific conditions]. I need to create actions, which I will carry out, to make this sale happen. What should my weekly plan look like, split by days, to make this vision a reality?

Find the right buyers

My business specializes in [describe your industry and niche], and the ideal buyer would be someone who [describe qualities of an ideal buyer in terms of who you want to own your business]. Where should I look to find potential buyers who fit this profile?

Craft your initial outreach

When reaching out to potential buyers, it's crucial to grab their attention while conveying professionalism and appealing to their best interests. My business's unique selling points are [list your unique selling points]. I want to engage a buyer who can benefit from buying my business by [explain the ways a purchase would benefit them]. How should I draft a series of four outreach messages that incorporate these points and engage potential buyers in a casual way, in which I assess their appetite and explain more when I have established they are interested?

Create a compelling pitch deck

I want to sell my business and I’m preparing to meet buyers. My business's key metrics include [list key metrics like revenue, customer base size, growth rate, etc.]. Give me the structure of a pitch deck that not only explains my business but also showcases it as a highly valuable asset. [If you’re using internet-enabled ChatGPT, add “Include industry statistics and potential growth opportunities for the business].

Prepare for questions

I’m preparing for a meeting with a potential buyer of my business. I think they might want to buy us because [list any potential synergies you know of]. List 20 questions that they might ask me in a meeting, and add bullet points under each one to explain what they will be looking for in my answer. Can you also give me 7 intelligent questions I should ask the potential buyer, to make sure they are the right people to trust with my brand, team and clients?

Prepare for scrutiny

I understand that due diligence is a critical phase in the business sale process. To expedite this phase and avoid any roadblocks, what documents and preparations should I have in place in advance? Give me a list of actions I should take to organize my business admin.

Productivity prompts to get more done today

An entrepreneur’s work never seems to be done, and doing anything is challenging when your focus and attention aren’t playing ball. Here’s how to prompt ChatGPT to help you become a more productive person.

Better manage your time

My biggest time-wasters during the day are [list your primary time-wasting activities, including those you should delegate or automate]. To help me manage my time better, suggest which items I eliminate from my schedule. For the rest, tell me how I delegate them or reduce these distractions.

Prioritize like a pro

I often feel overwhelmed because [describe what makes you feel overwhelmed, e.g., too many tasks, lack of organization], but I want to achieve [describe your ultimate goal]. What is a mantra or method to help me prioritize my daily tasks effectively? Tell me how I can use this in practice, to always do the most important thing first.

Use your energy

I feel most energetic during [describe the time of day or situations when you feel most energetic], and least energetic [explain when this tends to happen]. Today, my fixed commitments are [add details of your day’s schedule]. How can I align my most crucial tasks of [explain your most crucial tasks] with these high-energy periods?

Master procrastination

I tend to procrastinate when [describe the situations or types of tasks that make you procrastinate] and it causes me to [outline the activities you procrastinate with]. What can I do to catch myself doing it, overcome these triggers and get into action?

Access finer focus

I find it hard to focus when [describe the conditions or situations where you find it hard to focus]. What techniques can I employ to improve my focus and concentration?

Transform your sales approach

Whether it’s a key part of your role, you don’t consider yourself a natural salesperson or the word itself makes you cringe, here’s how to use ChatGPT to make some small changes that could change your game without overhauling how you operate.

Pitch perfectly

When I pitch my product or service, I usually say [describe your current sales pitch]. However, I find that it doesn't resonate well when [describe situations or types of customers where it falls short]. How can I refine my pitch for better impact? Give me the top 3 most powerful changes I could make.

Tell better stories

I'm bored with the usual sales scripts. How can I incorporate storytelling elements like plot twists, suspense, or even cliffhangers to make my sales pitches unforgettable? Elements of my journey and company that people seem to find interesting are [include them here].

Apply Jedi mind tricks

I understand basic persuasion techniques, but I want to go deeper. My current sales process includes [describe elements of your sales operation.] What are some advanced psychological tactics, akin to 'Jedi mind tricks,' that I can use to subtly influence prospects during sales conversations? Give me the top 3 that will be the most powerful for my business and our sales process.

Make it a game

I love the idea of making sales feel like a game for my prospects. My sales process includes [outline the steps of your sales process]. What are some inventive ways to gamify the sales process, making it not just profitable but also fun for everyone involved?

Learn sales seduction

I've heard that romantic and sales relationships have similarities in the persuasion process. How can I apply principles from the art of seduction to make my sales techniques irresistibly captivating?

Feel invincible at work

When you feel like you need a personal cheerleader, but don’t want to ask your friends, enter ChatGPT. Use these prompts to dig into your feelings and transform them, for the benefit of your life, work and happiness.

Transform low confidence

When I am feeling unconfident it’s often because [describe why you might feel unconfident] which means I [describe what you do when you lack confidence] which results in [describe the reactions to this behavior]. Suggest three simple confidence exercises that will help me feel confident so I stop behaving in this way.

Master self-talk

When I'm doubting myself, I tend to say things like [list the negative things you say to yourself] to myself. How can I rephrase these into positive affirmations that make me feel unstoppable? Give me some alternatives for each one, from gentle reminders to tough love.

Conquer your fears

I avoid taking risks because I fear [describe your specific fears]. This has led to [describe missed opportunities or setbacks]. What are some actionable steps to conquer these fears and seize opportunities?

Win the mental game

When faced with setbacks, my initial reaction is [describe your emotional response]. How can I develop mental resilience to bounce back stronger and feel invincible? Give me some tactics to incorporate into my day.

Find your tribe

I feel most supported when [describe situations or people that make you feel supported], but lack support when [describe when you feel unsupported]. How can I build a strong support network to make me feel invincible?

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Overcome limiting beliefs (and unlock your success)

If you have limiting beliefs, they will be holding you back. Using these prompts you can find and reduce them with a little help from ChatGPT, and soar to new heights in your life and work.

Identify your limiting beliefs

I want to identify any limiting beliefs I may have, that might be holding me back. I am [give your demographics, including age, location, other stats] and my work is [describe your role, business]. I would like to be [describe your business goals] and I am currently [describe where you are right now]. In the gap between these two places are my limiting beliefs. I suspect they may be [give any information you already have], but can you give me possible limiting beliefs I may have based on what you know?

Create new beliefs

I think I may have the limiting beliefs of [include the ones ChatGPT suggested that you think you may have] and I’d like to replace them with new, empowering beliefs. For each one, give me an alternative, opposite belief that will better serve my business endeavors and ensure I’m not held back. For each new belief, add an explanation of why it might be true.

Replace old habits

Living in accordance with my old limiting beliefs meant I upheld certain habits. Tell me the habits that people with the same limiting beliefs often have, and why, and suggest alternatives to replace them with. Give me a plan of how I replace each old habit within 30 days.

Visualize success

To keep me on track I want to imagine what the ultimate success looks like. Given what you know about my business goals and who I am, write a 60-second script, from the perspective of myself in the future, where I talk about my new life that is free from limiting beliefs, and how I feel right now. End the visualization with a mantra I can repeat each day.

Track your progress

I want to track my progress living in accordance with the new beliefs that will replace my old, limited beliefs. Can you create a 30-day checklist, that I can tick every day, with actions that have contributed to doing this successfully? Export this into a table I can copy and paste into a spreadsheet.

Craft a compelling founder story

Founders often mumble through interviews, giving vague information. But a memorable founder story has to be intentional. Craft the narrative that others will remember for a long time to come. These prompts will ensure your story makes a bigger impact.

Open strong

I started my business [describe the time period] when I was [describe what you were doing before] because [explain why you started it]. My top realizations were [explain the realizations that led to you starting] and the breakthroughs of the first few months were [explain what they were.] Can you use this information to suggest options for the opening lines of my founder story in an engaging and compelling way?

Be memorable

Some of the most memorable experiences of my business journey so far were [describe the experiences you’ve had]. How can I describe each of these events in a way that leaves a lasting impression? Continue from the strong opening lines just created to lead into some stories about my journey. Pull out the following characteristics in these stories [explain how you want to portray yourself to others].

Resonate well

At the start of my journey I had challenges including [describe your challenges, for example financial situation, home life, lack of role models, limiting beliefs, need for security, fear of rejection] but I overcame these to be where I am now. How can I best convey this theme to make my story resonate with a wide audience, in a way that makes them feel inspired and want to support me?

Deliver impeccably

When I’m telling my story, especially this element: [paste one story element from your ChatGPT chat], I want to deliver it in the best possible way. Act as a storytelling coach and explain how I should deliver each line for maximum impact, including delivery of the climactic moment.

Leave a lasting impression

I want my story to leave people feeling [describe the emotion or thought you want to evoke] and compelled to [reaction you want them to have, for example share with a friend]. Give me options for a powerful closing statement or scene that achieves this outcome.

Supercharge your recruitment

Even if you’re rushed off your feet, do recruitment right. These prompts can save you time and make it more likely you’ll find some awesome talent.

Create a compelling job description

I’m hiring for a new team member who will carry out the responsibilities of [enter responsibilities] with the goal of [add information about the goal of their role.] It’s important that this person is [describe the qualities you want this person to have]. They will report to [job title] who is responsible for [their role description]. Really cool things about this role are [describe the key points]. Create a job description with a strong opening paragraph that grabs attention, a succinct list of the role’s main responsibilities, and section with the header ‘Apply if you fit the following description,’ followed by a bullet point list of the ideal candidate. Add a section for the salary and benefits, which are [enter details] and explain how someone applies for this role, which are [describe how someone applies]. [Link to a Google Form where you collect information of interested candidates].

Filter applicants quickly

I am uploading a spreadsheet of the applicants received for the role with job description as follows: [paste job description]. Can you go through this spreadsheet and sort the candidates by how well they match the job description’s requirements. Display them in order of most to least suitable and create a table with the information so I can contact the best candidates about the next stage. Please mark any candidate who [any specific information that would make someone unsuitable] as unsuitable for the role and explain why.

Ask better interview questions

I am hiring for the role with job description as follows: [paste job description]. I am seeing candidates for [length of interview] and want to test their suitability for the role. Create a set of interview questions for this interview. For each one, include follow up questions. Describe the competency each question tests, add information about what I should look for in a good response. Finally, and this is important, give a scoring framework for the entire interview, so I can compare candidates when the interviews are complete.

Hire in a fair and inclusive way

I want to make sure I am hiring in a fair and inclusive way. Use this job description and role requirements: [paste them here]. Tell me the potential biases that I may encounter in this hiring process, and how to avoid them. Explain how I can take additional steps to avoid stereotypes or accidental discrimination and ensure diversity and inclusion in my selection process.

Improve their onboarding

I want a successful onboarding process for my new team member, whose role has the following responsibilities: [paste role responsibilities]. Within their probation period of [duration] I want to make sure that (a) I have the right person (b) play to their strengths and (c) my company is seen as a great place to work. Create an onboarding plan for this new hire, over this duration, split into [days/weeks/months] and list what should happen within each time period to ensure a successful onboarding and a successful probationary period for both parties.

Overcome imposter syndrome (and 10x your business)

These prompts were created with Jade Bonacolta, marketing team lead at Google, and creator in the productivity niche. Prove to yourself that you deserve to be in any room and silence those nagging doubts. Train ChatGPT to become your highly-capable executive coach with these prompts.

Get good at self-promotion

Review my resumé and the product/service I offer. Give me 6 compelling reasons why I’m the best option that my target audience of [explain your target audience] could choose. Craft a short pitch explaining my unique value proposition, specifically what sets me apart from my competitors. My resumé is [insert your experience] and my offer is [insert product, service or business description]. My target audience is [insert demographics, firmographics] with the following pain points [insert challenges.]

Become a better negotiator

I’m negotiating with [describe the other party, for example a client] on [insert topic or proposal] where I want the outcome to be [describe your dream outcome]. Generate a list of 10 questions I should ask in order for me to better understand their non-negotiables. Then make a list of the possible BATNAs (best alternatives to a non-agreement) that I should consider. And finally, help me decide [key decision you want to make, for example your walkaway price].

Speak better in public

Review my experience and background from my resumé. Write a compelling, 2-minute founder story that immediately grips the audience’s attention. [Copy and paste your resumé along with any interesting information about your founder story and audience].

Address uncomfortable conversations

I need to deliver feedback to [person’s name and their relationship to you] about [nature of the feedback including details]. Provide me with a specific script to share that feedback and inform this person that it’s coming. My goal is to [desired outcome, for example make them feel safe and understood], while clearly communicating my boundaries and expectations. Draft 10 questions [person’s name] will likely ask in response to my feedback and suggest how I should respond to each one.

Say no with conviction

The following five opportunities have come up, but I can only say yes to one of them. [List the opportunities]. Help me prioritize which one to accept based on my goal of [describe your one business goal]. Then write four extremely elegant notes to decline the other opportunities. The decline emails should be respectful and preserve those relationships for the future.

Network like a pro

I’m about to meet [outline person and their role] who is [describe their position or interests] and I want to build rapport. Generate a list of 15 unique questions tailored to that person that will help me stand out and demonstrate my curiosity in their work.

Build mental toughness

Give me 10 ideas for a misogi that I could attempt within the next two weeks in the following location [insert the location of your challenge], for example [include misogi examples appropriate for you]. Then create a rational plan of how I can complete that misogi.

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Write your tweets in 3 simple steps

If you’re an entrepreneur looking to grow your personal brand, getting good at writing tweets is an excellent place to start. Ask ChatGPT to give you a helping hand with this 3-step series of prompts, to supercharge your output both in quality and quantity.

Give the context

I'd like some help composing tweets for my brand. They're going to be promotional tweets, and I want them to be really compelling. The primary target audience for the tweets is [describe audience]. One of their biggest concerns is [describe biggest pain point]. One of their biggest underutilised assets is [describe their underutilised assets]. Our solution is [explain your business]. Do you understand what I'm looking for? Don't create any tweets yet.

Provide direction

That summary is accurate, thank you. The structure of the tweets should be as follows. (1) A hook: attention grabbing, compelling, makes my target audience want to learn more. (2) Second line: continues the hook in such a way that they keep reading. (3) Third and fourth line: what my company does and the value it adds. (4) Final line: something that leads into an image or gif, to explain how my target audience can achieve the benefits the hook has presented. This is an example of a tweet that fits this structure [include a tweet you want to emulate]. Please suggest 5 more tweets that fit this structure that are appealing and compelling to our target audience based on what I've explained.

Ask for edits

They're great, thank you. For the next batch of 5, I'd like for them to be slightly less [adjective]. Really focus on [what you’d like ChatGPT to focus on] but without [what you’d like it to do less of]. Secondly, tone down [anything ChatGPT has overdone] and instead [give direction on the edits]. Here's some additional context for you: [provide any additional context].

Unlock game-changing insights

These prompts were created with Aadit Sheth, founder and lead writer of Prompts Daily. Here’s how to use ChatGPT’s code interpreter feature, for the benefit of your entire company. Visit, click the three dots on the bottom left, click settings & beta, beta features, and toggle on code interpreter.

Find areas for improvement

I want you to act as a customer feedback analyst. Given a CSV file containing customer feedback from recent surveys, from customers of my business that [explain what your business does] and serves [describe who your customers are], your task is to categorize the feedback into themes and identify the top three areas that require improvement based on their frequency and sentiment. Ensure your analysis is thorough and accurate, as it will help us prioritize our efforts for improving customer satisfaction.

Spot trends and unlock overlooked niches

I want you to act as a data analyst specializing in Google Trends data. I have a CSV file containing Google Trends search volume for keywords related to my business niche of [describe your niche] over the past 5-10 years. Please analyze the data and highlight any significant long-term shifts, seasonal patterns, or changes you notice in search behavior over time. When do searches spike or dip? Have any new upward trends emerged in recent years? What does this data suggest about evolving interests and demand for my niche over the years? Please summarize any meaningful relationships, correlations or patterns you find that provide insights into how this niche's search trends have changed.

Supercharge your tweets

I want you to act as a data analyst for my CSV file containing analytics from my tweets. The file consists of various tweet data, and I need your expertise to categorize them into specific content themes, for example [suggest some themes for your content]. Once the categorization is done, I want you to calculate the mean and median number of likes for each category. This analysis will help me understand the engagement and popularity of different content types within my tweets. Please present this data in a table format.

Visualize your sales data

Act as a data analyst for our sales data visualization project. Create visualizations that effectively break down revenue by product line and region. Specifically, generate a bar chart to display the sales for each product category. Additionally, create a pie chart that represents the percentage of total sales derived from each region. Please ensure that the visualizations are visually appealing and easy to understand by using our company hex colour of [include your brand’s hex colour] and clearly labeled data.

Improve your online advertisements

I want you to act as a data analyst for my recent Facebook ad campaigns and sales data. I've uploaded the data, now I need your expertise in identifying the best months in terms of ROI. Additionally, I'd like you to explain any noticeable sales trends based on ad spend. Please analyze the data and provide insights on the months that yielded the highest return on investment, as well as any significant trends you observe in sales data related to ad spending. Suggest some trials I should run with my ads, to improve my results.

Find your inner confidence

Use ChatGPT as your personal AI confidence coach, to help you get back on track in no time. Implement the responses and assess how you feel after using every prompt.

Create personalized journal questions

At the moment I’m feeling [describe how you feel right now.] Create a set of questions that I can journal on, that will help me regain my inner confidence and feel more motivated to begin my day and do my work.

Get a personal diagnosis

In the last few months, these events have happened: [explain the main events of the last few months]. Can you explain why I might be feeling less confident than normal right now, and explain why I should in fact be feeling more confident.

Find a mantra that resonates

I’m looking for a mantra that will remind me that I have everything I need within myself, for confidence and to show up without fear. My favourite artists, authors and thought-leaders are [name your favourites]. Suggest some mantras that might resonate with me, that I can repeat daily.

Create a confidence meditation

Can you create a script for a personalized confidence meditation, for me, [your name]. This should use the information explained so far to produce a 60 second script for a meditation. This script should put my mind at ease, remind me of my inner confidence, and include a breathing or visualization exercise to help me stress and worry less. I should leave the meditation feeling ready to face the day.

Apply The Art of War to your business

The Art of War is written on the topic of military warfare, but its lessons have since been applied to business and entrepreneurship. Thoughtfully and ethically using these principles will generate gains for your business on a whole new level.

Know yourself and your enemy

Help me know my company better, so I can understand our unique strengths. My company does [describe your company’s purpose] for [describe your ideal customer] and we have been [explain how long you’ve been running and any milestones you have achieved]. If a customer is really happy it’s likely because [explain your strengths in serving clients], if we lose a prospect or a customer it’s likely because [explain why someone may go elsewhere]. Act as a business coach and give a summary of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, resources and capabilities. Tell us how we could improve so competitors don’t overtake us.

Strategic positioning and timing

My company operates within the industry of [name your industry], categorized by [explain the nature of your industry in terms of other players and the niche you sit within]. Given what you know about our strengths, suggest where we are uniquely placed to dominate this industry or provide unique value for customers.

Adopt a more flexible strategy

I want to learn how my business can become more adaptable. Given what you know about our industry and what we do for our customers, act as an expert on economics and human behaviour and give predictions on what might happen within the next five years. Make calculated suggestions for how we could overcome any obstacles.

Incorporate deception

Act as a public relations consultant, tasked with ensuring we share the right information with the right people at the right time. Suggest elements of our business we should keep private, and what measures we should put in place to make sure they stay private. Give guidance on the right time to disclose this information, if at all.

Lead by example

When my team frustrates me it’s because they [describe the behaviour of specific team members that you believe is suboptimal]. Given that I want to inspire, motivate and guide my team, rather than berate and scare them, suggest how I might discuss these areas with them in order to effect change.

Be more Elon Musk

There’s no one more Elon than Elon. The way he runs his companies, organizes his day, works around the clock and doesn’t give a damn about what anyone thinks can be incorporated into how you live your life and grow your business. If you don’t care about offending, you just want to be more Elon, here are the prompts to try with ChatGPT.

Lay down the law

Compose an email to my team to explain that they are now required to [what they are required to do]. Give a compelling reason as to why this is compulsory. Explain that any variations have to be personally approved by me. Explain that anyone who doesn’t act accordingly will be assumed to have resigned. Copy the style of this email written by Elon Musk, which includes phrases like: [paste phrases from Musk’s original email here].

Schedule in 5-minute blocks

My mission in my business is [describe your mission or main goal] and my responsibilities include [describe your main responsibilities]. I have the following people to help me do this: [describe your team or contractors.] Every minute counts. Can you split my waking hours, from [time you wake up] to [time you go to sleep] into 5-minute increments where you outline what I should do in order to be as productive as possible with minimal wasted time. Make sure you include [describe the essential components of your day].

Collect negative feedback

Write a casual email to my friend [their name] asking them to share negative feedback about me. Ask for criticism and critique about any aspect of my character, appearance, or what I say or do. Specifically, [describe a situation you want their feedback on]. Tell them it will help me improve and I value their opinion. Explain that they shouldn’t worry about offending me.

Make improvements

In the last week, my main actions were [describe what you mainly did in the last week]. Can you create a set of reflective questions for each, so I can think about how I could improve in each one next time? My goal is to achieve [describe the main goal you want to achieve]in my business, so make the questions in line with that outcome.

Cancel meetings

Someone has asked me for a meeting because [reason they called the meeting]. They are important because [explain who they are and why they matter] but I don’t want the meeting. I would prefer to [how you’d prefer to solve the problem]. Write an email response to this person that suggests an alternative way of solving this problem in a polite way, that progresses us to a solution without me appearing rude. Include why it’s in their best interests to do it this way.

Work twice as much

I currently work about [number] hours per week and my main focus is [describe what you spend your time doing]. My one business goal is [your main business goal] and I expect this will take [duration]. Act as a business expert and imagine I am your client. I have told you I will now work [number that is approximately double] hours per week. Suggest what I should do with this time in order to ramp up output and achieve my goals faster.

Make fast decisions

Within my company we are currently deciding the following things: [explain the decision you are making]. We want to make these decisions faster, and then commit to them. Given our company, [company name and one-line explainer], in the industry of [your industry] with the main goal of [describe your main goal] for [describe your target audience], can you solve each decision with one definitive answer?

Find the cause of problems

In my business right now the main problem is [describe the main problem in your business]. When we talk about it, we end up addressing the symptoms of this problem, rather than digging deeper and finding the root cause. Can you suggest what the underlying root cause of this problem is? Give 1-3 potential options and for each one explain how we solve the cause of the problem so that the problem may ultimately be solved.

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Apply Atomic Habits to your business

Atomic Habits by James Clear has sold over 15 million copies worldwide and been translated into over 50 languages. It helps people build good habits and break bad ones. Here are insights that are especially relevant for ambitious leaders. Combining these with information from your work and responses from ChatGPT, you can make powerful changes that will bring benefits for years.

Make 1% improvement

I want to become better at [enter your area for improvement] by approximately 1% every single day, inspired by the concept of marginal gains. At the moment I would describe my proficiency as [explain how good you are now and why]. Can you outline a plan of the small actions I should take each day in order to improve by 1%? Include these within the context of a week, month, quarter and yearly plan.

Follow the laws of behavioural change

I want to start the habit of [explain the habit you want to begin] from a starting point of [explain what you already do]. According to the book, Atomic Habits, I should create a cue, a craving, a response and a reward around this habit. Can you suggest how I might do this in practice?

Stack your habits

During my normal day I already do these things regularly: [describe the habits you already have]. Given that I want to start [explain the habits you want to start] how can I use the concept of habit stacking, where you pair a new habit with an existing one, to make this easy and satisfying, so I am more likely to keep it going?

Optimize your environment

I want to plan my workspace to minimize distractions so I can create better working habits. As I look now, I can see [describe your current field of vision] and I can hear [describe every sound around you]. Suggest ways I can optimize my environment for productivity.

Adapt your identity

Given the habits that I want to create, can you suggest the identity it would be beneficial for me to adopt? Create a list of mantras that start with, “I am” to describe this identity.

Find positive peer pressure

Given the habits I want to create and the person I want to become, can you suggest the groups of people it would be beneficial for me to associate with? What types of people should I look to spend more time with and how could I go about finding them?

Supercharge your confidence and self-belief

Everyone needs a confidence boost every now and then. Entrepreneurs included. If you’re feeling down on your convictions, unsure of your path, and you seem to have misplaced your business mojo, this one's for you.

Create the movie of your life

Create a dramatic synopsis for a movie where the main character is a hero based on me, [your name]. Within this movie, I am on a mission to [describe your main business or life goal], overcoming challenges brought by [describe your one main challenge]. I am helped along my journey by people including [outline your closest few friends, colleagues or family members]. Make the storyline inspirational and result in ultimate victory, both for me as the main character but also for the world as this mission comes to fruition and benefits everyone.

Evaluate your key skills

Throughout my journey so far I have picked up skills from research, education and experience. These skills are [describe your key skills in detail]. Sometimes I forget that these skills are valuable and it leads me to feel unconfident. Can you outline three reasons why each of my skills is valuable and include options for how I could apply them to make more progress? I need reminding of my powers so I don’t underestimate them.

Design your superhero character

Create a superhero character based on the skills I described, based on me, [your name]. Give this superhero character a name, an outfit and a sidekick. Describe this character’s personality and explain why they have the power to be so heroic.

Listen to your eulogy

Act as if today is my funeral and write my eulogy, that will be read by a beloved friend. Based on the above, include how I made a difference to the world, how I made people feel, and what they will miss about me. Describe how my legacy will live on even after I’m gone.

Get a motivational pep talk

Act as if you are a motivational coach, tasked with giving me a pep talk to prepare me for my day. Act as if I am feeling unconfident and unmotivated, and with what you know about me and my mission it’s your role to get me ready to attack it. Use the style of [your favourite well-known motivational speaker] to deliver this message.

Increase your business IQ

Your business IQ develops with experience, but just because you’ve been in business a long time, doesn’t mean yours is high. Here’s how to use ChatGPT to increase your business IQ.

Understand your why

I want to understand what motivates and drives me so I can apply the insights to my business. Imagine you are a high-level entrepreneur psychologist tasked with figuring this out. For context, the three things I would say are my biggest work achievements are: [describe your three biggest achievements]. They meant so much to me because [describe why they meant a lot]. I enjoy tackling a challenge when it has these components: [describe the components] and I become demotivated when [explain when you become demotivated]. Based on this information, can you summarize my ‘why’ in a single sentence? Please provide options for what this might be.

Identify your traction metrics

My business aims to [describe your short term business goals]. The main drivers towards these goals are [explain the inputs that contribute towards hitting your goals]. Imagine you are a business analyst. Can you outline the main traction metrics applicable to my business? Include both inputs and outputs and when I should track them to check I am on target for achieving the goals.

Identify black swans

My business operates within the field of [explain your field or industry]. A black swan event is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences. Can you preempt some potential black swan events in my industry or in business in general, that could happen within the next decade? For each, suggest what I would do to mitigate the risk of it being detrimental.

Find hidden performance indicators

Within my business we track [outline the metrics you regularly track in your business] towards our goals of [describe your business goals]. Play the role of a business analyst tasked with digging into the data. Can you suggest any metrics that we don’t currently track that could be useful indicators of performance? For each one, explain why it could be relevant and which of those do you think is the most important for us to track?

Create a growth strategy

Given what you know about my business, my ‘why’, our traction metrics and hidden performance indicators, can you suggest a strategy for growth? Include potentially far-fetched ideas that we likely haven’t thought of before. Incorporate a period of testing for each idea and explain how I could test its effectiveness before continuing or moving to something else. Put the ideas in order of quickest win to most effort.

Be a more effective CEO

CEOs look to constantly improve so they can play at higher levels and achieve more for the collective good. Here’s how ChatGPT can help them do just that.

Create an inspiring vision

The company I run is [describe the nature of your company] and it achieves [outcome you achieve] for [target audience you serve]. So far we have helped [describe the scale of impact you have made]. I want to go bigger with our vision. I want to create a huge mission that will inspire people to get behind us and support us, both our team and external parties. Can you suggest wording for a new, inspiring vision that takes what we do to a whole new level?

Improve communication

This is an example of a message I send to [audience of the message] with the purpose of [goal of the communication]. Please rewrite the text in a way that makes it more [compelling/persuasive/assertive] and tell me what you have changed and why: [Include message here].

Keep perspective

When I feel overwhelmed I lose perspective and I find it easy to become [angry, irritable, negative, highly-strung]. One example of this was [give an example of where you lost perspective]. Imagine you are a high-level advisor to visionary CEOs. Can you give me some practical guidance on how I can keep perspective and continue to lead my company well?

Get more from your team

Here’s a list of the people in my team and their roles and responsibilities [include a list]. At the moment, our main challenges are [describe your main challenges in your team], the most important of which is [mention the most important]. Imagine you are a coach in the field of team performance. How would you suggest I make changes or improvements in my organization to improve my team in terms of [metric you want to improve]?

Improve self-awareness

I want to improve my self-awareness so I can become a better CEO. My main skills are [describe your main skills] and I believe my main weaknesses are [include your main weaknesses] but I potentially have others. I would describe my personality as [explain your personality and character traits as a CEO]. If I fail at something, it’s often because [describe the main reason things go wrong]. Can you act as a high-level leadership coach and tell me what I may be missing, based on elements of my personality and actions that I explained?

Transform your entrepreneur lifestyle

If you’re running a company that feels like it’s running you, make a change. Draw a line under where you are right now and begin a new chapter. Commit to finding a new way forward that involves you enjoying the results of your insanely hard work. Transform your entrepreneur lifestyle with these five simple yet powerful prompts.

Establish your lifestyle goals

My business goals are clear but my lifestyle goals are not. Adopt the role of a lifestyle consultant, tasked with making sure I live my best life as an entrepreneur. Use the following information to create a set of lifestyle goals that I should aim to achieve within the next [number] years. When I’m not working I like to [describe what you like to do] with [people you like to spend time with]. Ideally I spend [number] hours per week not working, but involved in activities that [describe the ideal outcome of these activities]. What should my goals be and therefore my plan of action for achieving them?

Figure out what to subtract

I can only achieve my lifestyle goals if I subtract nonessential items from my week right now. Otherwise I won’t have the time. You are tasked with ruthlessly cutting things out of my schedule that don’t need to be in there. Given that my business goals are to [describe your business goals in a simple way], look at my weekly schedule and suggest things I can cut out. For each suggestion, explain how much time it would save and the effect of cutting it out: [Include your weekly schedule split by hour].

Identify what you can delegate

Within my task list there are things that other people could potentially do. Given that my specific skills are in [describe your specific skills] but I want to free up [number] hours of time to focus on my lifestyle, which elements of my task list do you suggest I delegate? For each item, suggest who I could delegate it to, and the steps I should take to ensure it’s a success. Within my team I currently have, [describe your team structure and individuals] and my task list is [copy and paste your task list].

Create better processes

If I had better processes within my business I could free up more time. Knowing my business of [describe your business] and the tasks I am responsible for [outline these tasks and processes], suggest where I should create or modify my existing processes to do more work more efficiently. For each change, suggest an action plan and include what difference it could make.

Uncover your limiting beliefs

I want to improve my lifestyle as an entrepreneur but something is holding me back. Can you play the role of a compassionate and intelligent psychologist and figure out what it is? I don’t know for sure, but I think I’m afraid of [describe your fears in spending more time on your lifestyle]. I’m worried that [elaborate on any worries] if I do [outline an action you could take that might have undesirable consequences]. Use this information to uncover any limiting beliefs I hold and suggest how I could reframe this situation.

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Unleash your entrepreneurial genius

You are probably a genius. But you probably don’t act like a genius most of the time. Every day, ordinary people and ordinary activities will try to knock your genius level down a few pegs, and you’ll follow along without questioning their intention. Regain your entrepreneurial genius and make it work for you.

Think in first principles

My business is [describe what your business does and how it serves its audience]. Can you describe my business using the first principles method (the practice of questioning every assumption you think you know about a given problem, then creating new solutions from scratch), and outline new ways I can think about how it operates.

Resonate deeper with customers

I want my business to be integral to the lives of its customers. Given that my business is [describe your business] whose ideal customer is [describe your ideal customer], what can you tell me about their biggest challenges and deepest desires, and how can I make sure my business speaks to their needs?

Find the platonic ideal

My business is [describe what your business does and how it serves its audience]. I want to think about my business in terms of the platonic ideal. Imagining the platonic ideal means visualizing your solution in its most perfect form before attempting to create it in reality. This means the focus is on the perfect product rather than the perfect application of what happens to be my existing skillset. Describe my business in terms of this platonic ideal.

Know who to ask for help

At the moment my biggest challenge is [explain your biggest challenge] and I want to find a solution that [describe your ideal outcome]. Can you suggest the type of person I should ask for help with this challenge, as well as how I could reach out to them and what specific questions I should ask? Name some specific people who have experience in solving this type of problem.

Implement The 4-Hour Workweek in your business

Tim Ferriss’ book, The 4-Hour Workweek, was first published in 2007 and spent four weeks on the bestseller lists. The 308 pages hold a plethora of concepts to apply to your life and work. Here’s how to use ChatGPT to implement the most powerful five.

Apply Pareto’s Principle

I'm an entrepreneur looking to optimize my business operations. I'd like to perform a Pareto analysis to identify the 20% of activities that yield 80% of my desired outcomes. Can you help me identify which tasks or areas I should focus on to achieve the most significant impact with less time investment? My business is [describe your business], my goals are [outline your business goals] and each week I [outline how you spend your time each week].

Join the new rich

I'm an entrepreneur striving to achieve a 'new rich' lifestyle where wealth is measured in experiences and freedom, not just finances. Inspired by the concept of mini-retirements from The 4-Hour Workweek, I want to design a life where I have the flexibility to enjoy extended breaks throughout my career. My business is [outline your business] and my role is [describe your role.] The experiences I value are [describe what you do outside work] and I enjoy spending time [outline other activities you enjoy doing]. Can you (1) define my version of the 'new rich' and (2) identify potential opportunities for mini-retirements I could take?

Delegate, automate, eliminate

Within my business I believe there are tasks I could delegate, automate and eliminate. Given that our revenue goal is [describe your revenue goal] and the activities that contribute towards this are [outline what contributes towards making sales], of which I am personally responsible for [say which you do yourself], can you identify tasks that could be delegated, automated or eliminated? For each one, say why, outline the next steps and explain how much time it could save.

Cultivate selective ignorance

Within any given day there are a lot of things that try to get my attention. These include people such as [describe the people who ask you for things and what they ask for] and websites [include the websites you are notified or distracted by]. Cultivating selective ignorance means being happy to let things slide in order to free up time and headspace for what matters. Imagine you’re a productivity expert, can you suggest (a) what processes I should put in place so my team can progress without my involvement and (b) what I should intentionally ignore in order to protect my headspace?

Create your email autoresponder

I want to create a [tone, for example friendly and direct] email autoresponder that will be sent to everyone that emails me and serve the purpose of [purpose, for example them being directed elsewhere to have their problem solved and not expecting an immediate response from me]. People usually email me about the following items, and I respond with the following answers: [list common topics people email you about the corresponding answer]. Can you create an email autoresponder that politely directs people to visit the appropriate web page or how-to video to solve their problem, so they are not waiting on me for a response? Use the style of this one: [paste an example of which you like the style and tone, perhaps from Ferriss’ blog].

Prompts to start a side hustle

Use ChatGPT for advice and guidance on your side hustle journey and see if you learn anything new. Even if you have a plan, its responses could uncover ways forward you hadn’t considered.

Assess your resources

Here are the resources I already have available: [include details of any savings or income, time available, network members, specialist skills or knowledge], as well as strong personality traits of [describe the strengths of your personality, for example hard working, tenacious, confident]. Can you list my top five resources in order of how useful they will be in starting a side hustle? For each one, explain why it’s useful and what I should do to make the most of it.

Get business ideas

My main interests and passions are [describe your main interests and passions] and my network includes people who [describe the demographics of people in your network]. Given what you know about my resources, can you suggest 10 side hustle ideas I could start? My goal is to spend [number] hours per week on this project and for it to bring in [amount of money] per [frequency] within [goal for achieving this revenue.]

Plan the first few steps

I’d like to explore this idea in more detail: [include the idea you like the best]. Outline a 10-point plan that details the exact steps I should take, with an explainer for each, to make this business a success. Base this on me working [number of hours per day or week] on this venture.

Create financial goals

Given my financial goals of [amount of money] per [frequency] within [goal for achieving this revenue], suggest metrics that I should track to ensure I am on target for this goal. Include how often I should report on this metric. Finally, include a revenue and profit forecast by month, in line with my main financial goal.

Get the confidence to go for it

Play the role of a motivational coach. I am someone who is planning to start a side hustle but I’m having doubts. I’m questioning my abilities and I’m feeling afraid of taking risks, failing, and embarrassing myself. Give me the confidence that I can succeed in my side hustle. Include what you know about my strengths to reinforce what you say.

Be a better entrepreneur

Improving as an entrepreneur is a constant process, add another tool to your arsenal by enlisting the help of ChatGPT.

Establish your values

Please create a set of values for me as an entrepreneur, based on the information I’ll explain. I’ll use these values to make decisions and ensure I’m acting consistently. The things that are most important to me in life are: [describe what they are]. The qualities I most admire in other people are [describe what they are] and the qualities I most detest in other people are [describe what they are]. I do my work in order to achieve [describe your ideal outcomes].

Identify your main goal

I want to achieve lots of things for my business, including: [describe the main things you want to achieve in your career]. Can you help me simplify this into one overarching goal and accompanying mission statement, so I don’t get side-tracked and distracted by other things?

Consider trade-offs

Within my company we are working on the following projects [outline the projects you’re working on]. We want to achieve our one main goal of [your one main goal], and we’re optimising for [explain what metrics matter the most to you]. Can you help me consider the trade-offs involved in this focus? What should I be prepared to forgo or not focus on in pursuit of my one main goal?

Subtract the non-essential

Here’s what I do within a normal week: [outline your weekly schedule with how long you spend on each item]. Given my one, overarching mission, and what I’m optimising for, can you suggest where I can remove commitments, activities and obligations that don’t contribute towards my goal in a meaningful way? I’m prepared to make big changes to my schedule based on your suggestions.

Identify blind spots

I know my mission and I’m going to start to remove some of the day-to-day tasks that don’t contribute towards it. Given my business of [describe your business], my skills of [describe your five main skills] and my weaknesses of [highlight any potential areas of weakness], can you identify any blind spots that I haven’t considered? Consider internal and external factors and suggest a three-point plan for overcoming each one.

Design your dream week

For me, a perfect week includes [list the components of your dream week] and by the end I will have achieved [list what you’d like to achieve each week]. My energy is highest [time of day] and lowest at [time of day]. Given that you already know my main goal is [your one main business goal] and that I’m optimising for [what you’re optimising for], can you plan a weekly schedule where each day is filled with my favourite things structured in such a way that I enjoy my time.

Supercharge your LinkedIn

... and build a huge following. These prompts were created with Lara Acosta, who writes hundreds of LinkedIn posts every single month, for herself and her clients. Recently she has been co-creating with AI to improve results. Here are the top prompts Acosta actually uses to supercharge LinkedIn for herself and her clients.

Resonate with a specific audience

My target audience consists of [describe your target audience and their main challenges] within the industry of [add industry explainer]. Write [number] attention-grabbing headlines for LinkedIn posts that entice my target audience to click and read.” Further this prompt by asking ChatGPT to: “Suggest the copy for the rest of each post. Make these posts about [describe the content topics you want to discuss] and format them as follows: [include any style or formatting guidelines ChatGPT should follow].

Generate ideas for hooks

Analyse this hook [include the hook that performed well] and give me 10 similar, bold ideas for [describe your industry and type of work].

Replicate proven structures

This LinkedIn post performed well: [insert post]. Create a similar post with the same structure, but on the topic of [describe your topic here.]

Channel thought-leaders

Content pillars are a set of themes or topics that a brand can use to create posts. Please come up with 5 content pillars and sub-pillars for [describe the work of an influencer or entrepreneur that resonates with you].

Finish strong

Please finish writing this post by adding two more lines of text (fewer than 30 words in total), use persuasive psychology to compel an action in the reader, and relate back to the hook.

Proofread like a pro

Please proofread this post, edit any spelling or grammar mistakes, ensure it reads below a 5th grade level and tell me which changes you have made: [Include your LinkedIn post here].

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Validate a business idea

Train ChatGPT to sense-check each idea, so you can sort those incredible must-do ideas from the ones that should be left well alone.

Figure out your unfair advantage

I’m thinking of starting a business that [describe what this business does] and I want to understand my unique strengths in making it a success. I have experience in [describe your experience] and expertise in [describe your expertise]. I have access to people who [describe your network]. Can you give me the reasons why this will and won’t be a success based on my specific situation?

Understand your perfect customer

Now you know what business I want to start, can you suggest who might be the one ideal customer for this business? Can you describe their demographics and explain what problems they might have, that my business might solve. Please rank these problems in order, starting with the most important thing to them. Next, tell me what products or services they are currently using to solve these problems.

Assess demand for your idea

Can you give me 3 main reasons why someone would want to buy my product? Next, estimate how many people in [location, if applicable] could be in my target audience, and tell me the size of this market and its likely growth over the next five years. Please also include any adjacent markets I could explore.

Collect feedback

Create a survey for my potential audience. Start by giving a description of my business and who it’s for, to set the scene. For the first question, create three compelling value propositions that address how my business solves a problem for them, and ask which value proposition most resonates. Next, ask how likely they would be to buy, and then ask what this new concept would need to do to win their business. Finally, give me options on how I collect this feedback from my target audience.

Make your testing plan

How do I create a minimum viable product (MVP) or prototype, to test my business idea with real users and gather their insights? Include information such as how much this might cost and the steps to take to make it happen. Include what metrics I should look out for to know if my idea is worth pursuing.

Become a better negotiator

Whether you’re sealing the deal on a big purchase, securing investment at the right valuation, making a sale with a tough customer or simply negotiating with your team, learn how to do it better with a few tips from ChatGPT.

Start strong

I’m trying to [outline what you want to achieve] with someone who [explain the other party’s stance] and I want to reach an outcome where [explain your negotiation goals]. Help me craft a strong and persuasive opening statement for negotiations that sets the right tone and stands me in good stead for reaching an optimal outcome.

Ask better questions

I think that once the other person realizes [the truth you believe the other person is unaware of] they will [explain how they could agree to your plan]. Provide me with a list of insightful questions to ask during negotiations to help me find new ways in, as well as understand the other party's motivations to make this more likely.

Handle objections

How can I anticipate and address potential objections or concerns raised by the other party during this negotiation, ensuring a smoother and more successful process? Some objections I believe they have are [explain their problems] but I’d like to pre-empt every possible issue.

Find the win-win

Assist me in generating creative win-win solutions that benefit both parties and foster a collaborative atmosphere during negotiations. Potential win-win solutions I have thought of are [explain any you have in mind] but I would like to think of more so I can assess before presenting them.

Keep your cool

In a heated discussion, I sometimes find myself [explain the ways you might lose your cool]. I don’t want to do that here. Give me strategies to keep my composure when engaging in this discussion, so I can continue to direct the conversation positively and achieve my ideal outcome.

Write your business plan

Write your business plan with ChatGPT. Create the 5 components of a solid business plan in record time using these prompts that you can copy and paste straight in.

Executive summary

My business is called [name] and it offers [type of products or services you offer] to [your target audience]. It makes money by [explain your revenue model]. This business is in a good position because [explain elements of the business that make it relevant right now] and our revenue or cash position is [describe your financial position]. So far we have [outline achievements so far] and we plan to [include your plans for the future]. Can you help me craft a short executive summary that transforms that information into a clear and concise description for the first page of my business plan. Adopt a tone that is [describe the tone you want for your business plan, for example professional and direct].

Business overview

Next in the business plan is a business overview. Please write this to include sections titled [edit as appropriate: goals, the market, target audience, products and services, route to market]. Our business goals are [explain your top 3 business goals] within [timeframe for achieving them and exit plan]. We serve [demographics of your specific target audience] and solve their problem of [describe their top problems your business addresses]. Our offering consists of [describe your product or services], which [add more information about them] and our revenue model is [go into more detail on how you make money]. Use the same tone of voice as the last section.

Sales and marketing

Based on what you know about my business, please create the sales and marketing section of my business plan. Create a compelling value proposition that communicates the unique benefits of my product or service to my target audience. Outline effective marketing strategies I can use to promote my business and reach my target audience. Please also explain any industry trends, customer needs, and potential competitors that my business should be aware of. Finally, write a description of my ideal customer, add a paragraph on positioning and how we present ourselves to this person, and include how we will ensure we set ourselves apart from competitors. So far, we have planned [describe any existing plans].

Operations and management

Now please write the operations and management section of my business plan. Please include details on the people and processes that will ensure this business runs smoothly and achieves its goals. Include how we deliver the product or service, how we ensure quality control, how we manage inventory, suppliers and customers, and [any other sections you want to include]. Also go into detail on the people, including the organizational structure and lines of communication. Incorporate this information: [explain anything else to include].

Financial plan

Given what you know so far, can you create a detailed financial plan, including sales forecasts, expenses, and funding requirements for my business. I’m looking for the following, in table format: (1) a breakdown of my monthly income and expenses right now (2) a 12-month plan (3) a 3-year plan (4) my breakeven number right now and (5) any future big expenses that will be incurred at specific stages. Here’s all the information to incorporate [include any information on price per unit, units expected to sell, cost per unit, staff costs, rent, rates, machinery, software and so on].

Unlock rapid learning

Your unique advantage is how quickly you can learn and evolve. With every new update, concept or insight within your industry, get hungry to grasp its essentials right away. Learn how to learn fast to gain all the benefits in half the time.

Find the opportunity

Give me an analysis of the future outlook and potential opportunities in [specific topic you want to learn]. How can I, an entrepreneur running [describe your business] position myself to capitalize on emerging trends?"

Create the roadmap

Create a personalized rapid mastery roadmap for learning [topic you want to learn about] using the 80/20 rule. Outline the core concepts, essential resources, and key practical exercises that an entrepreneur should focus on to quickly grasp the most critical aspects of the subject. Provide a timeline of learning and milestones to track progress and ensure efficient learning.

Get a crash course

Provide me with a concise but comprehensive crash course on [specific topic] in line with this road map. For each of the pointers outlined, cover the essential concepts, key principles, and real-world applications in a clear and structured manner.

Know the latest developments

Update me on the latest trends and developments in [specific topic]. What are the cutting-edge advancements and how are they reshaping the industry? Given what you know about my business, which should I pay attention to?

Find out how it’s used in practice

Delve into successful case studies related to [specific topic]. Analyze what strategies, tools, or approaches were used by entrepreneurs, and how they resulted in positive outcomes. Make the link between what they did and what I am well placed to do with my business, either by adapting my current business or incorporating this new field.

Learn from experts

Identify the top thought leaders and experts in [specific topic]. Extract the key insights and knowledge from their work, interviews, and publications, focusing on the 20% of information that delivers 80% of value. Provide a curated collection of resources to help me access the most impactful expertise quickly.

Avoid common mistakes

Highlight the most common mistakes or pitfalls encountered when learning or applying [specific topic]. How can entrepreneurs avoid these errors to achieve success faster?

Craft a compelling elevator pitch

If you don’t have an elevator pitch, use ChatGPT to help you create one. If you have a tried-and-tested explainer that you’ve used for a while, see if you can improve the message to make a better impression.

Your opening line

Create a compelling opening line for my business, [describe your business] that quickly introduces [explain your product/service] and grabs the listener's attention.

A strong value proposition

Help me communicate the unique value my business offers to my target customers and what problem it solves for them. After working with us, the customers of my business [describe the transformation they experience].

Specific target audience

Our customers tend to be [explain the characteristics of your target audience] Can you craft a succinct and clear description of them, that easily explains this to a potential introducer.

The key benefits

My business is unique because [explain why your business is unique]. Can you put the 2-3 most compelling aspects of what I do into a few lines that can form part of my elevator pitch?

Finish strong

The first step towards working with me is [explain what a potential customer would do next]. Can you conclude my elevator pitch with a line that casually explains this to the person I’m talking to, who might be able to introduce me to a potential customer.

Enjoying these prompts? Get the latest additions to your inbox every month when you subscribe here:

Improve your time management

These prompts were created with Doctor Alvaro Cintas-Canto, who uses Twitter (now X) to educate a growing audience of AI enthusiasts on emerging tools and the latest technological advancements. Here’s how to prompt ChatGPT to be your personal AI productivity coach.

Structure and prioritize your tasks

How should I structure my day to achieve the most? Express the outputs in a table [Insert tasks and available time], it’s important that I complete [describe your main tasks] today.

Industry-standard methods

Considering the nature of my role [explain more about your role] within the field of [explain your industry], list some industry-specific time management strategies I could implement.

Subtracting activities

Considering my day’s plan [add the plan from part one], what nonessential activities could I reduce or eliminate to save more time?” You could also ask, “How would I do this in practice?” and explain, “based on my one main objective of [explain your mission].

Repeatable week

Generate a weekly schedule for me based on these tasks [insert tasks] and my business goal of [your one main goal].” You could add that, “I would like each day to be [similar/different] to the daily schedule you outlined by [explain changes for the other days].

Timeline of milestones

Based on my goals [explain your one big goal and any smaller ones], suggest a timeline with milestones, so I can achieve these goals within [insert time frame].

Handling interruptions

Provide a guideline on how to efficiently handle interruptions and distractions during my workday. These might include: [insert typical interruptions and when they might happen].

Co-create, ideate, make more money, save time

Entrepreneurs are using ChatGPT to write emails, training it to be a personal AI business coach and finding out how to outrank competition with SEO-optimized articles. Here are the five most popular prompts used by entrepreneurs.

The business idea prompt

I'm looking for business ideas in [describe your industry or area of expertise] within the parameters of [describe the essential elements of the idea]. Can you suggest some innovative and profitable opportunities?

The marketing strategy prompt

What are the most effective marketing strategies to promote my [describe your product or service] that solves the problem of [describe the problem it solves]? We have a target audience of [add information about your target audience] and want to achieve [explain the outcome you are looking for].

The efficiency prompt

How can I optimize my business operations, which involve [describe your business processes and how you make money] and increase efficiency, specifically in the areas of [describe the business areas where you suspect efficiency can be made]?

The raising money prompt

What are the key factors to consider when raising capital for my startup? My business does [describe what your business does] for the benefit of [describe your target audience]. Can you give me potential sources of funding and suggest how I approach each one?

The expansion prompt

How can I scale my business and expand into new markets? My business is [describe your business] and most of our customers come from [describe how you get your clients]. We want ideas of new ways forward, potentially including new customer bases, product lines and partnerships. Please suggest some in order or priority.

Unlock ChatGPT's full potential

Prompt engineer is a highly skilled role. We didn’t learn it in school. We need to learn it now. Here are eight prompting techniques that entrepreneurs should learn to prompt ChatGPT more effectively.

Ask open-ended questions

What are some ways I can better market my product [explain your product], to appeal to an audience of [explain your audience]?

Provide context and constraints

I'm running a [explain what type of company you run and who it serves] and have a marketing budget of [give an approximate amount per month you want to spend on marketing]. How can I maximize my advertising efforts to reach my specific target audience of [describe target audience]?

Seek specific advice or recommendations

Which [type of platform you’re looking for] platform would you recommend for a [type of business you are] selling [the product or service that you sell], considering [the factors you’re looking to optimize for]?

Ask for pros and cons

What are the advantages and disadvantages of [explain the decision you’re thinking of taking] for my [type of company you run], compared to [alternative route you could take]?

Request a step-by-step plan

Can you outline the essential steps to successfully [explain the project you’re looking to complete] for [describe your type of business], including [include the specifics you want. For example, pre-launch activities and post-campaign follow-ups]?

Seek insights from data

Based on [the data you entered, for example my website analytics], which [decision you’re making for example, marketing channels, services or products to focus on] to generate more [outcome you want, for example qualified leads] for my [type of company]?

Solicit creative ideas

I'm looking for innovative ways to [outcome you want to achieve, for example enhance customer engagement] for my [type of business you have]. How can I leverage [areas you want ideas about, for example technology or gamification] to make [outcome you want to achieve for your target audience]?

Request a comparison between different options

Could you provide a comparison between [the first option you’re considering] and [the second outcome you’re considering] for a [describe what type of business you are]? The outcome I want to achieve is [describe the outcome you want to achieve from this decision].

Enjoy your job more

Use these prompts to enjoy your job more. Open up your favourite large language model, paste them in, and personalise the text. See what comes out, prompt further to refine, and take the response to your team or manager for workplace wellbeing and happiness on a whole new level.

Negotiate a raise

Help me craft a persuasive argument to negotiate a raise with my employer. Provide me with key points to highlight my value and contributions to the company. Here’s some more information about my role: [include more detail about when you joined, what you do, your current salary, why you exceed expectations, how you create value for your employer].

Get noticed for your work

I want to get noticed at work and increase my job satisfaction. Can you provide me with practical strategies and tips to stand out among my colleagues, showcase my skills, and make a positive impact on the organization? Here’s an example: [describe something you achieved that you weren’t adequately recognized for].

Work remotely

I want to enjoy my job more by working remotely. Can you assist me in creating a convincing proposal to present to my manager, outlining the benefits of remote work and how it can positively impact my productivity and job satisfaction? Here are more specifics to include: [explain when and how you successfully worked away from an office in the past, and what you achieved. Include any other information ChatGPT should weave into a response].

Work a flexible schedule

I'm seeking a more flexible schedule to enhance my work-life balance. Can you help me draft an email to my line manager, explaining the advantages of a flexible schedule and how it can contribute to my overall job enjoyment and performance? I currently [explain your current hours and the restrictions] but I’d like to [explain your desired outcome and why it’s optimal for the company].

Make friends at work

Having good relationships with my colleagues is important for enjoying my job. Can you give me advice on how to make friends at work and build positive connections with my coworkers? Some further context is: [add further context about your role and colleagues, the company itself. and what you want to achieve].

Help you get motivated

Sometimes, I struggle with motivation at work. Can you provide me with effective ways to stay motivated and find fulfillment in my job, even during challenging times? For additional context, [add more information about why you’re lacking motivation] and I’m looking to achieve [what you want the outcome to be].

Quit without burning bridges

Leaving my job is a big decision, but I want to do it gracefully without burning any bridges. Can you first give me a structure for a meeting with my boss and then compose a resignation letter that expresses gratitude, professionalism, and a desire to maintain positive relationships with them?

Write better content

...and not sound like a robot. These prompts were created with Dickie Bush, a former hedge fund trader turned digital writer. Bush talks about digital business and personal progress to entrepreneurs and creators aspiring to make writing their thing, and found these 7 “goals” to be the best instructions when asking it to rewrite something. Here are the prompts you need to publish with confidence.

More persuasive

Rewrite my text with powerful, convincing language that will leave my readers no choice but to take action.

More informative

Rewrite my text with rich, informative details that will leave my readers feeling educated and informed.

More descriptive

Rewrite my text with evocative, descriptive language that paints a vivid and unforgettable picture in my readers’ minds.

More humorous

Rewrite my text with clever, comedic touches that will leave my readers laughing and entertained.

More action-oriented

Rewrite my text with urgent, action-oriented language that will inspire my readers to take immediate action.

More emphatic

Rewrite my text with emphasis on the emotions and feelings of the characters or subjects I’m writing about, making the reader feel and connect with the story more.

More concise

Rewrite my text using more concise and to-the-point language, making it more direct and easy to understand for my readers.

Enjoying these prompts? Get the latest additions to your inbox every month when you subscribe here:

Write better emails

Regardless of how many emails you send, one thing is for sure: they should be clear. As succinct as possible, direct without being curt, and compassionately written to save the other person time.

Reorganize into bullet points

I'd like to present this information in a more concise and structured manner. Can you reformat this email into a bullet-pointed list? [Copy email here].

Create an out of office response

I will be out of the office from [date] to [date] because [explain where you’ll be or what you’ll be doing]. During this time, I will not have access to my email. Please create an autoresponder email that is [style and tone you would like]. Tell recipients they should [alternative action you want someone to take.]

Improve the tone

I would like you to help me sound more [specify the tone you want: friendly, direct, assertive, polite, professional, formal, confident] in this email and remove any apologetic language.

Start and finish in a unique style

Can you assist me in creating a distinct and memorable greeting and sign-off for my emails? I want this to reflect my personality and make a positive impression. My role is [your role] and my I [explain what your company does]. I mainly engage with [describe the typical recipients of your emails]. I want to come across as [explain how you want to be portrayed].

Condense into a few sentences

Please help me cut down the content of this email to a few concise sentences. I want it to be clear and to the point. [Include the email here].

Grab attention

I would like you to suggest an attention-grabbing title for this email, and rephrase the email to be more compelling and attention-grabbing. It should have a punchier tone, especially in the introduction and captivate the recipient throughout. [Include the email here].

Make it more personal

I want to make this email more personal by including specific information I know about the recipient. Can you help me incorporate that into the email? I want to show the recipient that I value our relationship. The email content is: [include the email content] and specific information about the recipient is: [include information unique to them].

Grammar and spell check

Can you assist me in checking the grammar and spelling of this email? I want to ensure it is error-free and professionally written.

Increase your productivity

These prompts were created with Matt Gray, known as The Systems Guy. Gray helps founders scale their brand and community with proven systems. He shared his 6 ways to make ChatGPT your productivity machine in 2023, so you can get more done in less time.

Simplify complex topics

Can you simplify the concept of [insert complex topic]? Please share a bullet point summary of its main parts, explain each part in simple terms, and provide examples of it in practice.

Generate summaries

Can you provide me with a summary of this [insert article/report URL]?

Edit your writing

Can you check my writing for any errors and suggest improvements? [Copy and paste your writing].

Write emails

Can you help me write an email to [add the name and role of the recipient] about [add the subject and outline what the email should include.]” For further context, say, “Here’s the draft I have so far: [add your draft email] and more information about the recipient is [include additional information.]

Discover new ideas

Can you suggest some prompts I can use with ChatGPT to get topic ideas for [explain your area of expertise]?

Outline content

Can you suggest some key points for a piece of content on [insert topic]? The goal of this content is to [explain the reaction you want your audience to have] and to establish me as [describe the authority you want to evoke, perhaps an unbiased reporter or a subject matter expert.]”

Create free resources

...your audience will love. Free resources that are high quality and of genuine value could be part of this stack, but they can take a lot of effort to create. Enter ChatGPT. Here’s how to create free, valuable resources that your audience will be compelled to download.

Get ideas for your lead magnet

Can you give me some digital lead magnet ideas for [describe your niche]? They should be compelling with high perceived value. They should include my expertise on the topics of [describe your company’s expertise] and speak to my audience’s desires to [explain your audience’s desires] and avoid [explain your audience’s biggest challenges.]

Build your lead magnet

I want to create [title of the lead magnet ChatGPT came up with], can you outline the main sections and bullet point that each section should include.

Build a landing page for your lead magnet

I’d like the copy for a landing page where I will share this free resource. Based on what you know about my target audience and the purpose of the resource, can you give me an attention-grabbing headline, a concise subheading that leads on from this, 3 bullet points that show I understand the pains of my audience, then 6 bullet points on what the lead magnet will give them? Finish with a clear call to action that invites someone to download.

Improve your lead magnets

I have a lead magnet that [explain what your lead magnet is and does] but I’m getting the feedback that [explain the feedback you have received or your opinion on why the conversion rate isn’t at high]. Can you suggest some more lead magnet ideas that directly address the pain points of [include more of your audience’s pain points.

Build an influential online presence

With these clever prompts, you can get clear on your mission, vision and values and be ready to get famous for the sake of your business.

Define your personal brand

I describe myself as a [your professional role] and I help [specific target audience] achieve [main outcomes you help your audience achieve.] What are the key elements that define my personal brand and make me unique?

Craft your brand story

Throughout my business journey I have faced these challenges [summarize any challenges you have overcome.] Given this information, what is the compelling story behind my personal brand? How can I craft a brand narrative that engages and resonates with my target audience?

Establish your online presence

Which online platforms are most relevant to my personal brand and target audience? Recommend in order of where my target audience are most likely to be. How can I establish a strong online presence on these platforms?

Curate engaging content

What valuable content can I curate and share with my audience to establish myself as an expert in my field? How can I consistently provide value and showcase my expertise?

Engage with your audience

Using [the main social media platform you’ll focus on], how can I actively engage with my audience to foster meaningful connections? What specific strategies can I use to encourage interaction and conversation? Create an action plan of 3 things I should do every day.

Leverage visual branding

How can I develop a visual brand identity that aligns with my personal brand? What elements and design choices can I use to create a cohesive and memorable image?

Monitor and enhance your brand

How can I monitor and assess the perception of my personal brand online? What steps can I take to enhance and adapt my brand as needed?

Supercharge your marketing

Entrepreneurs are using ChatGPT to make edits to their marketing and create new campaigns, with the goal of testing their ability to move the needle. Here are 9 prompts that entrepreneurs can use to supercharge their marketing efforts in a fraction of the time.

Craft attention-grabbing ad copy

Generate three attention-grabbing ad copy variations that effectively communicate the unique selling points of my [describe your specific product or service], with the goal of targeting [describe your specific audience segment].

Personalize your marketing messages

Compose a personalized email that addresses the recipient by name, introduces me as [your name and role], acknowledges their specific interests in [describe your topic or product], and offers a tailored solution to their [describe your audience’s specific pain point or need].

Optimize landing pages for maximum conversions

Describe the key elements and persuasive content that should be included on a landing page to ensure maximum conversions and minimize bounce rates for a [describe your product or service], targeting [describe your specific audience segment].

Generate irresistible call-to-actions (CTAs)

Create 5 options for a compelling call-to-action that motivates website visitors to take immediate action, such as [complete with your desired outcome, for example signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or scheduling a consultation] for your [specific product or service].

Enhance email campaigns

Generate a series of personalized email subject lines and preview texts that entice recipients to open and engage with my email campaign that aims to [describe the aim of your campaign], resulting in increased open rates. The email campaign is focused on [describe your specific objective or offer] and achieves [describe the outcome your product or service creates] for clients.

Conduct effective market research

Formulate a set of market research questions that will provide valuable insights into my target audience's preferences, pain points, and purchasing behaviors for [describe your specific product or service]. Explain that the goal of the research is so we can serve them better. Ask them to include as much detail as possible.

Refine target audience segmentation

Develop a refined target audience segmentation strategy by identifying specific demographic, psychographic, or behavioral traits that will help tailor my marketing messages more effectively for [describe your specific product or service]. Specify the key attributes and characteristics I should aim to target."

Generate content ideas that resonate

Create a list of content ideas and topics that align with the interests, challenges, and aspirations of [describe your target audience], ensuring that my content resonates and delivers value. Specify the target audience segment and the purpose of the content (educational, entertaining, promotional, etc.).

Improve customer engagement and support

Create a set of responses in the style of [describe your company’s style, voice and tone] that address the customer query of [include common customer queries here], including the following in the response: [information to include]. Provide relevant information, and offer assistance to enhance customer engagement and support. Specify the key topics or types of questions my company should be prepared to handle.

Enjoying these prompts? Get the latest additions to your inbox every month when you subscribe here:

Maximize internet-enabled ChatGPT

These prompts were created with Paul Couvert, known for building tools “better and faster using AI and no-code” and teaching others to do the same.

Summarize news

What were the main points from [the last United Nations climate change report released in 2023]? Summarize with a short paragraph and a list.

Detect a trend

Provide a short analysis of the latest [e-commerce] trends and consumer behavior patterns in [the first quarter of 2023].

Apply academic research

Summarize the key findings of the latest research [published in 'Nature' last week] on the topic of [exoplanet destruction]. Give an answer in markdown.

Improve your keystone habits

From recent online studies, what are the [top 5 tips] to [work better from home?] Make a summary table.

Predict the future

Based on the latest financial results of [the 50 biggest tech companies], how might their shares perform in the coming weeks?

Understand a complex event

Tell me the current [price of gasoline in France] and explain to a 12 year old why [this price isn't going down now while the price of oil is going down.]

Level up your resume

Your resume gets your foot in the door and it’s up to you to prove you’re worth keeping. Here’s how to improve that all-important document to make sure it doesn’t let you down.

Improve the formatting and structure

Please review my resume and suggest any improvements to the formatting and structure. I want it to be visually appealing and easy to read.

Enhance the content

Can you review my work experience section and suggest ways to make it more impactful? I want to highlight my achievements and emphasize the skills that are most valuable to employers.

Refine the skills and qualifications

I have a long list of skills, but I'm not sure which ones to prioritize. Can you help me choose the most relevant skills for the position I'm targeting? My skills are [list of skills] and the position requires [requirements of role].

Make the summary more compelling

Could you please review my summary statement and make it more captivating? I want it to immediately grab the attention of hiring managers.

Proofread and spot errors

Please proofread my resume and suggest any improvements to grammar, spelling, or language usage. I want to make sure it's error-free and professionally written.

Train your personal AI business coach

Use this simple prompt and configure ChatGPT to become your personal AI business coach. Use the large language model to your advantage and unlock your next level.

Create your personal AI coach

I'm seeking guidance as I navigate my business journey, and I'd love to engage in a conversation with you as my business coach. My business is [briefly describe your business or business idea], and I'm facing some challenges in [mention specific areas or issues]. I believe your expertise can help me gain clarity, develop effective strategies, and overcome obstacles. Can we engage in a back-and-forth conversation where I can share more details about my business, and you can ask questions, confront my thinking and find the root cause of some of my challenges?

Create SEO-optimised articles

These prompts were created with Udo Gollub, who has been exploring AI writing tools to improve his processes, and sharing what he learns in a community for content creators and Henry Purchase, whose plugin has a ChatGPT integration so clients can utilise ChatGPT and other AI tools to generate content at scale.

Generate the ideas

Come up with 50 highly SEO optimized blog post ideas on the topic of (topic). Write the headline and a one-sentence summary.

Create the structure

This will be the topic for a highly SEO optimized blog article: (copy the headline and summary just generated). From this headline and summary, create a list of all the bullet points of what should be included in the article.

Write the article

Now write a (number of words) highly SEO-optimized blog article about this: (copy your headline and bullet points in here). Write as HTML code with basic HTML formatting. Use short paragraphs and write in this writing style: (add examples of your writing style).

Prepare the image

Now imagine an image for this blog article that attracts a lot of clicks, likes and shares and write a description for that image. Describe the main element of the image as well as the background.

Finish hours of work in seconds

These prompts were created with Rowan Cheung, founder of The Rundown AI, who is on a mission to inform millions of people about the latest advancements in AI and highlight how technology is transforming the world. Here are 8 ChatGPT prompts to finish hours of work in seconds, to supercharge your output without breaking a sweat.

Explain like I'm a beginner

Explain [topic] in simple terms. Explain to me as if I'm a beginner.

Create unique content ideas

Topic: How to [what you want to achieve] talking about [your topic]. Come up with unique and innovative content ideas that are unconventional for this topic for the medium of [Twitter, article, LinkedIn, etc].

Quiz yourself

Give me a short quiz that tests me on [what you want to learn].

Change the writing style or tone

Change the writing style of the text below to [style or tone].

Consult an expert

I will give you a sample of my writing. I want you to criticize it as if you were [role].

Train it to learn your writing

Analyze the text below for style, voice, and tone. Create a prompt to write a new paragraph in the same style, voice, and tone.

Specify the audience and purpose

Topic: [add your topic]
Audience: [add your audience]
Tone: [add your tone]
Goal: [add your goal]

List long articles in bullet points

Summarize this paragraph into bullet points that a beginner would understand.

Enjoying these prompts? Get the latest additions to your inbox every month when you subscribe here:

Write your website homepage

Here’s how you assemble the components of an effective homepage, using ChatGPT to create a value proposition, appeal to your ideal customer, speak to their biggest challenges, paint the big picture and add a compelling call to action.

Create your value proposition

My company works with [target audience] to achieve [the 3 main results you create for customers]. After working with us they feel [the change you create for people]. We are unique because we [ways in which your business is unique]. Create 10 options for value propositions from this information. Each one should speak directly to a member of our target audience and be really compelling, so they want to find out more.

Appeal to your ideal customer

My company’s customers are [describe your dream customer in terms of demographics, location, interests, life stages and anything else relevant.] They want to achieve [describe what your dream customer is looking to achieve in engaging your services]. Can you give me 6 bullet points that succinctly describe this person, in a way that they would relate to. These six bullet points will sit under the header, ‘Our customers are…’ and must be engaging to people who fit the description provided.

Speak to their biggest challenges

I have described my company’s customers in detail (in my last question). Now, can you explain their three biggest challenges in a way that speaks directly to them, as being things they want to stop experiencing. These three bullet points will go under a sentence that starts, ‘They want to…’.

Paint the big picture

Now you know about my ideal customer, their biggest challenges and how my company helps them, can you give me a paragraph that starts, ‘Imagine if’ and describe how amazing their life could be with all their problems solved by working with us. Explain how they will feel and the changes they will experience. Speak directly to them in this paragraph.

Add a compelling call to action

Now I want my customer to click a button and get in touch. Can you give me 3 options, each fewer than 6 words, of the text that could go on that button? They will use that button to [book a call, make an enquiry, pay a deposit / delete as appropriate] and it has to be compelling and related to the transformation described above.

Request testimonials using drafted feedback

My ideal customer experiences these three main challenges: [paste the challenges from earlier in the chat.] Please can you write a paragraph testimonial for each challenge, from a customer who experienced that exact challenge and no longer experiences it since working with us.

Informational, instructive, creative, and problem-solving prompts

These prompts were created with Lasse Linnes, who is fascinated with effective prompting and is explaining everything so we can benefit. Here are 4 types of prompt specifically for entrepreneurs and exactly how to use each one.

Learn about a topic

I want to learn about [insert topic]. Identify and share the most important 20% of learnings from this topic that will help me understand 80% of it.

Summarizing a book, transcript, meeting notes or article

Summarize the book [book name] by the author [author name] and give me a list of the most important learnings and insights.

Write a video script

Write a script for a YouTube video. The video is a how-to guide on creating your first Facebook ads as a beginner. The video should be no longer than 5 minutes and be so simple that a 10-year-old would understand it.

Write a blog post

Write a [length in words] blog post on [topic in detail]. Use [specify the type of] tone, targeting [your target audience]. Include the following sections [specify subheaders], targeting the primary keyword of [primary keyword] [number] times, and including secondary keywords [secondary keywords], to be used [number] times [BC1] each.

Create a social media campaign

Provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a social media campaign for a [type of] business selling [type of products] to [target audience].

Create a script from instructions

Provide a guide on how to write a short ad script for promoting [type of company].

Learn anything faster

...with these gamechanging prompts, created with Rowan Cheung, founder of The Rundown, a fast-growing AI newsletter providing an in-depth look at the latest developments in AI. Use these prompts to upskill in record time.

Simplify complex information

Break down (topic you’d like to understand) into smaller, easier-to-understand parts. Use analogies and real-life examples to simplify the concept and make it more relatable.

Create a study schedule

I need help organizing my study time for (subject). Can you create a study schedule for me, including breaks and practice exercises?

Memorize key information

What are the most important facts, dates, or formulas related to (topic)? Help me create a memorization technique to remember them easily.

Ask for feedback

I've been studying (topic) on my own. Can you review my work and give me feedback on areas I need to improve?

Apply your knowledge

Use your knowledge of (topic you’re interested in) to solve a real-world problem. Explain your thought process and share your solution.

Compare and contrast

Compare and contrast (concept 1) and (concept 2) to better understand their similarities and differences. Use examples to illustrate your points.

Learn from mistakes

I made a mistake while practicing (skill). Can you explain what went wrong and how I can avoid making the same mistake in the future?

Connect with others

Connect me with a community of learners and experts in (topic). How can I join a forum, social media group or other online community to share my knowledge and learn from others?

Summarize complex texts

I need to read a complicated article related to (topic). Can you help me summarize the key points and takeaways from the text?

Stay updated

Help me stay updated on the latest developments and trends in (topic). What are some trustworthy resources I can follow to stay informed?

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